voici Voici le fichier bibliography
bibliography :
author = {Jones, D K C},
booktitle = {The shaping of southern England},
pages = {13--47},
publisher = {Academic Press London},
title = {{The Tertiary evolution of south-east England with particular reference to the Weald}},
volume = {11},
year = {1980}
title={Fault systems at hyper-extended rifted margins and embryonic oceanic crust: Structural style, evolution and relation to magma},
author={Gillard, Morgane and Autin, Julia and Manatschal, Gianreto},
journal={Marine and Petroleum Geology},
title={Lateritic paleoweathering profiles in French Massif Central: paleomagnetic datings},
author={Ricordel-Prognon, Caroline and Lagroix, France and Moreau, Marie-Gabrielle and Thiry, M{\'e}dard},
journal={Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Pal{\'e}osurfaces d'alt{\'e}ration du Massif central},
author={Baptiste, Julien and Wyns, Robert},
title={Identification of peneplains by multi-parameter assessment of digital elevation models},
author={Haider, Vicky L and Krop{\'a}{\v{c}}ek, Jan and Dunkl, Istv{\'a}n and Wagner, Bianca and von Eynatten, Hilmar},
journal={Earth Surface Processes and Landforms},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Retroarc foreland systems----evolution through time},
author={Catuneanu, Octavian},
journal={Journal of African Earth Sciences},
title={Lateral variations in foreland flexure of a rifted continental margin: The Aquitaine Basin (SW France)},
author={Angrand, P and Ford, M and Watts, AB},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Notice explicative, carte g{\'e}ologique de la France(1/50000) feuille Gourdon (832)},
author={Astruc, J.G.},
publisher={Bureau de Recherches g{\`'e}ologique et mini{\`e}res, Orl{\`'e}ans}
title={Les otolithes de teleosteens de l'Oligo-Miocene d'Aquitaine (Sud-Ouest de la France)},
author={Steurbaut, Etienne},
journal={Palaeontographica Abteilung A},
publisher={Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung}
title={Notice explicative, carte g{\'e}ologique de la France(1/50000) feuille Puy-l'Eveque (856)},
author={Astruc, J.G.},
publisher={Bureau de Recherches g{\`'e}ologique et mini{\`e}res, Orl{\`'e}ans}
title={Notice explicative, carte g{\'e}ologique de la France(1/50000) feuille Albi (932)},
author={Collomb, P and Gras, H and Durand-Delga, M and Delsahut, B and Cubaynes, R and Mouline, P and Paris, JP},
publisher={Bureau de Recherches geologique et minieres, Orleans}
title={D{\'e}p{\^o}ts et alt{\'e}rites des plateaux du Larzac central: Causses de l'Hospitalet et de Campestre (Aveyron, Gard, H{\'e}rault). Evolution morphog{\'e}n{\'e}tique, cons{\'e}quences g{\'e}ologiques et implications pour l'am{\'e}nagement.},
author={Bruxelles, Laurent},
school={Aix-Marseille 1}
title={The evolution of the Massif Central Rift; spatio-temporal distribution of the volcanism},
author={Michon, Laurent and Merle, Olivier},
journal={Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} g{\'e}ologique de France},
publisher={Societe Geologique de France}
title={Late Miocene to present-day fluvial incisions in the Western Pyrenees: The record of local or regional uplift?},
author={Uzel, Jessica and Lagabrielle, Yves and Wyns, Robert and Steer, Philippe and Nivi{\`e}re, Bertrand},
title={Surrection et {\'e}rosion polyphas{\'e}es de la bordure c{\'e}venole. Un exemple de morphogen{\`e}se lente},
author={S{\'e}ranne, Michel and Camus, Hubert and Lucazeau, Francis and Barbarand, Jocelyn and Quinif, Yves},
journal={Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} g{\'e}ologique de France},
title={Chronom{\'e}trie par la m{\'e}thode potassium-argon des laves des Causses et du Bas Languedoc: interpr{\'e}tations},
author={Gillot, Pierre-Yves},
title={Utilisation de l'analyse morphostructurale pour la mise en {\'e}vidence de l'halocin{\`e}se durant le Mio-Plio-Quaternaire en Aquitaine m{\'e}ridionale},
author={Chavaud, D and Delfaud, Jean},
journal={Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} g{\'e}ologique de France},
publisher={Soci{\'e}t{\'e} G{\'e}ologique de France}
title={Formation and evolution of paleo-valleys linked to a subsiding canyon, North Aquitaine shelf (France)},
author={Bellec, Val{\'e}rie Karin and Cirac, Pierre and Faug{\`e}res, Jean-Claude},
journal={Comptes Rendus Geoscience},
title={Notice explicative, carte g{\'e}ologique de la France(1/50000) feuille Bordeaux (803)},
author={Alvinerie, J, Pratviel, L, Gayet, J, Dubreuilh, J, Moisan, J L, Wilbert, J, Asti{\'e}, H, Duvergé, J},
publisher={Bureau de Recherches g{\`'e}ologique et mini{\`e}res, Orl{\`'e}ans}
title={Notice explicative, carte g{\'e}ologique de la France(1/50000) feuille Langon (852)},
author={Alvinerie, J, Dubreuilh, J},
publisher={Bureau de Recherches g{\`'e}ologique et mini{\`e}res, Orl{\`'e}ans}
title={Notice explicative, carte g{\'e}ologique de la France(1/50000) feuille Maramande (853)},
author={Mouline, M P, Dubreuilh, J, Cazal, A, Le Tensorer, J M, Paquereau, M, Pouchan, P, Wilbert, J.},
publisher={Bureau de Recherches g{\`'e}ologique et mini{\`e}res, Orl{\`'e}ans}
title={Notice explicative, carte g{\'e}ologique de la France(1/50000) feuille Revel (1011)},
author={Demange, M, Alabouvette, B, Mouline, M.P., Astruc, J.G.},
publisher={Bureau de Recherches g{\`'e}ologique et mini{\`e}res, Orl{\`'e}ans}
title={Recherches sur l'{\^a}ge de la formation d'eau douce de la partie orientale du bassin de la Gironde},
author={Delbos, Joseph},
publisher={P. Bertrand}
title={Essai de cartographie structurale et faciologique du bassin s{\'e}dimentaire ouest-aquitain pendant l'Oligoc{\`e}ne},
author={Pratviel, Louis},
publisher={Institut de g{\'e}ologie du bassin d'Aquitaine}
title={NAJAC A1/50000},
author={Burg, JP and Guillaume, M and Alabouvette, B and Astruc, G},
title={Le Poudingue de Juran{\c{c}}on du Sud de Pau appartient {\`a} la S{\'e}rie syntectonique de Palassou: preuve par la d{\'e}couverte d'une malacofaune {\'e}coc{\`e}ne},
author={Hourdebaigt, M-L and Villatte, J and Crochet, B},
journal={Comptes rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des sciences. S{\'e}rie 2, M{\'e}canique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'univers, Sciences de la Terre},
title={Stratigraphie et s{\'e}dimentologie des molasses synorog{\'e}niques en B{\'e}arn et en Bigorre},
author={Hourdebaigt, Marie-Laure},
school={Toulouse 3}
title={Sur les formations continentales et lacustres tertiaires de la pattie Sudorientale du bassin d'Aquitaine},
author={Casteras, M},
journal={Actes du},
author={Platel, JP and C{\'e}lerier, G and Duchadeau-Kervazo, C and Chevillot, C and Charnet, F},
author={Platel, JP and Charnet, F and Lenoir, M},
title={Biostratigraphie de l'Oligo-Mioc{\`e}ne du Bassin d'Aquitaine fond{\'e}e sur les nannofossiles calcaires. Implications pal{\'e}og{\'e}ographiques},
author={Cahuzac, B and Janin, MC and Steurbaut, E},
journal={Geologie de la France-Geology of France},
publisher={Editions Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres}
title={Notice explicative de la feuille Cancon {\`A} 1/50000},
author={Capdeville, JP and Charnet, F and Turq, A},
title={Magmatic breakup as an explanation for magnetic anomalies at magma-poor rifted margins},
author={Bronner, Adrien and Sauter, Daniel and Manatschal, Gianreto and P{\'e}ron-Pinvidic, Gwenn and Munschy, Marc},
journal={Nature Geoscience},
publisher={Nature Publishing Group}
title={Essai sur la min{\'e}ralogie des monts Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es...},
author={Palassou, Pierre-Bernard},
title={L'ensemble des environnements oligoc{\`e}nes nord aquitains: un mod{\`e}le de plate-forme marine stable {\`a} s{\'e}dimentation carbonat{\'e}e},
author={Gayet, Jacques},
journal={M{\'e}moires de l'Institut de G{\'e}ologie du Bassin d'Aquitaine},
title={Notice explicative de la feuille de Penne d'Agenais },
author={Capdeville, JP},
title = {Évolution géomorphologique du Massif armoricain depuis 200 MA : approche Terre-Mer},
author = {Bessin, Paul},
year = {2014}
title={Mouvements verticaux des marges passives d’Afrique australe depuis 130 Ma, {\'e}tude coupl{\'e}e: stratigraphie de bassin: analyse des formes du relief},
author={Baby, Guillaume},
title={S{\'e}dimentation continentale en zone cratonique: le Castrais et l'Albigeois(France) au tertiaire},
author={Mouline, Michel},
title={Notice explicative de la feuille de Lavaur },
title={Notice explicative de la feuille de Blaye et Ste Luce },
title={Reconciling plate-tectonic reconstructions of Alpine Tethys with the geological--geophysical record of spreading and subduction in the Alps},
author={Handy, Mark R and Schmid, Stefan M and Bousquet, Romain and Kissling, Eduard and Bernoulli, Daniel},
journal={Earth-Science Reviews},
title={Western Alps geological constraints on western Tethyan reconstructions},
author={Stampfli, GM and Borel, Gilles D and Marchant, R and Mosar, Jon},
journal={Journal of the Virtual Explorer},
title={Cin{\'e}matique de l’Atlantique nord et central, 108},
author={Olivet, JL and Bonnin, J and Beuzart, P and Auzende, JM},
journal={CNEXO, Plouzan{\'e}},
title={Tectonic evolution of the Pyrenees},
author={Choukroune, Pierre},
journal={Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences},
publisher={Annual Reviews 4139 El Camino Way, PO Box 10139, Palo Alto, CA 94303-0139, USA}
title={Structure, thermicit{\'e} et {\'e}volution g{\'e}odynamique de la Zone Interne M{\'e}tamorphique des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es},
author={Ducoux, Maxime},
title={ECORS deep seismic data and balanced cross sections: Geometric constraints on the evolution of the Pyrenees},
author={Roure, F and Choukroune, P and Berastegui, X and Munoz, JA and Villien, A and Matheron, Ph and Bareyt, M and Seguret, M and Camara, P and Deramond, J},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={The ECORS Pyrenean deep seismic profile reflection data and the overall structure of an orogenic belt},
author={Choukroune, P},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Implications of the seismic structure for the orogenic evolution of the Pyrenean range},
author={Daigni{\`e}res, M and Gallart, J and Banda, E\_ and Hirn, A},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={Crustal scale balanced cross-sections of the Pyrenees; discussion},
author={Seguret, Michel and Daignieres, Marc},
title={Nouveau mod{\`e}le de la cha{\^\i}ne des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es},
author={Deramond, J and Graham, RH and Hossack, JR and Baby, P and Crouzet, G},
journal={Comptes rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des sciences. S{\'e}rie 2, M{\'e}canique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'univers, Sciences de la Terre},
title={A balanced section across the Pyrenean orogenic belt},
author={Williams, Graham D and Fischer, Michael W},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={The Pyrenees: subduction and collision?},
author={Boillot, Gilbert and Capdevila, Raymond},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={A Discussion on natural strain and geological structure-Strain patterns in the Pyrenean Chain},
author={Choukroune, P},
journal={Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences},
publisher={The Royal Society London}
title={Une autre interpr{\'e}tation du profil ECORS Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es},
author={Mattauer, MAURICE},
journal={Bulletin de la Societ{\'e} g{\'e}ologique de France},
publisher={Societe Geologique de France Paris, France}
title={Activit{\'e} sismotectonique plio-quaternaire de l’ouest des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es},
author={Lacan, Pierre},
title={Submarine reworking of exhumed subcontinental mantle rocks: field evidence from the Lherz peridotites, French Pyrenees},
author={Lagabrielle, Yves and Bodinier, Jean-Louis},
journal={Terra Nova},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Interaction between prerift salt and detachment faulting in hyperextended rift systems: The example of the Parentis and Maul{\'e}on basins (Bay of Biscay and western Pyrenees)},
author={Jammes, Suzon and Manatschal, Gianreto and Lavier, Luc},
journal={AAPG bulletin},
publisher={American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)}
title={Relative motions of Africa, Iberia and Europe during Alpine orogeny},
author={Rosenbaum, Gideon and Lister, Gordon S and Duboz, C{\'e}cile},
title={Iberian plate kinematics: jumping plate boundaries, an alternative to ball-bearing tectonics},
author={Schouten, H and Srivastava, SP and Klitgord, K},
journal={Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union},
title={Nature and origin of the J-magnetic anomaly offshore Iberia--Newfoundland: implications for plate reconstructions},
author={Nirrengarten, Michael and Manatschal, Gianreto and Tugend, Julie and Kusznir, Nick J and Sauter, Daniel},
journal={Terra Nova},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane: Braunschweig},
author={Wegener, Alfred},
journal={Sammlung Vieweg},
title={Testing Iberian kinematics at Jurassic-Cretaceous times},
author={Neres, M and Miranda, JM and Font, E},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={The rotation of Iberia during the Aptian and the opening of the Bay of Biscay},
author={Gong, Z and Langereis, CG and Mullender, TAT},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={Multicomponent magnetizations in the Foyers Old Red Sandstone (northern Scotland) and their bearing on lateral displacements along the Great Glen Fault},
author={Storetvedt, KM and Tveit, E and Deutsch, ER and Murthy, GS},
journal={Geophysical Journal International},
publisher={Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford, UK}
title={Palaeomagnetism and isotopic age data from Upper Cretaceous igneous rocks of W. Portugal; geological correlation and plate tectonic aspects},
author={Storetvedt, KM and Mogstad, H and Abranches, MC and Mitchell, JG and Serralheiro, A},
journal={Geophysical Journal International},
publisher={Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford, UK}
title={Aeromagnetic survey of south-western Europe},
author={Le Borgne, Eug{\`e}ne and Le Mou{\"e}l, Jean-Louis and Le Pichon, Xavier},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={Les relations entre la cha{\^\i}ne des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es et le golfe de Gascogne},
author={Mattauer, M and S{\'e}guret, M},
journal={J. Debyser, X. Le Pichon, and L. Montadert. Technip, Paris},
title={A linear inversion method to infer exhumation rates in space and time from thermochronometric data},
author={Fox, M and Herman, F and Willett, SD and May, DA},
journal={Earth Surface Dynamics},
publisher={Copernicus GmbH}
title={L'Histoire structurale du Golf de Gascogne},
author={Montadert, L and Winnock, E and others},
title={A gravity survey in the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay},
author={Bacon, M and Gray, F},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={Motion of Iberia since the Late Jurassic: results from detailed aeromagnetic measurements in the Newfoundland Basin},
author={Srivastava, SP and Roest, WR and Kovacs, LC and Oakey, G and Levesque, S and Verhoef, Jl and Macnab, R},
title={Le flysch noir albo-c{\'e}nomanien t{\'e}moin de la structuration albienne {\`a} s{\'e}nonienne de la Zone nord-pyr{\'e}n{\'e}enne en Bigorre (Hautes-Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es, France)},
author={Debroas, ELIE-JEAN},
journal={Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} g{\'e}ologique de France},
publisher={Societe Geologique de France Paris, France}
title={New paleomagnetic results from Cretaceous sediments near Lisboa (Portugal) and implications for the rotation of Iberia},
author={Galdeano, Armand and Moreau, Marie Gabrielle and Pozzi, Jean Pierre and Berthou, Pierre Yves and Malod, Jacques Andr{\'e}},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={Kinematic evolution of the Tethys belt from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pamirs since the Triassic},
author={Savostin, L{\'e}onid A and Sibuet, Jean-Claude and Zonenshain, Lev P and Le Pichon, Xavier and Roulet, Marie-Jose},
title={Basement blocks and tecto-sedimentary evolution in the Pyrenees during Mesozoic times},
author={Peybernes, Bernard and Souquet, Pierre},
journal={Geological Magazine},
publisher={Cambridge University Press}
title={Tectonique des plaques et Pyrenees; sur le fonctionnement de la faille transformante nord-pyreneenne; comparaisons avec des modeles actuels},
author={Choukroune, P and Mattauer, M},
journal={Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} g{\'e}ologique de France},
publisher={Societe Geologique de France Paris, France}
title={Caracteristiques et evolution structurale des Pyrenees; un modele de relations entre zone orogenique et mouvement des plaques},
author={Choukroune, Pierre and Seguret, Michel and Galdeano, A},
journal={Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} g{\'e}ologique de France},
publisher={Societe Geologique de France Paris, France}
title={Les relations entre la cha{\^\i}ne des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es et le golfe de Gascogne},
author={Mattauer, M and S{\'e}guret, M},
journal={J. Debyser, X. Le Pichon, and L. Montadert. Technip, Paris},
title={Structure gravim{\'e}trique du golfe de Gascogne et le foss{\'e} marginal nord-espagnol},
author={Sibuet, JC and Le Pichon, X},
journal={Histoire structurale du Golfe de Gascogne},
publisher={Editions Technip Paris}
title={Une hypoth{\`e}se d'{\'e}volution tectonique du Golfe de Gascogne},
author={Le Pichon, X and Bonnin, J and Francheteau, J and Sibuet, JC},
journal={Histoire structurale du Golfe de Gascogne},
publisher={Technip Paris}
title={La faille nord-pyr{\'e}n{\'e}enne: faille transformante li{\'e}e {\`a} l'ouverture du golfe de Gascogne},
author={Le Pichon, X and Bonnin, J and Sibuet, JC},
journal={CR Acad. Sci. Paris},
title={Formation and deformation of hyperextended rift systems: Insights from rift domain mapping in the Bay of Biscay-Pyrenees},
author={Tugend, Julie and Manatschal, Gianreto and Kusznir, NJ and Masini, Emmanuel and Mohn, G and Thinon, Isabelle},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Mapping hyper-extended rift systems offshore and onshore: insights from the Bay of Biscay-Western Pyrenees},
author={Tugend, Julie and Manatschal, Gianreto and Kusznir, Nicolas J and Masini, Emmanuel and Thinon, Isabelle},
booktitle={EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts},
title={Iberian plate kinematics and Alpine collision in the Pyrenees},
author={Vissers, RLM and Meijer, P Th},
journal={Earth-Science Reviews},
title={Mesozoic rotation of Iberia: subduction in the Pyrenees?},
author={Vissers, RLM and Meijer, P Th},
journal={Earth-Science Reviews},
title={3D architecture of a complex transcurrent rift system: the example of the Bay of Biscay--Western Pyrenees},
author={Jammes, Suzon and Tiberi, Christel and Manatschal, Gianreto},
title={Tectonosedimentary evolution related to extreme crustal thinning ahead of a propagating ocean: Example of the western Pyrenees},
author={Jammes, Suzon and Manatschal, Gianreto and Lavier, Luc and Masini, Emmanuel},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={La couverture s{\'e}dimentaire syn-rift de la marge nord Gascogne et du Bassin armoricain (golfe de Gascogne) {\`a} partir de nouvelles donn{\'e}es de sismique-r{\'e}flexion},
journal={Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} g{\'e}ologique de France},
publisher={Soci{\'e}t{\'e} G{\'e}ologique de France}
title={Structure profonde de la marge nord-Gascogne et du bassin armoricain},
author={Thinon, Isabelle},
title={Pyrenean orogeny and plate kinematics},
author={Sibuet, Jean-Claude and Srivastava, Shiri P and Spakman, Wim},
journal={Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={New paleomagnetic Mesozoic data from the Algarve (Portugal): fast rotation of Iberia between the Hauterivian and the Aptian},
author={Moreau, Marie Gabrielle and Berthou, Jacques Yves and Malod, Jacques-Andr{\'e}},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={Results from a detailed aeromagnetic survey across the northeast Newfoundland margin, Part II: Early opening of the North Atlantic between the British Isles and Newfoundland},
author={Srivastava, SP and Verhoef, J and Macnab, R},
journal={Marine and Petroleum Geology},
title={Magnetic evidence for slow seafloor spreading during the formation of the Newfoundland and Iberian margins},
author={Srivastava, SP and Sibuet, J-C and Cande, S and Roest, WR and Reid, Ian Derry},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={Paleomagnetic evidence for the rotation of the Iberian Peninsula},
author={Van der Voo, Rob},
title={Continental drift},
title={Kinematics of the plate boundaries between Eurasia, Iberia, and Africa in the North Atlantic from the Late Cretaceous to the present},
author={Roest, WR and Srivastava, SP},
publisher={Geological Society of America}
title={Croissance et d{\'e}nudation des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es du Cr{\'e}tac{\'e} sup{\'e}rieur au Pal{\'e}og{\`e}ne: apports de l'analyse de bassin et thermochronom{\'e}trie d{\'e}tritique},
author={Filleaudeau, Pierre-Yves},
school={Universit{\'e} Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI}
title={Notice explicative, carte g{\'e}ologique de la France 1: 50 000},
author={Kieken, M and Thibault, C},
journal={Saint Vincent de Tyrosse, Serv. g{\'e}ol. nat},
title={Kinematics of the Iberian plate},
author={Olivet, JL},
journal={Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf Aquitaine},
title={L'Eoc{\`e}ne de Biarritz (Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es atlantiques, SW France). Stratigraphie et pal{\'e}oenvironnement. Monographie des foraminif{\`e}res},
author={Mathelin, J-C and Sztr{\`a}kos, K},
journal={Cahiers de Micropal{\'e}ontologie},
title={A concise geologic time scale: 2016},
author={Ogg, James George and Ogg, Gabi and Gradstein, Felix M},
title={La cha{\^\i}ne alpine des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es},
author={Souquet, Pierre and Peybernes, Bernard and Bilotte, Michel and Debroas, Elie-Jean},
journal={G{\'e}ologie alpine},
title={Synth{\`e}se pal{\'e}og{\'e}ographique et structurale des d{\'e}p{\^o}ts fluvio-lacustres tertiaires du nord du Bassin d'Aquitaine entre Lot et Dordogne},
author={Capdeville, Jean-Pierre},
school={Universit{\'e} Michel de Montaigne}
title={Synth{\`e}se pal{\'e}og{\'e}ographique et structurale des d{\'e}p{\^o}ts fluviatiles tertiaires du nord du bassin d'Aquitaine: passage aux formations palustres, lacustres et marines},
author={Dubreuilh, Jacques},
publisher={{\'E}ditions du BRGM}
title={Les monts sous-marins dans le golfe de Gascogne: t{\'e}moins de son 297 {\'e}volution? m{\'e}moire de DEA},
author={Fidalgo-Gonz{\'a}lez, L},
journal={Universit{\'e} de Bretagne Occidentale},
title={Structural style and evolution of the Gulf of Lion Oligo-Miocene rifting: Role of the Pyrenean orogeny},
author={S{\'e}ranne, M and Benedicto, A and Labaum, P and Truffert, C and Pascal, G},
journal={Marine and Petroleum geology},
title={La tectonique pyr{\'e}n{\'e}enne {\`a} l'Oligoc{\`e}ne: une phase majeure de d{\'e}formation en compression m{\'e}connue du Bassin aquitain (France)},
author={G{\'e}ly, Jean-Pierre and Sztr{\`a}kos, K{\`a}roly},
journal={Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des Sciences-Series IIA-Earth and Planetary Science},
title={Subsidence et g{\'e}odynamique du Bassin d'Aquitaine. Relations avec l'ouverture de l'Atlantique},
author={Brunet, Marie-Fran{\c{c}}oise},
school={Paris 6}
title={Retro-wedge foreland basin evolution along the ECORS line, eastern Pyrenees, France},
author={Ford, Mary and Hemmer, Louis and Vacherat, Arnaud and Gallagher, Kerry and Christophoul, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric},
journal={Journal of the Geological Society},
publisher={The Geological Society of London}
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title={Looking for clues to paleoceanographic imprints: a diagnosis of the Gulf of Cadiz contourite depositional systems},
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title={Morphological features and associated bottom-current dynamics in the Le Danois Bank region (southern Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic): A model in a topographically constrained small basin},
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title={Le pi{\'e}mont des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es fran{\c{c}}aises},
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title={Recent sedimentary processes on the Cantabrian continental margin, eastern Bay of Biscay},
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title={Synthèse géologique et géophysique des Pyrénées, Cycle alpin : Stratigraphie},
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title={Erosion rates in the source region of an ancient sediment routing system: comparison of depositional volumes with thermochronometric estimates},
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title={Palaeoenvironments of the Late Miocene Pr{\"u}edo Basin: implications for the uplift of the Central Pyrenees},
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journal={Journal of the Geological Society},
title={Active fault control in the distribution of Elevated Low Relief Topography in the Central-Western Pyrenees},
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title={Early Variscan (Visean) granites in the core of central Pyrenean gneiss domes: implications from laser ablation U-Pb and Th-Pb studies},
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title={Molasses syntectoniques du versant nord des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es: la s{\'e}rie de Palassou},
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title={Recycling an uplifted early foreland basin fill: An example from the Jaca basin (Southern Pyrenees, Spain)},
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title={Tectonic control on sediment sources in the Jaca basin (Middle and Upper Eocene of the South-Central Pyrenees)},
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title={Retro-to pro-side migration of the main drainage divide in the Pyrenees: geologic and geomorphological evidence},
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title={Thermo-tectonics of the Pyrenees and Provence from fission track studies},
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title={Asymmetric exhumation across the Pyrenean orogen: implications for the tectonic evolution of a collisional orogen},
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title={L'exhumation de la Zone Axiale des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es orientales: Une approche thermo-chronologique multi-m{\'e}thodes du r{\^o}le des failles.},
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title={A new southern North Atlantic isochron map: Insights into the drift of the Iberian plate since the Late Cretaceous},
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title={Factors controlling the Alpine evolution of the central Pyrenees inferred from a comparison of observations and geodynamical models},
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title={Placing limits to shortening evolution in the Pyrenees: Role of margin architecture and implications for the Iberia/Europe convergence},
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title={Tectonic history of the western Tethys since the Late Triassic},
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title={Kinematics of the plate boundaries between Eurasia, Iberia, and Africa in the North Atlantic from the Late Cretaceous to the present},
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title={The crustal evolution of the west-central Pyrenees revisited: inferences from a new kinematic scenario},
author={Teixell, Antonio and Labaume, Pierre and Lagabrielle, Yves},
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title={D{\'e}couverte d'un encaissement entre d{\'e}p{\^o}ts de Sables fauves dans la r{\'e}gion de Sos (Mioc{\`e}ne centre-Aquitain)},
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title={Carte g6ologique de France (1/50 000\% feuille EAUZE (953)},
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title={Carte g{\'e}ologique de la France {\`a} 1/50000},
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title={Sedimentation on the cantabrian continental margin from late oligocene to quaternary},
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author={Capdeville, JP, Dubreuilh, J},
publisher={Service G{\'e}ologique National Orl{\'e}ans}
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title={Evolution morphostructurale et morphos{\'e}dimentaire de la plate-forme aquitaine depuis le N{\'e}og{\`e}ne},
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title={Etude du nannoplancton calcaire et des foraminif{\`e}res planctoniques dans l'Oligoc{\`e}ne et le Mioc{\`e}ne en Aquitaine (France)},
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title={Notice explicative, Carte géol. Franc (1/50000) feuille Saint-Symphorien},
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volume = {8},
year = {1986}
abstract = {We present a general stratigraphic synthesis for the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) and the Swiss Molasse Basin (SMB) from Eocene to Pliocene times. The stratigraphic data were compiled both from literature and from research carried out by the authors during the past 6 years; an index of the stratigraphically most important localitites is provided. We distinguish 14 geographical areas from the Helvetic domain in the South to the Hanau Basin in the North. For each geographical area, we give a synthesis of the biostratigraphy, lithofacies, and chronostratigraphic ranges. The relationships between this stratigraphic record and the global sea-level changes are generally disturbed by the geodynamic (e.g., subsidence) evolution of the basins. However, global sea-level changes probably affected the dynamic of transgression regression in the URG (e.g., Middle Pechelbrorm Beds and Serie Grise corresponding with sea-level rise between Ru1/Ru2 and Ru2/Ru3 sequences, respectively) as well as in the Molasse basin (regression of the UMM corresponding with the sea-level drop at the Ch1 sequence). The URGENT-project (Upper Rhine Graben evolution and neotectonics) provided an unique opportunity to carry out and present this synthesis. Discussions with scientists addressing sedimentology, tectonics, geophysics and geochemistry permitted the comparison of the sedimentary history and stratigraphy of the basin with processes controlling its geodynamic evolution. Data presented here back up the palaeogeographic reconstructions presented in a companion paper by the same authors (see Berger et al. in Int J Earth Sci 2005).},
author = {Berger, Jean Pierre and Reichenbacher, Bettina and Becker, Damien and Grimm, Matthias and Grimm, Kirsten and Picot, Laurent and Storni, Andrea and Pirkenseer, Claudius and Derer, Christian and Schaefer, Andreas},
doi = {10.1007/s00531-005-0475-2},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Berger{\_}jp05{\_}RhineGraben{\_}Up{\_}Swiss{\_}Molasse{\_}Palgeogr{\_}Eoc-Plioc{\_}IJES - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {14373254},
journal = {International Journal of Earth Sciences},
keywords = {Molasse,Neogene,Paleogene,Paleogeography,Rhine graben},
number = {4},
pages = {697--710},
title = {{Paleogeography of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) and the Swiss Molasse Basin (SMB) from Eocene to Pliocene}},
volume = {94},
year = {2005}
abstract = {The lower, alluvial unit in the Miocene Bicorb Basin contains several metric-scale limestone intervals which record episodic shallow lacustrine environments in an alluvial setting developed during the early stage of the basin's evolution. Five main carbonate facies have been differentiated in the lacustrine limestones, although calcite charophyte incrustations predominate and constitute the most striking features of these deposits. The thinnest limestone intervals correspond to deposits from charophyte meadows in ponded shallow depressions in floodplains. The thickest limestone intervals are mainly formed by banded limestones and usually correspond to diverse types of regressive sequences that have been interpreted as resulting from the infill of shallow lakes. The sedimentological features and sequences show noticeable differences in the gradient of the littoral zones and the amount of palustrine deposits with models proposed for marl lakes. Charophytic carbonates from the best-preserved facies show similar microtextures to those from recent charophyte incrustations. The variations in stable isotopes ($\delta$13C, $\delta$18O) for these primary carbonates occur in parallel with luminescence variations and correspond to hydrological changes and variations in solute composition and Eh-pH status in the lake waters. The carbonates that display moderate to strong diagenetic modifications show a diverse degree of compaction, aggrading neomorphism, strong cementation and nodulization. The isotopic values for these are arranged in diverse clusters. There is a correlation between the degree of luminescence and the $\delta$13C. This suggests that hydrological and hydrochemical variations both in the lacustrine and diagenetic environments are being recorded in parallel. We emphasize the need for further comparative studies between recent and ancient charophytic carbonates. As these carbonates have been used in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, special attention must be paid to the diagenetic changes in ancient charophytic marls. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},
author = {Anad{\'{o}}n, P. and Utrilla, R. and V{\'{a}}zquez, A.},
doi = {10.1016/S0037-0738(00)00047-6},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Anadon02{\_}SedGeol - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00370738},
journal = {Sedimentary Geology},
keywords = {Carbonates,Charophyta,Lake sediments,Miocene,Spain,Stable isotopes},
number = {3-4},
pages = {325--347},
title = {{Use of charophyte carbonates as proxy indicators of subtle hydrological and chemical changes in marl lakes: Example from the Miocene Bicorb Basin, eastern Spain}},
volume = {133},
year = {2000}
abstract = {Throughout geological time, evaporite sediments form by solar-driven concentration of a surface or nearsurface brine. Large, thick and extensive deposits dominated by rock-salt (mega-halite) or anhydrite (mega-sulfate) deposits tend to be marine evaporites and can be associated with extensive deposits of potash salts (mega-potash). Ancient marine evaporite deposition required particular climatic, eustatic or tectonic juxtapositions that have occurred a number of times in the past and will so again in the future. Ancient marine evaporites typically have poorly developed Quaternary counterparts in scale, thickness, tectonics and hydrology. When mega-evaporite settings were active within appropriate arid climatic and hydrological settings then huge volumes of seawater were drawn into the subsealevel evaporitic depressions. These systems were typical of regions where the evaporation rates of ocean waters were at their maximum, and so were centred on the past latitudinal equivalents of today's horse latitudes. But, like today's nonmarine evaporites, the location of marine Phanerozoic evaporites in zones of appropriate adiabatic aridity and continentality extended well into the equatorial belts. Exploited deposits of borate, sodium carbonate (soda-ash) and sodium sulfate (salt-cake) salts, along with evaporitic sediments hosting lithium-rich brines require continental-meteoric not marine-fed hydrologies. Plots of the world's Phanerozoic and Neoproterozoic evaporite deposits, using a GIS base, shows that Quaternary evaporite deposits are poor counterparts to the greater part of the world's Phanerozoic evaporite deposits. They are only directly relevant to same-scale continental hydrologies of the past and, as such, are used in this paper to better understand what is needed to create beds rich in salt-cake, soda-ash, borate and lithium salts. These deposits tend be Neogene and mostly occur in suprasealevel hydrographically-isolated (endorheic) continental intermontane and desert margin settings that are subject to the pluvial-interpluvial oscillations of Neogene ice-house climates. When compared to ancient marine evaporites, today's marine-fed subsealevel deposits tend to be small sea-edge deposits, their distribution and extent is limited by the current ice-house driven eustasy and a lack of appropriate hydrographically isolated subsealevel tectonic depressions. For the past forty years, Quaternary continental lacustrine deposit models have been applied to the interpretation of ancient marine evaporite basins without recognition of the time-limited nature of this type of comparison. Ancient mega-evaporite deposits (platform and/or basinwide deposits) require conditions of epeiric seaways (greenhouse climate) and/or continent-continent proximity. Basinwide evaporite deposition is facilitated by continent-continent proximity at the plate tectonic scale (Late stage E through stage B in the Wilson cycle). This creates an isostatic response where, in the appropriate arid climate belt, large portions of the collision suture belt or the incipient opening rift can be subsealevel, hydrographically isolated (a marine evaporite drawdown basin) and yet fed seawater by a combination of ongoing seepage and occasional marine overflow. Basinwide evaporite deposits can be classified by their tectonic setting into: convergent (collision basin), divergent (rift basin; prerift, synrift and postrift) and intracratonic settings. Ancient platform evaporites can be a subset of basinwide deposits, especially in intracratonic sag basins, or part of a widespread epeiric marine platform fill. In the latter case they tend to form mega-sulfate deposits and are associated with hydrographically isolated marine fed saltern and evaporitic mudflat systems in a greenhouse climatic setting. The lower amplitude 4 and 5th order marine eustatic cycles and the greater magnitude of marine freeboard during greenhouse climatic periods encourages deposition of marine platform mega-sulfates. Platform mega-evaporites in intracratonic settings are typically combinations of halite and sulfate beds. {\textcopyright} 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},
author = {Warren, John K.},
doi = {10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.11.004},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Warren10{\_}Evaporites{\_}Synth - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00128252},
journal = {Earth-Science Reviews},
keywords = {classification,deposition,economic geology,evaporite,marine,nonmarine,plate tectonics},
number = {3-4},
pages = {217--268},
publisher = {Elsevier B.V.},
title = {{Evaporites through time: Tectonic, climatic and eustatic controls in marine and nonmarine deposits}},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.11.004},
volume = {98},
year = {2010}
abstract = {We present the first comprehensive taxonomic and environmental study of dinoflagellate cysts in 185 surface sediment samples from the Black Sea Corridor (BSC) which is a series of marine basins extending from the Aegean to the Aral Seas (including Marmara, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas). For decades, these low-salinity, semi-enclosed or endorheic basins have experienced large-scale changes because of intensive agriculture and industrialisation, with consequent eutrophication and increased algal blooms. The BSC atlas data provide a baseline for improved understanding of linkages between surface water conditions and dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) distribution, diversity and morphological variations. By cross-reference to dinocyst occurrences in sediment cores with radiocarbon ages covering the past c. 11,700 years, the history of recent biodiversity changes can be evaluated. The seabed cyst samples integrate seasonal and multi-year data which are not usually captured by plankton samples, and the cyst composition can point to presence of previously unrecorded motile dinoflagellate species in the BSC. Results show the presence of at least 71 dinocyst taxa of which 36{\%} can be related to motile stages recorded in the plankton. Comparison with sediment core records shows that five new taxa appear to have entered or re-entered the region over the past century. Statistical analysis of the atlas data reveals the presence of four ecological assemblages which are primarily correlated with seasonal and annual surface water salinity and temperature; correlation with phosphate, nitrate and silicate nutrients, chlorophyll-a and bottom water oxygen is less clear but may be important for some taxa. Biodiversity indices reveal strong west − east biogeographical differences among the basins that reflect the different histories of Mediterranean versus Ponto-Caspian connections. The atlas data provide a standardised taxonomy and regional database for interpreting downcore cyst variations in terms of quantitative oceanographic changes. The atlas also provides a baseline for monitoring further changes in the BSC dinocysts that may accompany the accelerating development of the region.},
author = {Mudie, Peta J. and Marret, Fabienne and Mertens, Kenneth N. and Shumilovskikh, Lyudmila and Leroy, Suzanne A.G.},
doi = {10.1016/j.marmicro.2017.05.004},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Mudie17{\_}MarMicropal - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {03778398},
journal = {Marine Micropaleontology},
keywords = {Biodiversity,Harmful algae,Paleoceanography,Phytoplankton,Surface samples},
number = {June},
pages = {1--152},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Atlas of modern dinoflagellate cyst distributions in the Black Sea Corridor: from Aegean to Aral Seas, including Marmara, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas}},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2017.05.004},
volume = {134},
year = {2017}
abstract = {Lacustrine carbonates accumulate in all climates and in any tectonic situation. Their depositional patterns are assessed through a database involving literature representing over 250 lakes and lake basins worldwide. Carbonates and calcium-rich rocks (i.e., basalt or carbonatite) need to be available for weathering in the catchment and subsurface in order to produce carbonate sediments in lakes in the first place. Tectonics and climate control the distribution of carbonates through (1) the input and output of ions and minerals through surface water, groundwater, rainfall, and wind; (2) the morphometry of the lake; and (3) the temperature ranges and seasonality of the catchment location. Carbonate deposition proceeds through (1) biogenic mediation, including high productivity of micro- and picoplankton, macrofauna shell formation, and encrustations on any substrate, (2) concentration through evaporation, (3) eolian input, and (4) water-borne clastic input. Five general facies types are recognized for lacustrine carbonates: (1) laminated carbonates, (2) massive carbonates, (3) microbial carbonates, (4) marginal carbonates, and (5) open-water carbonates. Important fauna and flora associated with carbonates include diatoms, charophytes, insects, bivalves, gastropods, and ostracodes. Facies distribution is dependent on the input mode of calcium-rich waters and carbonate clasts in addition to lake circulation patterns and stratification. The use of stable isotopes of oxygen, carbon, and strontium as well as the recognition of diagenetic alternation in lacustrine carbonates aids in the reconstruction of climate, hydrology, and lake evolution. Dominantly carbonate lakes contain carbonate sediments from the littoral to profundal zone; the source areas for these lakes are composed of a significant percentage of carbonate rocks (more than 60-70{\%} of provenance). Partially carbonate lakes contain carbonate sediments in some areas of the lakes with 40-60{\%} of carbonate-rich provenance. Sparsely carbonate lakes show less significant carbonate accumulation within lakes because of minor carbonate-source rocks ({\textless}30-40{\%}). {\textcopyright} 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},
author = {Gierlowski-Kordesch, Elizabeth H.},
booktitle = {Developments in Sedimentology},
doi = {10.1016/S0070-4571(09)06101-9},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/GierlowskiKordesch10{\_}Lacustrine-Carb{\_}Elsevier - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00704571},
keywords = {carbonates,freshwater lakes,lacustrine,saline lakes},
number = {C},
pages = {1--101},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Chapter 1 Lacustrine Carbonates}},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0070-4571(09)06101-9},
volume = {61},
year = {2010}
author = {Flemings, Peter B and Jordan, Teresa E},
journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth},
number = {B4},
pages = {3851--3866},
publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
title = {{A synthetic stratigraphic model of foreland basin development}},
volume = {94},
year = {1989}
author = {Desegaulx, PAsCAL and Brunet, MARIE-FRAN{\c{c}}osE},
journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'{e}}t{\'{e}} g{\'{e}}ologique de France},
pages = {295--306},
publisher = {GeoScienceWorld},
title = {{Tectonic subsidence of the Aquitaine basin since Cretaceous times}},
volume = {8},
year = {1990}
author = {Abreu, Vitor},
publisher = {SEPM Soc for Sed Geology},
title = {{Sequence Stratigraphy of Siliciclastic Systems: The ExxonMobil Methodology; Atlas of Exercises}},
volume = {9},
year = {2010}
author = {Desegaulx, Pascal and Kooi, Henk and Cloetingh, Sierd},
journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
number = {1-4},
pages = {116--132},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Consequences of foreland basin development on thinned continental lithosphere: application to the Aquitaine basin (SW France)}},
volume = {106},
year = {1991}
author = {Allen, Philip A},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
title = {{Sediment routing systems: The fate of sediment from source to sink}},
year = {2017}
author = {Gurnis, Michael},
journal = {Science},
number = {5051},
pages = {1556--1558},
publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science},
title = {{Rapid continental subsidence following the initiation and evolution of subduction}},
volume = {255},
year = {1992}
author = {{Brown Jr}, L F and Fisher, W L},
publisher = {AAPG Special Volumes},
title = {{Seismic-Stratigraphic Interpretation of Depositional Systems: Examples from Brazilian Rift and Pull-Apart Basins: Section 2. Application of Seismic Reflection Configuration to Stratigraphic Interpretation}},
year = {1977}
author = {Johnson, David D and Beaumont, Christopher},
publisher = {Special Publications of SEPM},
title = {{Preliminary results from a planform kinematic model of orogen evolution, surface processes and the development of clastic foreland basin stratigraphy}},
year = {1995}
abstract = {Seismic interpretation of the MARCONI deep seismic survey enables recognition of the upper crustal structure of the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay and the main features of its Alpine geodynamic evolution. The new data denotes that two domains with different Pyrenean and north foreland structures exist in the Bay of Biscay. In the eastern or Basque-Parentis Domain, the North Pyrenean front is located close to the Spanish coast, and the northern foreland of the Pyrenees is constituted by a continental crust thinned by a north dipping fault that induced the formation of the Early Cretaceous Parentis Basin. In the western or Cantabrian Domain, the North Pyrenean front is shifted to the north and deforms a narrower and deeper foreland basin which lies on the top of a transitional crust formed from the exhumation of lithospheric mantle along a south dipping extensional low-angle fault during the Early Cretaceous. The transition between these two domains corresponds to a soft transfer zone linking the shifted North Pyrenean fronts and a north- to WNW-directed thrust that places the continental crust of the Landes Plateau over the transitional crust of the Bay of Biscay abyssal plain. Comparison between this structure and regional data enables characterization of the extensional rift system developed between Iberia and Eurasia during the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous and recognizes that this rift system controlled not only the location and features of the Pyrenean thrust sheets but also the overall structure of this orogen.},
author = {Roca, Eduard and Mu{\~{n}}oz, Josep Anton and Ferrer, Oriol and Ellouz, Nadine},
doi = {10.1029/2010TC002735},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Roca11{\_}Spain{\_}Biscay{\_}Mesoz{\_}Ext{\_}MARCONI{\_}Tectonics - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {02787407},
journal = {Tectonics},
keywords = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2010TC002735, doi:10.102},
number = {2},
pages = {1--33},
title = {{The role of the Bay of Biscay Mesozoic extensional structure in the configuration of the Pyrenean orogen: Constraints from the MARCONI deep seismic reflection survey}},
volume = {30},
year = {2011}
abstract = {The accretionary wedge of the Bay of Biscay is an east-west compressive belt buried under recent sediments of the abyssal plain at the north Iberian margin. This structure formed through the partial closure of the previously extended Biscay basin during the Cenozoic north-south collision between Europe and Iberia, the same collision that produced the Cantabrian-Pyrenean range on land. Three north-south seismic sections have been prestack depth migrated, showing a narrow-tapered wedge (7°-8°) whose internal structure corresponds to a set of south-dipping thrusts converging toward a basal decollement. There are differences along strike within the wedge: thrust spacing, the dip of the basal thrust, and the thickness of the sediments at the trough augment toward the east, increasing its overall size. The two-dimensional velocity models obtained through migration analysis reflect values between 2000 km/s at the sea floor (4500 m) and 5000 km/s at 12-km depth. The syntectonic package thickness varies from 1.5 to 3 km, while the posttectonic cover attains 1.5-2 km. A simple analysis based on critical wedge theory approaches suggests that the Biscay wedge formed in similar conditions to active submarine wedges, the strength of the decollement being lower than the strength of the wedge itself. Further comparison with other examples indicates high basal stress, which could be an added factor in the convergence stopping at this margin. The eastward size increase is attributed to the provision of extra sediments by the coetaneous rising of the cordillera on land. This weight steepens the basal angle without affecting the overall taper. Surprisingly, the eastward change from an oceanic to a transitional basement does not seem to be crucial in its geometry. {\textcopyright} 2012 by The University of Chicago.},
author = {Fern{\'{a}}ndez-Viejo, Gabriela and Pulgar, Javier A. and Gallastegui, Jorge and Quintana, Luis},
doi = {10.1086/664789},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Viejo12{\_}Spain{\_}Biscay{\_}Accr-Wedge{\_}MARCONI{\_}JGeol - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0022-1376},
journal = {The Journal of Geology},
number = {3},
pages = {315--331},
title = {{The Fossil Accretionary Wedge of the Bay of Biscay: Critical Wedge Analysis on Depth-Migrated Seismic Sections and Geodynamical Implications}},
volume = {120},
year = {2012}
abstract = {The Molasse Basin of Switzerland evolved through a distinct late Neogene history with initial development as a classic foredeep or foreland basin in response to loading of the lithosphere by the Alpine orogen. In the central and western foreland, the foredeep behaviour was terminated by deformation and uplift of the Jura Mountains in the distal regions of the foredeep. Following the Jura deformation the Plateau Molasse remained largely undeformed as it rode ‘piggy-back' style above the decollement feeding displacement into the Jura. Sediment accumulation data for the Molasse suggests that sedimentation in the Plateau Molasse region continued until the basin was inverted at about 5 Ma. We present a mechanical model for this sequence of events in which deformation jumps across much of the basin to the distal Jura because of the dip on the weak evaporitic decollement and the wedge-shape of the foredeep basin. Subsequently, the Plateau Molasse remained largely undeformed as a result of continued sedimentation in a wedgetop basin, where the physical properties and geometry of the orogenic wedge combine to produce a critical wedge whose critical surface slope would be less than zero and thus should dip towards the Alpine interior. Accommodation space is created over this negative surface–slope segment of the wedge and sedimentation maintains this slope near zero, stabilizing the wedge. We present a simple analytical theory for the necessary conditions for such a ‘negative-alpha basin' to develop and be maintained. We compare this theory to the late Neogene evolution of the Alps, Molasse Basin and Jura Mountains and infer physical properties for the decollement.},
author = {Willett, Sean D. and Schlunegger, Fritz},
doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2117.2009.00435.x},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Willet10{\_}Swiss{\_}Molasse{\_}Last{\_}Deposition{\_}BR - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0950091X},
journal = {Basin Research},
number = {5},
pages = {623--639},
title = {{The last phase of deposition in the Swiss Molasse Basin: From foredeep to negative-alpha basin}},
volume = {22},
year = {2010}
abstract = {We present a synoptic overview of the Miocene-present development of the northern Alpine foreland basin (Molasse Basin), with special attention to the pattern of surface erosion and sediment discharge in the Alps. Erosion of the Molasse Basin started at the same time that the rivers originating in the Central Alps were deflected toward the Bresse Graben, which formed part of the European Cenozoic rift system. This change in the drainage direction decreased the distance to the marine base level by approximately 1,000km, which in turn decreased the average topographic elevation in the Molasse Basin by at least 200m. Isostatic adjustment to erosional unloading required ca. 1,000m of erosion to account for this inferred topographic lowering. A further inference is that the resulting increase in the sediment discharge at the Miocene-Pliocene boundary reflects the recycling of Molasse units. We consider that erosion of the Molasse Basin occurred in response to a shift in the drainage direction rather than because of a change in paleoclimate. Climate left an imprint on the Alpine landscape, but presumably not before the beginning of glaciation at the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary. Similar to the northern Alpine foreland, we do not see a strong climatic fingerprint on the pattern or rates of exhumation of the External Massifs. In particular, the initiation and acceleration of imbrication and antiformal stacking of the foreland crust can be considered solely as a response to the convergence of Adria and Europe, irrespective of erosion rates. However, the recycling of the Molasse deposits since 5Ma and the associated reduction of the loads in the foreland could have activated basement thrusts beneath the Molasse Basin in order to restore a critical wedge. In conclusion, we see the need for a more careful consideration of both tectonic and climatic forcing on the development of the Alps and the adjacent Molasse Basin. {\textcopyright} 2010 Springer-Verlag.},
author = {Schlunegger, Fritz and Mosar, Jon},
doi = {10.1007/s00531-010-0607-1},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Schlunegger10{\_}Swiss{\_}Molasse{\_}Last-Eros-Stage{\_}IJES - copie.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0053101006},
issn = {14373254},
journal = {International Journal of Earth Sciences},
keywords = {Alps,Climate and erosion,Geodynamics,Molasse,Tectonics},
number = {5},
pages = {1147--1162},
title = {{The last erosional stage of the Molasse Basin and the Alps}},
volume = {100},
year = {2011}
abstract = {Clinoforms are inclined and normally basinward-dipping horizons developed over a range of spatial and temporal scales in both siliciclastic and carbonatic systems. The study of clinoform successions underpins sequence stratigraphy and all efforts to reconstruct the relative partitioning of reservoir, seal and source rocks along shoreline to basin-floor profiles. Here, we review clinoform research and propose a more systematic description and classification of clinoforms. This is a crucial step to improve predictions of facies and lithology distribution within shoreline to continental shelf and abyssal plain successions, together with the genesis, drivers and dynamics of their constituent sedimentary units. Four basic clinoform types are here distinguished in delta/shorelines, lacustrines and marine environments, on the basis of their overall spatial and temporal scale, morphology, outbuilding dynamic and geodynamic and depositional setting: (1, 2) delta-scale clinoforms, which in turns are sub-divided into shoreline and delta-scale subaqueous clinoforms; (3) shelf-edge clinoforms; and (4) continental-margin clinoforms. Delta-scale clinoform sets are tens of metres high and typically represent 1–103 kyr, with progradation rates ranging from 1,000–100,000 m/kyr for shorelines and “subaerial deltas” to 100–20,000 m/kyr for subaqueous deltas; shelf-edge clinoform sets are hundreds of metres high and are nucleated and accreted in 0.1–20 Myr (usual progradation rates of 1–100 m/kyr) by successive cross-shelf transits of delta-scale clinoforms; continental-margin clinoform sets are thousands of metres high, hallmark key geodynamic/crustal boundaries (e.g., continent/ocean transition) and slowly prograde basinwards in ca. 5–100 Myr, with typical rates of 0.1–10 m/kyr. As a consequence of the very different progradation rates and of the difficulty of large-scale clinothems to backstep during transgressions, shorelines are the most dynamic clinoforms with regards to position, continental margins the least, and shelf-edges are intermediate. Shortly after a transgression, therefore, the four clinoform types may prograde synchronously along shoreline-to-abyssal plain transects, forming “compound clinoform” systems. During the subsequent regressive cycle, however, due to the dissimilarity in progradation rates, different clinoform types will normally merge progressively with each other, giving rise to “hybrid clinoforms” (e.g., shelf-edge deltas), and fewer depositional breaks-in-slope are distinguished along a single shoreline-to-abyssal plain transect. Overall, all clinoform systems are the result of the dynamic evolution of compound and hybrid clinoforms along a temporal and spatial continuum, regulated by the cyclical backstepping of the smaller-scale system within natural progradational-retrogradational cycles of larger-scale clinothem outbuilding. All clinothem types may show either an accretionary/active or draping/passive style, depending on the proximity to the sediment source. Draping clinothems are nearly-always composed of condensed fine-grained sediments, while actively accreting clinothems can be composed of predominantly coarse-grained (i.e., reservoir-forming) or predominantly fine-grained (i.e., non-reservoir) lithotypes. A novel hierarchical classification scheme for both Recent and Ancient clinoforms is here proposed, consisting of 12 classes. The four basic clinoform types (delta-scale shoreline, delta-scale subaqueous, shelf-edge and continental-margin) are sub-divided into eight accretionary/active and draping/passive sub-types (8-division). Each accretionary sub-type is then sub-divided into a sandstone-prone and mudstone-prone variant (12-division), which can be at least tentatively predicted on the basis of the clinoform morphology, even in the absence of direct stratigraphic logs.},
author = {Patruno, Stefano and Helland-Hansen, William},
doi = {10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.05.016},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Patruno18{\_}HellandHansen{\_}Clino{\_}Review{\_}Dyn-Classif{\_}ESR - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00128252},
journal = {Earth-Science Reviews},
number = {March},
pages = {202--233},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Clinoform systems: Review and dynamic classification scheme for shorelines, subaqueous deltas, shelf edges and continental margins}},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.05.016},
volume = {185},
year = {2018}
author = {Catuneanu, Octavian},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Principles of sequence stratigraphy}},
year = {2006}
abstract = {We present new apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe), apatite fission track (AFT) and zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe) data to unravel the timing of exhumation and thrusting in the western Axial Zone of the Pyrenees and the adjacent North Pyrenean Zone (Cha{\^{i}}nons B{\'{e}}arnais). In the north, ZHe data yield cooling signals between 26 and 50 Ma in the Cha{\^{i}}nons B{\'{e}}arnais, which are consistent with the onset of thrust-related cooling in the neighboring Maul{\'{e}}on Basin modeled by previous authors. Non-reset Triassic ages are found in the footwall of the North Pyrenean Frontal thrust (Aquitaine Basin). To the south, similar ZHe ages in both the hanging wall and footwall of the Lakora thrust record Late Eocene to Oligocene cooling that we attribute to the activity of the Gavarnie thrust. Thermal modeling of samples from the Lakora thrust hanging wall indicates cooling from Early Eocene times, recording activity of the Lakora thrust. Paleozoic detrital samples from the westernmost Axial Zone and from the Eaux-Chaudes and Balaitous-Panticosa granitic plutons yield AFT signals between 20 and 30 Ma and ZHe between 20 and 25 Ma. Modelling indicates fast cooling during this time, which we attribute to the motion of the Guarga thrust. AHe data from these Axial Zone plutons, combined with modelling, show a post-tectonic signal (8-9 Ma), which indicates renewed erosion after a period without major cooling and exhumation between 20 to 10 Ma.},
author = {Bosch, Gemma V. and Teixell, Antonio and Jolivet, Marc and Labaume, Pierre and Stockli, Daniel and Dom{\`{e}}nech, Mireia and Moni{\'{e}}, Patrick},
doi = {10.1016/j.crte.2016.01.001},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Bosch16{\_}Pyr{\_}Chainons-Berarnais{\_}Eoc-Mioc{\_}Thrust{\_}Thermochro{\_}CRGeosc - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {16310713},
journal = {Comptes Rendus - Geoscience},
keywords = {Apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He,Apatite fission tracks,Pyrenees,Thermochronology,Thrusting},
number = {3-4},
pages = {246--256},
title = {{Timing of Eocene-Miocene thrust activity in the Western Axial Zone and Cha{\^{i}}nons B{\'{e}}arnais (west-central Pyrenees) revealed by multi-method thermochronology}},
volume = {348},
year = {2016}
title={Spatial correlation bias in late-Cenozoic erosion histories derived from thermochronology},
author={Schildgen, Taylor F and van der Beek, Pieter A and Sinclair, Hugh D and Thiede, Rasmus C},
publisher={Nature Publishing Group}
abstract = {The late-stage evolution of the southern central Pyrenees has been well documented but controver- sies remain concerning potential Neogene acceleration of exhumation rates and the influence of tectonic and/or climatic processes. A popular model suggests that the Pyrenees and their southern foreland were buried below a thick succession of conglomerates during the Oligocene, when the basin was endorheic. However, both the amount of post-orogenic fill and the timing of re-excavation remain controversial. We address this question by revisiting extensive thermochronological datasets of the Axial Zone. We use an inverse approach that couples the thermo-kinematic model Pecube and the Neighbourhood inversion algorithm to constrain the history of exhumation and topographic changes since 40 Ma. By comparison with independent geological data, we identified a most probable scenario involving rapid exhumation ({\textgreater}2.5 km Myr1) between 37 and 30 Ma followed by a strong decrease to very slow rates (0.02 km Myr1) that remain constant until the present. Therefore, the inversion does not require a previously inferred Pliocene acceleration in regional exhumation rates. A clear topographic signal emerges, however: the topography has to be infilled by conglomerates to an elevation of 2.6 km between 40 and 29 Ma and then to remain stable until ca. 9 Ma. We interpret the last stage of the topographic history as recording major incision of the southern Pyrenean wedge, due to the Ebro basin connection to the Mediterranean, well before previously suggested Messinian ages. These results thus demonstrate temporally varying controls of different processes on exhumation: rapid rock uplift in an active orogen during late Eocene, whereas base-level changes in the foreland basin control the post-orogenic evolution of topography and exhumation in the central Pyrenees. In contrast, climate changes appear to play a lesser role in the post-orogenic topographic and erosional evolution of this mountain belt.},
author = {Fillon, Charlotte and van der Beek, Peter},
doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2117.2011.00533.x},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Fillon12{\_}VanDerBeek{\_}Pyrenees{\_}PostOrogenicEvol{\_}FT{\_}BR - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0950091X},
journal = {Basin Research},
number = {4},
pages = {418--436},
title = {{Post-orogenic evolution of the southern Pyrenees: Constraints from inverse thermo-kinematic modelling of low-temperature thermochronology data}},
volume = {24},
year = {2012}
abstract = {JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor. A B S T R A C T Sediment routing systems link source regions undergoing erosion with depositional sinks and involve a volumetric or mass budget. Understanding how these source-to-sink systems function is key to stratigraphic prediction, but estimation of their surface sediment discharges and depositional fluxes on geological time scales is a challenging problem. We recognize a paleosediment routing system from the geological record in the mid-late Eocene Escanilla Formation and time equivalents of the tectonically active wedge-top region of the southern Pyrenees. By mapping the 1200-km-long fairway of the Escanilla sediment routing system, we obtain the sediment budget and grain-size fractionation of three time intervals, each of 2.5–2.6-m.yr. duration, over the time period 41.6–33.9 Ma. Four thousand cubic kilometers of sediment, sourced principally from two feeder systems in the high Pyrenees, was deposited in a period of 7.7 m.yr. The positions of moving boundaries, characterized by rapid reduction in the percentage of gravel, sand, and fine grain-size fractions (gravel cline, gravel front, sand front), are sensitive to the dynamics of the sediment routing system. In order to understand these dynamics, total volumes of sediment sequestered as stratigraphy, together with the component volumes of gravel, sand, and fines, are transformed into a mass balance framework. Over time, there was a progressive westward progradation of coarse-grained facies driven by increasing sediment supply from the rapidly eroding Pyrenean orogen. Changes in the rate of downsystem fining of grain size, percentages of grain-size fractions in preserved stratigraphy, position of moving boundaries, and evolution of gross-depositional environ-ments are related to variations in the volume of sediment supplied, the grain-size mix of the supply, and the spatial distribution of tectonic subsidence generating accommodation.},
author = {Michael, Nikolas A. and Whittaker, Alexander C. and Allen, Philip A.},
doi = {10.1086/673176},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Michael13{\_}Pyrenees{\_}SedRouting{\_}JGeol - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0022-1376},
journal = {The Journal of Geology},
number = {6},
pages = {581--606},
title = {{The Functioning of Sediment Routing Systems Using a Mass Balance Approach: Example from the Eocene of the Southern Pyrenees}},
volume = {121},
year = {2013}
author = {Posamentier, H W and Allen, G P},
journal = {Geology},
number = {5},
pages = {455--458},
publisher = {Geological Society of America},
title = {{Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphic patterns in foreland, ramp-type basins}},
volume = {21},
year = {1993}
author = {Mitrovica, J X and Beaumont, C and Jarvis, G T},
journal = {Tectonics},
number = {5},
pages = {1079--1094},
publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
title = {{Tilting of continental interiors by the dynamical effects of subduction}},
volume = {8},
year = {1989}
abstract = {{\textcopyright}2018. American Geophysical Union. Rift inheritance can play a key role in foreland basin geometry and behavior. If the foreland basin initiates soon after rifting, thermal cooling can also contribute significantly to subsidence. We investigate the effects of crustal inheritance (Aptian-Cenomanian rifting) on the evolution of the Campanian to middle Miocene flexural Aquitaine foreland basin, northern Pyrenees, France. Surface and subsurface data define rifted crustal geometry and postrift thermal subsidence. Analysis of Bouguer gravity anomalies coupled with flexural modeling constrains the lateral variations of elastic thickness, plate flexure, and controlling loads. The Aquitaine foreland is divided along-strike into three sectors. The relative role of surface and subsurface (i.e., buried) loading varies along-strike, and the elastic thickness values decrease from the northeast (25 km) to the southwest (7 km) where the plate is the most stretched. The eastern foreland crust was not rifted and underwent a simple flexural subsidence in response to orogenesis. The central sector was affected by crustal stretching. Here the basin is modeled by combining topographic and buried loads, with postrift thermal subsidence. In the western sector, the foreland basin was created mainly by postrift thermal subsidence. The eastern and central sectors are separated by the Eastern Crustal Lineament, which is one of a series of inherited transverse faults that segment the orogen.},
author = {Angrand, P. and Ford, M. and Watts, A. B.},
doi = {10.1002/2017TC004670},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Angrand18{\_}BA{\_}Rifted-Marg{\_}Floreland-Flexure{\_}Lateral-Var{\_}Tectonics - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {19449194},
journal = {Tectonics},
keywords = {buried load,flexural foreland basin,postrift thermal subsidence,rifting,stretching of the crust,structural inheritance},
number = {2},
pages = {430--449},
title = {{Lateral Variations in Foreland Flexure of a Rifted Continental Margin: The Aquitaine Basin (SW France)}},
volume = {37},
year = {2018}
title={Thermal imprint of rift-related processes in orogens as recorded in the Pyrenees},
author={Vacherat, Arnaud and Mouthereau, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Pik, Rapha{\"e}l and Bernet, Matthias and Gautheron, C{\'e}cile and Masini, Emmanuel and Le Pourhiet, Laetitia and Tibari, Boucha{\"\i}b and Lahfid, Abdeltif},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={Oligocene--Miocene burial and exhumation of the Southern Pyrenean foreland quantified by low-temperature thermochronology},
author={Fillon, Charlotte and Gautheron, C{\'e}cile and van der Beek, Peter},
journal={Journal of the Geological Society},
publisher={Geological Society London, UK}
title={Thermochronology of a convergent orogen: Constraints on the timing of thrust faulting and subsequent exhumation of the Maladeta Pluton in the Central Pyrenean Axial Zone},
author={Metcalf, James R and Fitzgerald, Paul G and Baldwin, Suzanne L and Mu{\~n}oz, Josep-Anton},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={The Hospitalet gneiss dome (Pyrenees) revisited: lateral flow during Variscan transpression in the middle crust},
author={Denele, Yoann and Olivier, Philippe and Gleizes, Gerard and Barbey, Pierre},
journal={Terra Nova},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Rift-to-collision transition recorded by tectonothermal evolution of the northern Pyrenees},
author={Vacherat, Arnaud and Mouthereau, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Pik, Rapha{\"e}l and Bellahsen, Nicolas and Gautheron, C{\'e}cile and Bernet, Matthias and Daudet, Maxime and Balansa, Jocelyn and Tibari, Bouchaib and Pinna Jamme, Rosella and others},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={{\'E}volution post-orog{\'e}nique du syst{\`e}me coupl{\'e} pi{\'e}mont/bassin versant: le m{\'e}ga-c{\^o}ne alluvial de Lannemezan et son bassin versant au Nord des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es},
author={Mouchené, Margaux},
school={Grenoble Alpes}
title={Tectonothermal history of an exhumed thrust-sheet-top basin: An example from the south Pyrenean thrust belt},
author={Labaume, Pierre and Meresse, Florian and Jolivet, Marc and Teixell, Antonio and Lahfid, Abdeltif},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Tectonothermal evolution of the northeastern margin of Iberia since the break-up of Pangea to present, revealed by low-temperature fission-track and (U--Th)/He thermochronology: A case history of the Catalan Coastal Ranges},
author={Juez-Larr{\'e}, J and Andriessen, PAM},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={Timing of Eocene--Miocene thrust activity in the Western Axial Zone and Cha{\^\i}nons B{\'e}arnais (west-central Pyrenees) revealed by multi-method thermochronology},
author={Bosch, Gemma V and Teixell, Antonio and Jolivet, Marc and Labaume, Pierre and Stockli, Daniel and Dom{\`e}nech, Mireia and Moni{\'e}, Patrick},
journal={Comptes Rendus Geoscience},
title={Low long-term erosion rates in high-energy mountain belts: insights from thermo-and biochronology in the Eastern Pyrenees},
author={Gunnell, Yanni and Calvet, M and Brichau, S and Carter, Andrew and Aguilar, J-P and Zeyen, H},
journal={Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
title={Post-orogenic evolution of the southern P yrenees: constraints from inverse thermo-kinematic modelling of low-temperature thermochronology data},
author={Fillon, Charlotte and van der Beek, Peter},
journal={Basin Research},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Late-to post-orogenic exhumation of the Central Pyrenees revealed through combined thermochronological data and modelling},
author={Gibson, M and Sinclair, HD and Lynn, GJ and Stuart, FM},
journal={Basin Research},
title={The Meso-Cenozoic thermo-tectonic evolution of the Eastern Pyrenees: an 40 Ar/39 Ar fission track and (U--Th)/He thermochronological study of the Canigou and Mont-Louis massifs},
author={Maurel, O and Monie, Patrick and Pik, R and Arnaud, Nicolas and Brunel, Maurice and Jolivet, Marc},
journal={International Journal of Earth Sciences},
title={Thermochronology constraints for the propagation sequence of the south Pyrenean basement thrust system (France-Spain)},
author={Jolivet, Marc and Labaume, Pierre and Moni{\'e}, Patrick and Brunel, Maurice and Arnaud, Nicolas and Campani, Marion},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Asymmetric growth of the Pyrenees revealed through measurement and modeling of orogenic fluxes},
author={Sinclair, HD and Gibson, M and Naylor, M and Morris, RG},
journal={American Journal of Science},
publisher={American Journal of Science}
author = {Sinclair, H D and Coakley, B J and Allen, P A and Watts, A B},
journal = {Tectonics},
number = {3},
pages = {599--620},
publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
title = {{Simulation of foreland basin stratigraphy using a diffusion model of mountain belt uplift and erosion: an example from the central Alps, Switzerland}},
volume = {10},
year = {1991}
abstract = {Calculation of the total depositional volume of an ancient source-to-sink system, combined with estimates of the area of catchments acting as source regions using provenance methods, is used to evaluate average catchment erosion rates on a million year time scale. These rates are compared with values derived from thermochronological methods. Using the mid- to late Eocene (33.9-41.6 Ma) Escanilla palaeo-sediment routing system from the south-central Pyrenean orogenic wedge-top zone as an example, c. 3500 ± 300 km3 of solid particulate sediment was derived from two catchments in the south-central Pyrenees over a 7.7 myr period, equivalent to a mean erosion rate of c. 0.15-0.18 mm a-1. Average exhumation rates in contributing catchments over the same time interval are estimated at 0.2-0.3 mm a-1 based on apatite fission-track analysis of pebbles in proximal conglomerates, and 0.23-0.34 mm a-1 from fission-track analysis of detrital apatites sampling a wider range of grain size. Sediment supply progressively increased during the mid- to late Eocene time period, at least in part driven by catchment expansion deep into the Pyrenean Axial Zone at c. 39 Ma. The consistency of the rates of catchment-averaged erosion calculated from different methods builds confidence that source areas have been connected to depositional sinks correctly. {\textcopyright} 2014 The Geological Society of London.},
author = {Michael, Nikolaos A. and Carter, Andrew and Whittaker, Alexander C. and Allen, Philip A.},
doi = {10.1144/jgs2013-108},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Michael14{\_}Allen{\_}Iberia{\_}Spain{\_}Pyr{\_}S{\_}Eros{\_}Rates{\_}Source{\_}Thermochro{\_}JGSL - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0016-7649},
journal = {Journal of the Geological Society},
number = {3},
pages = {401--412},
title = {{Erosion rates in the source region of an ancient sediment routing system: comparison of depositional volumes with thermochronometric estimates}},
volume = {171},
year = {2014}
abstract = {The supply of sediment and its characteristic grain-size mix are key controls on depositional facies and stratigraphic architectures in sedimentary basins. Consequently, constraints on sediment caliber, budgets, and fluxes are a prerequisite for effective stratigraphic prediction. Here, we investigate a mid- to late Eocene (41.6–33.9 Ma) sediment routing system in the Spanish Pyrenees. We derive a full volumetric sediment budget, weighted for grain-size fractions, partitioned between terrestrial and marine depositional sectors, and we quantify sediment fluxes between depocenters. The paleo–sediment routing system was controlled by syndepositional thrust tectonics and consisted of two major feeder systems eroding the high Pyrenees that supplied a river system draining parallel to the regional tectonic strike and that ultimately exported sediment to coastal, shallow-marine and deep-marine depocenters. We show significant changes in both the volume and grain-size distribution of sediment eroded from the Pyrenean mountain belt during three different time intervals in the mid- to late Eocene, which controlled the characteristics of stratigraphy preserved in a series of wedge-top basins. The time-averaged sediment discharge from source areas increased from ∼250 km3/m.y. to 700 km3/m.y. over the 7.7 m.y. interval investigated. This temporal increase in sediment supply caused major westward progradation of facies belts and led to substantial sediment bypass through the terrestrial routing system to the (initially) marine Jaca Basin. The grain-size mix, measured as size fractions of gravel, sand, and finer than sand, also changed over the three time intervals. Integration of volumetric and grain-size information from source to sink provides an estimate of the long-term grain-size distribution of the sediment supply, comprising 9{\%} gravel, 24{\%} sand, and 67{\%} finer than sand. The techniques and concepts used in the Escanilla study can profitably be applied to paleo–sediment routing systems in other tectonic and climatic settings and to catchments with a range of bedrock lithology and vegetation. This will promote a better generic understanding of the dynamics of source-to-sink systems and provide a powerful tool for forward stratigraphic modeling. The sediment routing system approach has the potential to contribute strongly to new models of sequence stratigraphy.},
author = {Michael, Nikolas A. and Whittaker, Alexander C. and Carter, Andrew and Allen, Philip A.},
doi = {10.1130/B30954.1},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Michael14{\_}Allen{\_}Spain{\_}Pyr{\_}S{\_}MidEoc{\_}SedRouting{\_}GSAbull - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {19432674},
journal = {Bulletin of the Geological Society of America},
number = {3-4},
pages = {585--599},
title = {{Volumetric budget and grain-size fractionation of a geological sediment routing system: Eocene Escanilla Formation, south-central Pyrenees}},
volume = {126},
year = {2014}
author = {Sinclair, H D and Allen, P A},
journal = {Basin Research},
number = {3-4},
pages = {215--232},
title = {{Vertical versus horizontal motions in the Alpine orogenic wedge: stratigraphic response in the foreland basin}},
volume = {4},
year = {1992}
author = {Covey, Michael},
journal = {Foreland basins},
pages = {77--90},
publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
title = {{The evolution of foreland basins to steady state: evidence from the western Taiwan foreland basin}},
year = {1986}
author = {{Van Wagoner}, John C and Mitchum, R M and Campion, K M and Rahmanian, V D},
publisher = {AAPG Special Volumes},
title = {{Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy in well logs, cores, and outcrops: concepts for high-resolution correlation of time and facies}},
year = {1990}
author = {DeCelles, Peter G and Giles, Katherine A},
journal = {Basin research},
number = {2},
pages = {105--123},
title = {{Foreland basin systems}},
volume = {8},
year = {1996}
author = {Dickinson, William R},
publisher = {Special Publications of SEPM},
title = {{Plate tectonics and sedimentation}},
year = {1974}
author = {Haq, Bilal U and Hardenbol, J A N and Vail, Peter R},
journal = {Science},
number = {4793},
pages = {1156--1167},
publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science},
title = {{Chronology of fluctuating sea levels since the Triassic}},
volume = {235},
year = {1987}
abstract = {{\textcopyright} 2016 The Authors. Basin Research {\textcopyright} 2016 John Wiley {\&} Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists {\&} Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists The distribution and structure of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic cover within the central part of the North Iberian Margin (Bay of Biscay) is analysed based on a dense set of 2D seismic reflection lines and logs. The integration of well data allows the recognition of seven seismostratigraphic units and the construction of a surface that illustrates the 3D morphology of this area at the time of the Jurassic rifting. The study zone comprises what is known as Le Danois Bank, a basement high, and the Asturian Basin, one of the sedimentary basins originated during the Iberian rifting at the end of the Paleozoic. Its development continued with the oceanisation of the Bay of Biscay as a failed arm of the Atlantic rift; later, during the Cenozoic, a drastic change in tectonic regime induced the partial closure of Biscay and building up the Cantabrian−Pyrenean chain along the northern border of Iberia. This compressional period left its imprint in the Asturian Basin sediments in the form of a mild inversion and general uplift. The geometry of the basin bottom appears as an asymmetric bowl thinning out towards the edges, with a main E-W depocenter, separated by E-W striking faults from a secondary one. Those bounding faults show twisted trends in the north, interpreted as a consequence of the compressional period, when a transfer zone in a N-S direction formed between the two E-W striking deformation fronts in Biscay. This study shows that the transfer zone extends further to the west, reaching the longitude of Le Danois Bank. The maximum thickness of the filling within the Asturian Basin is estimated in more than 10 km, deeper than assessed in previous studies. The recognition of frequent halokynetic structures at this longitude is another observation worth to remark. Based on this study, it is suggested that the basin formed on top of a distal basement block of stretched crust limiting with the hyperextended rifted domain of Biscay. This location largely conditioned its deformation during the late compression.},
author = {Cadenas, Patricia and Fern{\'{a}}ndez-Viejo, Gabriela},
doi = {10.1111/bre.12187},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Cadenas17{\_}Iberia-N{\_}Marg{\_}Asturian-Basin{\_}Seis{\_}Mesoz-Cenoz-Cover{\_}BR - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {13652117},
journal = {Basin Research},
number = {4},
pages = {521--541},
title = {{The Asturian Basin within the North Iberian margin (Bay of Biscay): seismic characterisation of its geometry and its Mesozoic and Cenozoic cover}},
volume = {29},
year = {2017}
author = {Catuneanu, Octavian and Beaumont, Christopher and Waschbusch, Paula},
journal = {Geology},
number = {12},
pages = {1087--1090},
publisher = {Geological Society of America},
title = {{Interplay of static loads and subduction dynamics in foreland basins: Reciprocal stratigraphies and the “missing” peripheral bulge}},
volume = {25},
year = {1997}
author = {Haq, Bilal U and Hardenbol, Jan and Vail, Peter R},
publisher = {Special Publications of SEPM},
title = {{Mesozoic and Cenozoic chronostratigraphy and cycles of sea-level change}},
year = {1988}
author = {Verg{\'{e}}s, Jaume and Garcia-Senz, Jes{\'{u}}s},
journal = {M{\'{e}}moires du Mus{\'{e}}um national d'histoire naturelle},
pages = {187--212},
publisher = {Editions du Mus{\'{e}}um},
title = {{Mesozoic evolution and Cainozoic inversion of the Pyrenean rift}},
volume = {186},
year = {2001}
author = {Beaumont, Christopher},
journal = {Geophysical Journal International},
number = {2},
pages = {291--329},
publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford, UK},
title = {{Foreland basins}},
volume = {65},
year = {1981}
abstract = {Stratigraphic architectures are fundamentally controlled by the interplay at different temporal and spatial scales of accommodation and sediment supply, modulated by autogenic responses of the sediment routing system and its constituent segments. The flux and caliber of sediment supply is a function of climate, catchment area, and tectonics in the source regions, and unraveling these forcing mechanisms from the observed stratigraphic architecture remains a key research challenge. The mid-to-late Eocene Escanilla sediment routing system had its source regions in the south-central Pyrenean orogen, northern Spain, and transported sediment from wedge-top basins along tectonic strike to marine depocenters. By constructing a volumetric budget of the sedimentary system, it has been demonstrated that there were marked changes in the grain-size distribution released from the sediment sources and also in the position of the gravel front, across three similar to 2.6 Myr time intervals from 41.6 to 33.9 Ma. Classical sequence stratigraphic interpretations would relate the movement of depositional boundaries such as the gravel front to changes of base level, either in isolation or in combination with sediment supply. Herein, we explore the possibility that the position of the gravel front was primarily driven by variability of grain-size distributions released from the source regions as a result of changes in catchment uplift rate and/or surface run-off. Using a simple model of sediment transport that captures first-order processes, we simulate the lateral movement of gravel deposition in the proximal part of the Escanilla sediment-routing system. Movement of the gravel front is a function of both accommodation generation and the transport capacity of the sediment routing system. We assume that the transport capacity is a linear function of the local slope and the water flux. By assuming that the observed thickness of deposits is equivalent to the accommodation available during deposition, we then use the stratigraphic architecture to constrain the change in catchment size and water flux over the three time intervals of the Escanilla paleo-sediment-routing system. Multiple scenarios are investigated in order to find the most plausible tectonic and climatic history. Model results indicate that during the mid-Eocene there was an increase in catchment length and sediment flux, most likely driven by tectonic uplift in the Pyrenean orogen. Subsequent marked progradation of the gravel front during the late Eocene was the consequence of reduced transport capacity due to a reduction in surface run-off. The latter model result is in agreement with records of pollen taxa that indicate increased climatic aridity in the late Eocene. The combination of a sediment transport model with a full sediment budget makes it possible to test the non-uniqueness of these results.},
author = {Armitage, John J. and Allen, Philip A. and Burgess, Peter M. and Hampson, Gary J. and Whittaker, Alexander C. and Duller, Robert A. and Michael, Nikolas A.},
doi = {10.2110/jsr.2015.97},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Armitage15{\_}Spain{\_}Pyr-S{\_}Eoc{\_}Routing{\_}Sed-Transport-Model{\_}JSR - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {1527-1404},
journal = {Journal of Sedimentary Research},
number = {12},
pages = {1510--1524},
title = {{Sediment Transport Model For the Eocene Escanilla Sediment-Routing System: Implications For the Uniqueness of Sequence Stratigraphic Architectures}},
volume = {85},
year = {2015}
author = {Kruit, C and Brouwer, J and Ealey, P},
journal = {Nature Physical Science},
number = {99},
pages = {59--61},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {{A deep-water sand fan in the Eocene Bay of Biscay}},
volume = {240},
year = {1972}
author = {Rift, Pyrenean and Verg{\'{e}}s, Jaume and Garc{\^{i}}a-senzrz, Jesus},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Verges01{\_}Pyr{\_}Rift{\_}Mesoz-Evol{\_}cenoz-Inv{\_}PeriTethys{\_}MemMusNatHistNat - copie.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {2856535283},
pages = {187--212},
title = {{Mesozoic evolution and Cainozoic inversion of the}}
author = {Miller, Kenneth G and Mountain, G S and Wright, J D and Browning, James V},
doi = {10.5670/oceanog.2011.26.COPYRIGHT},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Miller{\_}kg11{\_}Sea-Level{\_}Ice-Volume{\_}Variations{\_}180Ma{\_}Rec{\_}Oceanography.pdf:pdf},
journal = {Oceanography},
number = {2},
pages = {40--53},
title = {{A 180 Million Year Record of Sea Level and Ice Volume Variations}},
volume = {24},
year = {2011}
abstract = {New fieldwork, surface data (e.g. drainage network anomalies) and SPOT satellite imagery are combined with sub-surface data (seismic profiles and drill-cores) to analyse the structural setting of the south Aquitaine Basin. Cenozoic paleostresses are determined through inversion of fault slip and calcite twin data (quarries and drill cores), allowing reconstruction of the Cenozoic structural and tectonic evolution. The main tectonic event, the NNE 'Pyrenean compression', from the Late Cretaceous to the Oligocene, is responsible for thrusting and folding along N110°axes and strike-slip reactivation of major NNW and NE-SW faults. Some fold axes turn along NNW major wrench faults, and compression locally undergoes deviation to ENE trends. NNE extension locally occurred at anticline hinges. After a minor WNW extension, a Miocene NNW compression occurred and changed into a perpendicular ENE extension, responsible for nearly N-S normal faulting. These multiple states of stress reflect two major compressional events (NNE and NNW); their variety mainly reveals local accommodation due to numerous inherited structures, in the general context of Eurasia-Africa convergence. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.},
author = {Rocher, Muriel and Lacombe, Olivier and Angelier, Jacques and Deffontaines, Beno{\^{i}}t and Verdier, Fran{\c{c}}ois},
doi = {10.1016/S0191-8141(99)00181-9},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Rocher00{\_}BA{\_}Cenoz{\_}Fault-Fold{\_}JSG - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {01918141},
journal = {Journal of Structural Geology},
number = {5},
pages = {627--645},
title = {{Cenozoic folding and faulting in the south Aquitaine Basin (France): Insights from combined structural and paleostress analyses}},
volume = {22},
year = {2000}
abstract = {Alpine-type mountain belts formed by continental collision are characterised by a strong cross-sectional asymmetry driven by the dominant underthrusting of one plate beneath the other. Such mountain belts are flanked on either side by two peripheral foreland basins, one over the underthrust plate and one over the over-riding plate; these have been termed pro- and retro-foreland basins, respectively. Numerical modelling that incorporates suitable tectonic boundary conditions, and models orogenesis from growth to a steady-state form (i.e. where accretionary influx equals erosional outflux), predicts contrasting basin development to these two end-member basin types. Pro-foreland basins are characterised by: (1) Accelerating tectonic subsidence driven primarily by the translation of the basin fill towards the mountain belt at the convergence rate. (2) Stratigraphic onlap onto the cratonic margin at a rate at least equal to the plate convergence rate. (3) A basin infill that records the most recent development of the mountain belt with a preserved interval determined by the width of the basin divided by the convergence rate. In contrast, retro-foreland basins are relatively stable, are not translated into the mountain belt once steady-state is achieved, and are consequently characterised by: (1) A constant tectonic subsidence rate during growth of the thrust wedge, with zero tectonic subsidence during the steady-state phase (i.e. ongoing accretion-erosion, but constant load). (2) Relatively little stratigraphic onlap driven only by the growth of the retro-wedge. (3) A basin fill that records the entire growth phase of the mountain belt, but only a condensed representation of steady-state conditions. Examples of pro-foreland basins include the Appalachian foredeep, the west Taiwan foreland basin, the North Alpine Foreland Basin and the Ebro Basin (southern Pyrenees). Examples of retro-foreland basins include the South Westland Basin (Southern Alps, New Zealand), the Aquitaine Basin (northern Pyrenees), and the Po Basin (southern European Alps). We discuss how this new insight into the variability of collisional foreland basins can be used to better interpret mountain belt evolution and the hydrocarbon potential of these basins types. {\textcopyright} 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation {\textcopyright} 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.},
author = {Naylor, Mark and Sinclair, H. D.},
doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2117.2008.00366.x},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Naylor08{\_}Foreland{\_}Pro{\_}Retro{\_}BR - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {13652117},
journal = {Basin Research},
number = {3},
pages = {285--303},
title = {{Pro- vs. retro-foreland basins}},
volume = {20},
year = {2008}
author = {Gallastegui, J and Pulgar, J A and Gallart, J},
journal = {Tectonics},
number = {4},
pages = {11--15},
publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
title = {{Initiation of an active margin at the North Iberian continent-ocean transition}},
volume = {21},
year = {2002}
author = {Mouthereau, Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric and Vacherat, Arnaud and Lacombe, Olivier and Christophoul, Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric and Filleaudeau, Pierre-Yves and Pik, Rapha{\"{e}}l and Fellin, Maria Giuditta and Castelltort, S{\'{e}}bastien and Masini, Emmanuel},
doi = {10.1002/2014TC003663},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Mouthereau14-Pyr{\_}Shortening-Limit{\_}Margin-Architecture{\_}Tectonics - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {1944-9194},
journal = {Tectonics},
keywords = {balanced cross section,collision,geochronology,mountain building,rift-related processes},
number = {12},
pages = {2283--2314},
title = {{Placing limits to shortening evolution in the Pyrenees: Role of margin architecture and implications for the Iberia/Europe convergence}},
volume = {33},
year = {2014}
abstract = {The imperfect direct record of Antarctic glaciation has led to the delayed recognition of the initiation of a continent- sized ice sheet. Early studies interpreted initiation in the middle Miocene (ca 15 Ma). Most current studies place the first ice sheet in the earliest Oligocene (33.55 Ma), but there is physical evidence for glaciation in the Eocene. Though there are inherent limitations in sea-level and deep-sea iso- tope records, both place constraints on the size and extent of Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic Antarctic ice sheets. Sea- level records argue that small- to medium-size (typically 10-12},
author = {Miller, K and Wright, J and Katz, M and Browning, J and Cramer, B and Wade, B and Mizintseva, S.},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Miller08{\_}Eust{\_}Antarctica - copie 2.pdf:pdf},
journal = {Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World},
pages = {55--70},
title = {{A View of Antarctic Ice-Sheet Evolution from Sea-Level and Deep-Sea Isotope Changes During the Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic}},
year = {2008}
abstract = {We review Phanerozoic sea-level changes [543 million years ago (Ma) to the present] on various time scales and present a new sea-level record for the past 100 million years (My). Long-term sea level peaked at 100 T 50 meters during the Cretaceous, implying that ocean-crust production rates were much lower than previously inferred. Sea level mirrors oxygen isotope variations, reflecting ice-volume change on the 104- to 106-year scale, but a link between oxygen isotope and sea level on the 107-year scale must be due to temperature changes that we attribute to tectonically controlled carbon dioxide variations. Sea-level change has influenced phytoplankton evolution, ocean chemistry, and the loci of carbonate, organic carbon, and siliciclastic sediment burial. Over the past 100 My, sea-level changes reflect global climate evolution from a time of ephemeral Antarctic ice sheets (100 to 33 Ma), through a time of large ice sheets primarily in Antarctica (33 to 2.5 Ma), to a world with large Antarctic and large, variable Northern Hemisphere ice sheets (2.5 Ma to the present).},
author = {Miller, Kenneth G and Miller, Kenneth G and Kominz, Michelle A and Browning, James V and Wright, James D and Mountain, Gregory S and Katz, Miriam E and Sugarman, Peter J and Cramer, Benjamin S and Christie-blick, Nicholas and Pekar, Stephen F},
doi = {10.1126/science.1116412},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Miller05{\_}Eust - copie.pdf:pdf},
journal = {Science},
pages = {1293--1298},
title = {{The Phanerozoic Record of Global Sea-Level Change}},
volume = {310},
year = {2005}
abstract = {Eccentricity, obliquity, and precession are cyclic parameters of the Earth's orbit whose climatic implications have been widely demonstrated on recent and short time intervals. Amplitude modulations of these parameters on million-year time scales induce "grand orbital cycles" but the behavior and the paleoenvironmental consequences of these cycles remain debated for the Mesozoic owing to the chaotic diffusion of the solar system in the past. Here, we test for these cycles from the Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous by analyzing new stable isotope datasets reflecting fluctuations in the carbon cycle and seawater temperatures. Our results document a prominent cyclicity of {\~{}}9 My in the carbon cycle paced by changes in the seasonal dynamics of hydrological processes and long-term sea level fluctuations. These paleoenvironmental changes are linked to a great eccentricity cycle consistent with astronomical solutions. The orbital forcing signal was mainly amplified by cumulative sequestration of organic matter in the boreal wetlands under greenhouse conditions. Finally, we show that the {\~{}}9-My cycle faded during the Pliensbachian, which could either reflect major paleoenvironmental disturbances or a chaotic transition affecting this cycle.},
author = {Martinez, Mathieu and Dera, Guillaume},
doi = {10.1073/pnas.1419946112},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Martinez15{\_}PNAS - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0027-8424},
journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
number = {41},
pages = {12604--12609},
title = {{Orbital pacing of carbon fluxes by a ∼9-My eccentricity cycle during the Mesozoic}},
volume = {112},
year = {2015}
abstract = {The Zambezi Delta draining the Southern African Plateau and the southern part of the East African Rift is one of a the largest delta of Africa with a long-lasting history starting during Early Cretaceous with more than 12 km of sediments deposited. The Zambezi Delta is therefore a unique archive of the past topographic evolution of southern and eastern Africa and their related deformations, but also of the climate changes, global and regional (consequences of local topographic growths). Understanding this archive supposes to get a high-resolution dating of the sediments. Our two objectives are here (1) to construct an age model of the Zambezi Cenozoic delta using a combination of biostratigraphy, orbital stratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy and (2) to determine the palaeoprecipitation variations of the Zambezi catchment from the Oligocene to present day in a known tectonic framework. The Neogene sequences were dated at high-resolution assuming that the third order sequences are of eustatic origin and record long-term eccentricity cycles. The sequences were correlated in ages on the calculated Earth orbital solutions of Laskar for the time intervals provided by the biostratigraphy (nannofossils, planktonic foraminifers). The palaeoprecipitation record was based on the definition of a humidity index based on pollen analysis and associated botanical associations. The late Oligocene was a quite wet period getting dryer in the uppermost Chattian. The base Tortonian (11 Ma) was a humid period. The Messinian was a dry period with a slight increase of the humidity during the Zanclean and a sharp increase around the Zanclean-Piacenzian boundary. The Zambezi Delta has recorded the uplifts of the Southern African Plateau (around 85 Ma and around 25 Ma) and those of the southward migration of the East African Rift (since 5.5 Ma).},
author = {Ponte, Jean Pierre and Robin, C{\'{e}}cile and Guillocheau, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Popescu, Speranta and Suc, Jean Pierre and Dall'Asta, Massimo and Melinte-Dobrinescu, Mihaela C. and Bubik, Miroslav and Dupont, G{\'{e}}rard and Gaillot, J{\'{e}}remie},
doi = {10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.07.017},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Ponte et al., 2019, Mar. Pet. Geol., 105, 293-312.pdf:pdf},
issn = {02648172},
journal = {Marine and Petroleum Geology},
keywords = {Mozambique,Orbital stratigraphy,Palaeoclimate,Seismic stratigraphy,Zambezi},
number = {September 2018},
pages = {293--312},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{The Zambezi delta (Mozambique channel, East Africa): High resolution dating combining bio- orbital and seismic stratigraphies to determine climate (palaeoprecipitation) and tectonic controls on a passive margin}},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.07.017},
volume = {105},
year = {2019}
author = {Laskar, Jacques and Fienga, Agn{\`{e}}s and Gastineau, Mickael and Manche, Herve},
journal = {Astronomy {\&} Astrophysics},
pages = {A89},
publisher = {EDP Sciences},
title = {{La2010: a new orbital solution for the long-term motion of the Earth}},
volume = {532},
year = {2011}
author = {Nehlig, Pierre and Leyrit, Herve and Dardon, Arnaud and Freour, Gwenael and {de Goer de Herve}, Alain and Huguet, David and Thieblemont, Denis},
doi = {10.2113/172.3.295},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Nehlig01{\_}MC{\_}Cantal{\_}Stratovolcan{\_}BSGF - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0037-9409},
journal = {Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France},
number = {3},
pages = {295--308},
title = {{Constructions et destructions du stratovolcan du Cantal}},
volume = {172},
year = {2005}
author = {Plint, A G},
publisher = {Special Publications of SEPM},
title = {{Sharp-based shoreface sequences and}},
year = {1988}
abstract = {We propose a framework for the hierarchy of sedimentary units observed in stratigraphic data that is based entirely on the geometric relationship of the strata. This framework of geometries is assumed to result from repeated successions of accommodation creation and sediment fill (here named accommodation succession). We have modified existing hierarchal frameworks to describe depositional units resulting from accommodation successions of varying magnitude and duration, across a depositional profile. Each full succession consists of component partial succession sets that are, sequentially, lowstand-progradation to aggradational; transgressive-retrogradation; and highstand-aggradation to progradation to degradation. The terms ‐{\oe}highstand‐ and ‐{\oe}lowstand‐ as originally defined to label systems tracts relative to a shelf edge, and with an implied relationship between sea level and systems tracts, have been the root of confusion. We propose that these terms be used in the strict sense of the original definition, because their meaning has been lost when applied to the many depositional settings and high-resolution data sets to which the concepts of sequence stratigraphy are now applied. We propose that the concept of accommodation succession stacking be used in the interpretation of stratigraphic data within a hierarchal framework of depositional sequences, sequence sets, and composite sequences. This will allow an interpreter to accurately categorize observations, provide a basis for predictions away from control points, and develop a framework that allows revisions as higher-resolution data become available.},
author = {Neal, Jack and Abreu, Vitor},
doi = {10.1130/G25722A.1},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Neal09{\_}Seq-Strat{\_}Hierachy{\_}Acco{\_}Geology.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00917613},
journal = {Geology},
number = {9},
pages = {779--782},
title = {{Sequence stratigraphy hierarchy and the accommodation succession method}},
volume = {37},
year = {2009}
author = {Ambert, M and Ambert, P},
journal = {G{\'{e}}ologie de la France},
pages = {37--50},
title = {{Karstification des plateaux et encaissement des vall{\'{e}}es au cours du N{\'{e}}og{\`{e}}ne et du Quaternaire dans les Grands Causses m{\'{e}}ridionaux (Larzac, Blandas)}},
volume = {4},
year = {1995}
author = {Robin, Cecile and Guillocheau, Francois and Gaulier, Jean-Michel},
journal = {Terra Nova},
number = {6},
pages = {323--329},
title = {{Discriminating between tectonic and eustatic controls on the stratigraphic record in the Paris basin}},
volume = {10},
year = {1998}
author = {Bremer, Hanna},
journal = {Catena},
number = {suppl},
pages = {45--67},
title = {{On the geomorphology of the South German scarplands}},
volume = {15},
year = {1989}
author = {Sztrakos, K and G{\'{e}}ly, J P and Blondeau, A and M{\"{u}}ller, C},
journal = {G{\'{e}}ologie de la France},
number = {1998},
pages = {57--105},
title = {{L'{\'{E}}oc{\`{e}}ne du Bassin sud-aquitain: lithostratigraphie, biostratigraphie et analyse s{\'{e}}quentielle}},
volume = {4},
year = {1998}
author = {Barruol, Guilhem and Granet, Michel},
journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
number = {1},
pages = {31--47},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{A Tertiary asthenospheric flow beneath the southern French Massif Central indicated by upper mantle seismic anisotropy and related to the west Mediterranean extension}},
volume = {202},
year = {2002}
abstract = {The Mio-Pliocene in Western Europe is a period of major climatic and tectonic change with important topographic consequences. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct these topographic changes (based on sedimentological analysis and sequence stratigraphy) for the Armorican Massif (western France) and to discuss their significance. The Mio-Pliocene sands of the Armorican Massif (Red Sands) are mainly preserved in paleovalleys and are characterized by extensive fluvial sheetflood deposits with low-preservation and by-pass facies. This sedimentological study shows that the Red Sands correspond to three main sedimentary environments: fluvial (alluvial fan, low-sinuosity rivers and braided rivers), estuarine and some rare open marine deposits (marine bioclastic sands: "faluns" of French authors). Two orders of sequences have been correlated across Brittany with one or two minor A/S cycles comprised within the retrogradational trend of a major cycle. The unconformity at the base of the lower cycle is more marked than the unconformity observed at the top, which corresponds to a re-incision of the paleovalley network. A comparison of the results of the sequence stratigraphy analysis with eustatic variations and tectonic events during the Mio-Pliocene allows (1) to discuss their influence on the evolution of the Armorican Massif and (2) to compare the stratigraphic record with other west-European basins. The unconformity observed at the base of the first minor cycle may be attributed to Serravallian-Tortonian tectonic activity and/or eustatic fall, and the unconformity of the second minor cycle may be attributed to Late Tortonian-Early Messinian tectonic activity. The earlier unconformity is coeval with the development of a "smooth" paleovalley network compared to the jagged present-day relief. A single episode of Mio-Pliocene deformation recorded in Brittany may be dated as Zanclean, thus explaining the lack of the maximum flooding surface except in isolated areas. From this study, five paleogeographic maps were drawn up also indicating paleocurrent directions: three maps for the lower cycle (Tortonian retrogradational trend, Late Tortonian to Early Messinian maximum flooding surface and Messinian progradational trend) and two for the upper cycle (Pliocene retrogradational trend and Piacenzian maximum flooding surface). These maps show (1) the variations of paleocurrent directions during the Mio-Pliocene, (2) the extent of estuarine environments during the maximum flooding intervals and (3) a paleodrainage watershed oriented NNW-SSE following the regional Quessoy/Nort-sur-Erdre Fault during the retrogradational trend of the upper cycle and possibly during the progradational trend of the lower cycle. The present-day morphology of the Armorican Massif is characterized by (1) incised valleys and jagged topography, in contrast with the "smooth" morphology described for Mio-Pliocene times and (2) a main East-West drainage watershed, located to the north, separating rivers flowing towards the English Channel from rivers flowing towards the Atlantic Ocean. The Mio-Pliocene/Pleistocene paleotopographic changes seem to be controlled by climatic effects. These can be related to the change in runoff associated with warmer and wetter conditions during the Mio-Pliocene, which control the river discharge and lead to the development of extensive fluvial sheetflood deposits. Tectonic or eustatic factors exert a second-order control. {\textcopyright} 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},
author = {Brault, N. and Bourquin, S. and Guillocheau, F. and Dabard, M. P. and Bonnet, S. and Courville, P. and Est{\'{e}}oule-Choux, J. and Stepanoff, F.},
doi = {10.1016/S0037-0738(03)00193-3},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Brault04{\_}Mio-Pliocene{\_}to{\_}Pleistocene{\_}paleotopographic{\_}evolu.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00370738},
journal = {Sedimentary Geology},
keywords = {Armorican Massif,Mio-Pliocene,Paleogeography,Paleotopography,Sequence stratigraphy},
number = {3-4},
pages = {175--210},
title = {{Mio-Pliocene to Pleistocene paleotopographic evolution of Brittany (France) from a sequence stratigraphic analysis: Relative influence of tectonics and climate}},
volume = {163},
year = {2004}
abstract = {A wide range of methods are available to quantify Earth's surface vertical movements but most of these methods cannot track low amplitude ({\textless}1 km, e.g. thermochronology) or old ({\textgreater}5 Ma, e.g. cosmogenic isotope studies) vertical movements characteristic of plate interiors. The difference between the present-day elevation of ancient sea-level markers (deduced from well dated marine deposits corrected from their bathymetry of deposition) and a global sea-level (GSL) curve are sometimes used to estimate these intraplate vertical movements. Here, we formalized this method by re-assessing the reliability of published GSL curves to build a composite curve that combines the most reliable ones at each stage, based on the potential bias and uncertainties inherent to each curve. We suggest i) that curves which reflect ocean basin volume changes are suitable for the ca. 100 to 35 Ma “greenhouse” period ii) whereas curves that reflects ocean water volume changes are better suited for the ca. 35 to 0 Ma “icehouse” interval and iii) that, for these respective periods, the fit is best when using curves that accounts for both volume changes. We used this composite GSL curve to investigate the poorly constrained Paleogene to Neogene vertical motions of the Armorican Massif (western France). It is characterized by a low elevation topography, a Variscan basement with numerous well dated Cenozoic marine deposits scattered upon it. Using our method, we identify low amplitude vertical movements ranging from 66 m of subsidence to 89 m of uplift over that time period. Their spatial distribution argues for a preferred scale of deformation at medium wavelengths (i.e., order 100 km), which we relate to the deformation history of northwestern European lithosphere in three distinct episodes. i) A phase of no deformation between 38 and 34 Ma, that has been previously recognized at the scale of northwestern Europe, ii) a phase of low subsidence between 30 and 3.6 Ma, possibly related to buckling of the lithosphere and iii) a phase of more pronounced uplift between 2.6 Ma and present, which we relate to the acceleration of the Africa–Apulia convergence or to enhanced erosion in the rapidly cooling climate of the Pleistocene.},
author = {Bessin, Paul and Guillocheau, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Robin, C{\'{e}}cile and Braun, Jean and Bauer, Hugues and Schro{\"{e}}tter, Jean Michel},
doi = {10.1016/j.epsl.2017.04.018},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Bessin17{\_}MA{\_}Vert-Mvt{\_}Sea-Level{\_}EPSL - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0012821X},
journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
keywords = {Armorican Massif,Cenozoic,global sea-level,intraplate domains,low amplitude deformation,quantification of vertical movements},
pages = {25--36},
publisher = {Elsevier B.V.},
title = {{Quantification of vertical movement of low elevation topography combining a new compilation of global sea-level curves and scattered marine deposits (Armorican Massif, western France)}},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2017.04.018},
volume = {470},
year = {2017}
author = {Defive, Emmanuelle and Pastre, Jean-Fran{\c{c}}ois and Lageat, Yannick and Cantagrel, Jean-Marie and Meloux, Jean-Luc},
publisher = {PUBP},
title = {{L'{\'{e}}volution g{\'{e}}omorphologique n{\'{e}}og{\`{e}}ne de la haute vall{\'{e}}e de la Loire compar{\'{e}}e {\`{a}} celle de l'Allier}},
year = {2007}
author = {Granet, Michel and Wilson, Marjorie and Achauer, Ulrich},
journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
number = {3-4},
pages = {281--296},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Imaging a mantle plume beneath the French Massif Central}},
volume = {136},
year = {1995}
author = {Einsele, Gerhard},
booktitle = {Cyclic and event stratification},
pages = {8--53},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {{Limestone-marl cycles (periodites): diagnosis, significance, causes—a review}},
year = {1982}
author = {Laskar, Jacques and Robutel, Philippe and Joutel, Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric and Gastineau, Mickael and Correia, A C M and Levrard, Benjamin},
journal = {Astronomy {\&} Astrophysics},
number = {1},
pages = {261--285},
publisher = {EDP Sciences},
title = {{A long-term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth}},
volume = {428},
year = {2004}
author = {Guillocheau, Francois},
journal = {Comptes rendus de l'Acad{\'{e}}mie des sciences. S{\'{e}}rie 2. Sciences de la terre et des plan{\`{e}}tes},
number = {12},
pages = {1141--1157},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Nature, rank and origin of Phanerozoic sedimentary cycles}},
volume = {320},
year = {1995}
author = {Granet, M and Stoll, G and Dorel, J and Achauer, U and Poupinet, G and Fuchs, K},
journal = {Geophysical Journal International},
number = {1},
pages = {33--48},
publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford, UK},
title = {{Massif Central (France): new constraints on the geodynamical evolution from teleseismic tomography}},
volume = {121},
year = {1995}
author = {GUILLOCHEAU, Fran{\c{c}}ois and BRAULT, Nicolas and THOMAS, Eric and BARBARAND, Jocelyn and Others},
title = {{HISTOIRE G{\'{E}}OLOGIQUE Du MAss{\{}$\backslash$i{\}}E ARMoRicAIN DEPUIS 140 MA (CRETACE-ACTUEL)}},
year = {2003}
author = {Thinon, I and R{\'{e}}hault, J-P and Fidalgo-Gonzales, L},
journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'{e}}t{\'{e}} g{\'{e}}ologique de France},
publisher = {Soci{\'{e}}t{\'{e}} G{\'{e}}ologique de France},
title = {{La couverture s{\'{e}}dimentaire syn-rift de la marge nord Gascogne et du Bassin armoricain (golfe de Gascogne) {\`{a}} partir de nouvelles donn{\'{e}}es de sismique-r{\'{e}}flexion}},
year = {2002}
abstract = {We compile field data collected along the eastern part of the North Pyrenean Zone (NPZ) to point to a tectonic evolution under peculiar thermal conditions applying to the basin sediments in relation with the opening of the Cretaceous Pyrenean rift. Based on this compilation, we show that when thinning of the continental crust increased, isotherms moved closer to the surface with the result that the brittle-ductile transition propagated upward and reached sediments deposited at the early stage of the basin opening. During the continental breakup, the pre-rift Mesozoic cover was efficiently decoupled from the Paleozoic basement along the Triassic evaporite level and underwent drastic ductile thinning and boudinage. We suggest that the upper Albian and upper Cretaceous flysches acted as a blanket allowing temperature increase in the mobile pre-rift cover. Finally, we show that continuous spreading of the basin floor triggered the exhumation of the metamorphic, ductily sheared pre-rift cover, thus contributing to the progressive thinning of the sedimentary pile. In a second step, we investigate the detailed geological records of such a hot regime evolution along a reference-section of the eastern NPZ. We propose a balanced restoration from the Mouthoumet basement massif (north) to the Boucheville Albian basin (south). This section shows a north to south increase in the HT Pyrenean imprint from almost no metamorphic recrystallization to more than 600 °C in the pre- and syn-rift sediments. From this reconstruction, we propose a scenario of tectonic thinning involving the exhumation of the pre-rift cover by the activation of various detachment surfaces at different levels in the sedimentary pile. In a third step, examination of the architecture of current distal passive margin domains provides confident comparison between the Pyrenean case and modern analogs. Finally, we propose a general evolutionary model for the pre-rift sequence of the Northeastern Pyrenean rifted margin.},
author = {Clerc, Camille and Lagabrielle, Yves and Labaume, Pierre and Ringenbach, Jean Claude and Vauchez, Alain and Nalpas, Thierry and Bousquet, Romain and Ballard, Jean Fran{\c{c}}ois and Lahfid, Abdeltif and Fourcade, Serge},
doi = {10.1016/j.tecto.2016.07.022},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Clerc16{\_}Pyr-NE{\_}Hot{\_}Rift-Marg{\_}Basement-Cover{\_}Decoupling{\_}Tectono - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00401951},
journal = {Tectonophysics},
keywords = {Extension,HT metamorphism,Passive margin,Pyrenees,Rifting,Structural geology},
pages = {82--97},
title = {{Basement – Cover decoupling and progressive exhumation of metamorphic sediments at hot rifted margin. Insights from the Northeastern Pyrenean analog}},
volume = {686},
year = {2016}
title={L’apport des grands mammif{\`e}res (Rhinoc{\'e}rotid{\'e}s, Suoid{\'e}s, Proboscidiens) {\`a} la connaissance des gisements du Mioc{\`e}ne d’Aquitaine (France)},
author={Antoine, Pierre-Olivier and Duranthon, Francis and Tassy, Pascal},
booktitle={Actes du Congr{\`e}s biochrom},
author = {Dubarry, R{\'{e}}gine},
school = {Pau},
title = {{Interpretation dynamique du pal{\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}ne et de l'{\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}ne inf{\'{e}}rieur et moyen de la r{\'{e}}gion de pau-Tarbes (avant-pays nord des Pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}es occidentales, sw France): S{\'{e}}dimentologie, corr{\'{e}}lations dia graphiques, d{\'{e}}compaction et calculs de subsidence}},
year = {1988}
abstract = {Estimating structural inheritance in orogens is critical to understanding the manner in which plate convergence is accommodated. The Pyrenean belt, which developed in Late Cretaceous to Paleogene times, was affected by Cretaceous rifting and Variscan orogeny. Here we combine a structural and petrological study of the Axial Zone in the Central Pyrenees to discuss structural inheritance. Low-grade Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks were affected by a Variscan transpressional event that produced successively: (1) regional-scale folds; (2) isoclinal folding, steep pervasive cleavage and vertical stretching, synchronous with peak metamorphism; (3) strain localization into ductile reverse shear zones. The persistence of a relatively flat envelope for the Paleozoic sedimentary pile and Variscan isograds, and the absence of Alpine crustal-scale faults in the core of the Axial Zone, suggests that the Axial Zone constitutes a large Variscan structural unit preserved during Pyrenean orogeny. This configuration seems to be inherited from Cretaceous rifting, which led to the individualization of a large continental block (future Axial Zone) against a hyper-extended domain along the North Pyrenean Fault zone. This study places the currently prevailing model of Pyrenean belt deformation in a new perspective and has important implications for crustal evolution and inheritance in mountain belts more generally.Supplementary materials: Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous materials data and a figure illustrating peak-fitting of the Raman spectrum of carbonaceous material and Raman spectra from the various samples of the Pallaresa cross-section are available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3906247},
author = {Cochelin, Bryan and Lemirre, Baptiste and Den{\`{e}}le, Yoann and {de Saint Blanquat}, Michel and Lahfid, Abdeltif and Duch{\^{e}}ne, St{\'{e}}phanie},
doi = {10.1144/jgs2017-066},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Cochelin18{\_}Pyr{\_}CentraL{\_}variscan{\_}Struct{\_}Inheritance{\_}JGSL - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0016-7649},
journal = {Journal of the Geological Society},
number = {2},
pages = {336--351},
title = {{Structural inheritance in the Central Pyrenees: the Variscan to Alpine tectonometamorphic evolution of the Axial Zone}},
volume = {175},
year = {2018}
author = {Dubreuilh, J and , J P and Farjanel, G and Karnay, G and Platel, J P and Simon-Coin{\c{c}}on, R},
journal = {G{\'{e}}ologie de la France},
pages = {3--26},
title = {{Dynamique d'un comblement continental n{\'{e}}og{\`{e}}ne et quaternaire: l'exemple du bassin d'Aquitaine}},
volume = {4},
year = {1995}
author = {Antoine, Pierre-Olivier and Duranthon, Francis and Tassy, Pascal},
booktitle = {Actes du Congr{\`{e}}s biochrom},
pages = {581--590},
title = {{L'apport des grands mammif{\`{e}}res (Rhinoc{\'{e}}rotid{\'{e}}s, Suoid{\'{e}}s, Proboscidiens) {\`{a}} la connaissance des gisements du Mioc{\`{e}}ne d'Aquitaine (France)}},
volume = {97},
year = {1997}
title={Notice explicative, Carte g{\'e}ol},
author={Capdeville, JP},
journal={France (1/50 000), feuille Mont-de-Marsan (951). Orl{\'e}ans: BRGM},
author = {Cavelier, C and Fries, G and Lagarigue, J L and Capdeville, J P},
journal = {G{\'{e}}ologie de la France},
pages = {69--79},
title = {{Sedimentation progradante au Cenozo{\{}$\backslash$"$\backslash$i{\}}que inf{\'{e}}rieur en Aquitaine m{\'{e}}ridionale: un mod{\`{e}}le}},
volume = {4},
year = {1997}
author = {G{\'{o}}mez, Manuel and Verg{\'{e}}s, Jaume and Riaza, Carlos},
journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'{e}}t{\'{e}} g{\'{e}}ologique de France},
number = {5},
pages = {449--459},
publisher = {Societe Geologique de France},
title = {{Inversion tectonics of the northern margin of the Basque Cantabrian Basin}},
volume = {173},
year = {2002}
author = {Gourdon-Platel, N and PLATEL, J P and Astruc, J G},
journal = {G{\'{e}}ologie de la France},
pages = {65--76},
title = {{La formation de Rouffignac, t{\'{e}}moin d'une pal{\'{e}}oalt{\'{e}}rite cuirass{\'{e}}e intra-{\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}ne en P{\'{e}}rigord-Quercy}},
volume = {1},
year = {2000}
author = {Lagabrielle, Yves and Labaume, Pierre and {de Saint Blanquat}, Michel},
journal = {Tectonics},
number = {4},
publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
title = {{Mantle exhumation, crustal denudation, and gravity tectonics during Cretaceous rifting in the Pyrenean realm (SW Europe): Insights from the geological setting of the lherzolite bodies}},
volume = {29},
year = {2010}
author = {{Le Pochat}, G},
journal = {Documents du Bureau de Recherches G{\'{e}}ologiques et Mini{\`{e}}res},
pages = {79--86},
title = {{Bassins pal{\'{e}}ozoiques cach{\'{e}}s sous l'Aquitaine}},
volume = {80},
year = {1984}
author = {Ferrer, O and Jackson, M P A and Roca, E and Rubinat, M},
journal = {Geological Society, London, Special Publications},
number = {1},
pages = {361--380},
publisher = {Geological Society of London},
title = {{Evolution of salt structures during extension and inversion of the Offshore Parentis Basin (Eastern Bay of Biscay)}},
volume = {363},
year = {2012}
abstract = {In this paper, we combined new field geological, structural, paleo-temperature and subsurface data together with deep geophysical data to build a new 210 km-long crustal-scale balanced and sequentially restored cross-section in the Central Pyrenean belt (Nestes-Cinca transect). The present-day surficial thrust system geometry of the belt consists of bi-vergent basement-cover thrust sheets with inverted extensional basins and halokinetic structures. Its crustal geometry consists of a thrust wedge geometry of the European lithosphere between the Axial Zone imbricate system of the Iberian upper crust and the north-directed subduction of the Iberian lower crust. Along the study transect, the contractional belt corresponds to the inversion of the Mesozoic Pyrenean Rift system, which consisted in a hyper-extended relay zone of two metamorphic zones with exhumation of lithospheric mantle, the Montillet and Baronnies zones, separated by the Barousse upper crustal boudin. Surface and subsurface data show that the European and Iberian crusts include major inherited structures of the Variscan belt and Permian Rift. These old crustal features controlled the location and geometry of the Mesozoic Pyrenean Rift system. During the upper Cretaceous-lower Miocene contraction, both Paleozoic and Mesozoic inherited features controlled the thrust kinematics and the structural architecture of the Pyrenean orogen. Palinspastic restorations show that the orogenic shortening recorded in the Central Pyrenean belt reaches 127 km (39{\%}) including the closure of the hyper-extended Pyrenean Rift system that initially archived 56 km of extension. This study emphasizes the long-term influence of Paleozoic-Mesozoic structural and thermal inheritances for the evolution of orogenic belts.},
author = {Espurt, N. and Angrand, P. and Teixell, A. and Labaume, P. and Ford, M. and {de Saint Blanquat}, M. and Chevrot, S.},
doi = {10.1016/j.tecto.2019.04.026},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Espurt19{\_}Spain{\_}Pyr-S{\_}Central{\_}Crust{\_}Balanced-Cross-Section{\_}Variscan-Belt{\_}Perm-Mesoz-Rift{\_}Control{\_}Tectono - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00401951},
journal = {Tectonophysics},
keywords = {Balanced cross-section,Central Pyrenean belt,Rifting,Structural inheritance,Variscan features},
number = {May},
pages = {25--45},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Crustal-scale balanced cross-section and restorations of the Central Pyrenean belt (Nestes-Cinca transect): Highlighting the structural control of Variscan belt and Permian-Mesozoic rift systems on mountain building}},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2019.04.026},
volume = {764},
year = {2019}
title={Les sables fauves: dynamique s{\'e}dimentaire et {\'e}volution morphostructurale du bassin d'Aquitaine au Mioc{\`e}ne moyen},
author={Gard{\`e}re, Philippe},
author = {Gard{\`{e}}re, Philippe and Rey, Jacques and Duranthon, Francis},
journal = {Comptes Rendus G{\'{e}}oscience},
number = {13},
pages = {987--994},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Les {\{}$\backslash$guillemotleft{\}}Sables fauves{\{}$\backslash$guillemotright{\}}, t{\'{e}}moins de mouvements tectoniques dans le bassin d'Aquitaine au Mioc{\`{e}}ne moyen}},
volume = {334},
year = {2002}
author = {Roest, W R and Srivastava, S P},
journal = {Geology},
number = {6},
pages = {613--616},
publisher = {Geological Society of America},
title = {{Kinematics of the plate boundaries between Eurasia, Iberia, and Africa in the North Atlantic from the Late Cretaceous to the present}},
volume = {19},
year = {1991}
author = {Masini, Emmanuel and Manatschal, Gianreto and Tugend, Julie and Mohn, Geoffroy and Flament, Jean-Marie},
journal = {International Journal of Earth Sciences},
number = {6},
pages = {1569--1596},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {{The tectono-sedimentary evolution of a hyper-extended rift basin: the example of the Arzacq--Maul{\'{e}}on rift system (Western Pyrenees, SW France)}},
volume = {103},
year = {2014}
author = {Roure, F and Choukroune, P and Berastegui, X and Munoz, J A and Villien, A and Matheron, Ph and Bareyt, M and Seguret, M and Camara, P and Deramond, J},
journal = {Tectonics},
number = {1},
pages = {41--50},
publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
title = {{ECORS deep seismic data and balanced cross sections: Geometric constraints on the evolution of the Pyrenees}},
volume = {8},
year = {1989}
abstract = {The aim of this study is to unravel the tectono-sedimentary evolution of a hyper-thinned rift, based on the example of the Maul{\'{e}}on Basin, a basin filled by thick synrift deposits. The integrated study combines field data, detailed geological mapping and seismic interpretation. The field study focuses on the Iberian margin of the Maul{\'{e}}on Basin. Seismic interpretation and well calibration along a N–]S transect of the Maul{\'{e}}on Basin enable imaging the transition with the northern conjugate margin. The synrift records are very different on either side of the basin: the southern margin is composed of a proximal turbiditic s.l. siliciclastic system, whereas the northern margin is characterized by a carbonate system extending from the platform to the basin. We recognize the Maul{\'{e}}on rift as an apparent symmetric hyper-thinned rift, related to a southward dipping Albian detachment and a northward dipping Cenomanian one. Two stages of continental crustal thinning are inferred to explain the development of the Maul{\'{e}}on Basin. First, a Barremian to earliest Albian “ductile pure-shear thinning phase” responsible for the lower crustal thinning and the formation of a symmetric sag basin. Second, an Albian-Cenomanian simple-shear thinning phase, responsible for the onset of the southward dipping Saint-Palais detachment faulting and for evolution to an asymmetric basin. The Iberian margin appears as an upper plate and the European one as a lower plate during Albian time. At Early Cenomanian time, the basin was affected by structural changes of the margins resulting from shift in detachment direction, interpreted as “flip-flop detachment tectonics”.},
author = {Saspiturry, Nicolas and Razin, Philippe and Baudin, Thierry and Serrano, Olivier and Issautier, Benoit and Lasseur, Eric and Allanic, C{\'{e}}cile and Thinon, Isabelle and Leleu, Sophie},
doi = {10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.03.031},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Saspiturry19{\_}Pyr-W{\_}Mauleon{\_}Hyper-Thin-Rift{\_}Sym{\_}MAPG - copie.pdf:pdf},
issn = {02648172},
journal = {Marine and Petroleum Geology},
keywords = {Detachment faulting,Early cretaceous,Hyper-extended rift,Maul{\'{e}}on basin,Pyrenees},
number = {January},
pages = {86--105},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Symmetry vs. asymmetry of a hyper-thinned rift: Example of the Maul{\'{e}}on Basin (Western Pyrenees, France)}},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.03.031},
volume = {104},
year = {2019}
author = {Mathieu, Christian},
journal = {Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration--Production Elf-Aquitaine},
pages = {22--47},
title = {{Histoire g{\'{e}}ologique du sous-bassin de Parentis}},
volume = {10},
year = {1986}
abstract = {The tectonic history of the western Tethys since the Late Triassic is illustrated through a set of computer-generated plate reconstructions, which are based on a rigorous plate motions model of this region. The model is constrained by the Atlantic plate kinematics and on-land geologic evidence and defines 13 tectonic phases, spanning the time interval from the late Ladinian (230 Ma) to the present. The kinematics associated with the Late Triassic western Tethyan rifts produced the detachment of a large composite fragment from the northern margin of Gondwana. It can be considered as the eastern propagation of the central Pangea breakup. During the Early Jurassic these rift zones became inactive, while new zones of extension formed along the southern margin of Eurasia, the eastern margin of Iberia, and within the rifted northern Gondwana fragment itself. Plate motions associated with the first two extensional centers can still be considered as an eastern branch of the central Atlantic plate kinematics. Conversely, the kinematic parameters of the latter-rift result from the composition of the Euler rotation describing the central Pangea breakup and the Euler pole of closure of the paleo-Tethys ocean. The Late Triassic-Early Jurassic rifting phases determined the formation of a number of independent microplates at the interface between Africa and Eurasia. Starting from the Early Cretaceous, convergence between Africa and Eurasia triggered further deformation within the dispersed continental fragments and the formation of backarc basins at the active margins, ultimately leading to an increase in the number of tectonic elements that were moving independently in the western Tethyan region during the Late Cretaceous and the Cenozoic. The proposed tectonic evolution of the western Tethys area is compatible with both global-scale plate kinematics and geological constraints from on-land data observed across the present-day mosaic of displaced terranes surrounding the Mediterranean region. ? 2011 Geological Society of America.},
author = {Schettino, Antonio and Turco, Eugenio},
doi = {10.1130/B30064.1},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Schettino11{\_}Tethys{\_}W{\_}Tect{\_}Evol{\_}Since{\_}Late-Trias{\_}GSAbull.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00167606},
journal = {Bulletin of the Geological Society of America},
number = {1-2},
pages = {89--105},
title = {{Tectonic history of the Western Tethys since the Late Triassic}},
volume = {123},
year = {2011}
author = {Puigdef{\`{a}}bregas, C and Souquet, P},
journal = {Tectonophysics},
number = {1-4},
pages = {173--203},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Tecto-sedimentary cycles and depositional sequences of the Mesozoic and Tertiary from the Pyrenees}},
volume = {129},
year = {1986}
author = {Paris, F and {Le Pochat}, G},
booktitle = {Pre-Mesozoic Geology in France and Related Areas},
pages = {405--415},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {{The Aquitaine Basin}},
year = {1994}
author = {Tugend, Julie and Manatschal, Gianreto and Kusznir, N J and Masini, Emmanuel},
journal = {Geological Society, London, Special Publications},
number = {1},
pages = {171--203},
publisher = {Geological Society of London},
title = {{Characterizing and identifying structural domains at rifted continental margins: application to the Bay of Biscay margins and its Western Pyrenean fossil remnants}},
volume = {413},
year = {2015}
abstract = {Reconstructing long-term drainage evolution in collisional setting is key to deciphering between the drivers controlling landscape and time scales of syn-orogenic sediment transfer processes. Provenance studies in orogenic systems often exploit the geochronological record of past magmatic events in sediments to infer their source rocks. However, detrital age distribution may be difficult to be directly related to a specific source rock because it depends on whole rock composition and a robust stratigraphic and sedimentologic framework. Description of the provenance signal over the orogenic cycle from rift basin to its inversion as an orogenic prism may therefore appear to be a very challenging task. Here, we take advantage of an extensive set of geochronological dates in combination with sedimentological data in well-dated stratigraphic units to resolve uncertainties on grain provenance. We focus on the Pyrenees Mountains that developed in response to the inversion of European and Iberian continental margins from the Late Cretaceous to the Miocene. Inversion of hyper-extended rift basins in the Northern Pyrenees is recorded by specific cooling histories contrasting with the Southern Pyrenees where crustal extension was minor. We review and compile all available detrital thermochronological and geochronological data sets and provide new U/Pb and (U-Th-Sm)/He analyses on detrital zircon grains. This new data set allows us to re-examine the evolution of the sediments routing in the Pyrenees from rift-related Mesozoic basin evolution to tectonic inversion during Cenozoic foreland development. Together with sedimentological and petrographical constraints from syn-rift Mesozoic and syn-orogenic Cenozoic sediments, and within the frame of quantitative kinematic plate reconstructions based on existing rotation data, and balanced cross-sections, we examine the temporal and spatial evolution of sediment routing in the entire Pyrenean realm from rift to collision. Our paleogeographic reconstructions of the sediment dispersal pattern are presented for four key time steps at {\~{}} 100, 70, 55, and 40 Ma, accounting for Iberia's plate motion. Early Cretaceous extension on the European margin led to the formation of multiple and narrow basins that were fed locally. This contrasts with the larger-scale pattern of sediment dispersal on the southern Iberia margin. The differences in sediments dispersal are shown to reflect first-order N-S asymmetry of extension. The asymmetry is maintained during the earliest stages of convergence in Late-Cretaceous – Paleocene. The southern foreland basin exhibits large-scale longitudinal drainage patterns while sediments dispersal in the northern basin is controlled by inherited pre-orogenic E-W-striking basin architecture. In the Paleocene, the southwards migration of thrust sheets and underplating below the Axial Zone led to increasing exhumation at the origin of the emplacement of the first transverse drainage network in the Southern Pyrenees. Changes from dominant longitudinal to transverse drainage in the north occurred in the middle Eocene. Our study emphasizes the role played by the rifted margin on the syn-collisional sediment routing system. We anticipate that this main result could be transposed to other orogens that have resulted from rift basin inversion.},
author = {Vacherat, Arnaud and Mouthereau, Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric and Pik, Rapha{\"{e}}l and Huyghe, Damien and Paquette, Jean Louis and Christophoul, Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric and Loget, Nicolas and Tibari, Bouchaib},
doi = {10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.07.004},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Vacherat17{\_}Pyr{\_}Sed-Routing{\_}Sed{\_}Geochro{\_}Kin{\_}ESR.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00128252},
journal = {Earth-Science Reviews},
number = {July},
pages = {43--74},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Rift-to-collision sediment routing in the Pyrenees: A synthesis from sedimentological, geochronological and kinematic constraints}},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.07.004},
volume = {172},
year = {2017}
abstract = {The Pyrenean Mountains represent the westernmost end of the long Alpine Himalayan collisional system. The excellent preservation of foreland basin deposits in conjunction with folds and thrusts has been the basis for the numerous papers on the syntectonic evolution of the Pyrenees. Many of these papers quantified the geological processes: inversion tectonics, fold-and-thrust development, foreland and hinterland sequences of thrusting, growth strata, and control of stratigraphy on tectonics as well as tectonics on sedimentation. Geophysical data also constrain the crustal and lithospheric structure. The pre-orogenic Mesozoic rift basins exerted a significant influence on the Pyrenean thrust system. Later, the opening of the Val{\`{e}}ncia trough was also important for the late development of the Eastern Pyrenees. Both, the preand post-orogenic evolution deserve more attention. In this paper we present an integrated synthesis of the Pyrenees from the middle Cretaceous to the present showing the pre-, syn- and post-collisional evolution ranging from plate tectonics to single anticlines and thrusts. Special emphasis is given to the timing of deformation related to both compression during collision and the later extension related to the opening of the Val{\`{e}}ncia trough. A lithospheric section across the Central Pyrenees and another along the strike of the Eastern Pyrenees show the present-day structure at depth. The present-day crustal structure of the Western Pyrenees almost reflects the final stage of the Pyrenean orogenic growth, since there have not been major post-collisional events in the region. The eastern Pyrenees, however, show a relatively rapid thinning of the crust and lithosphere towards the E due to the strong overprinting of Neogene and Quaternary extensional events. Most of the easternmost Pyrenean landscape is related to block uplift related to normal faulting.},
author = {Verg{\'{e}}s, Jaume and Fern{\`{a}}ndez, Manel and Mart{\`{i}}nez, Albert},
doi = {10.3809/jvirtex.2002.00058},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Verges02{\_}Iberia{\_}Spain{\_}Pyrenean{\_}Evol{\_}Synth{\_}JVirtualExplor.pdf:pdf},
issn = {14418126},
journal = {Journal of the Virtual Explorer},
keywords = {Alpine-Himalayan belt,Ebro foreland basin,Pyrenees,Thrust timing},
pages = {55--74},
title = {{The Pyrenean orogen: Pre-, syn-, and post-collisional evolution}},
volume = {8},
year = {2002}
author = {Thinon, Isabelle and Fidalgo-Gonz{\'{a}}lez, Luis and R{\'{e}}hault, Jean-Pierre and Olivet, Jean-Louis},
journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{\'{e}}mie des Sciences-Series IIA-Earth and Planetary Science},
number = {9},
pages = {561--568},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{D{\'{e}}formations pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}ennes dans le golfe de Gascogne}},
volume = {332},
year = {2001}
title={Kinematic evolution of the southern North Atlantic: Implications for the formation of hyperextended rift systems},
author={Nirrengarten, Michael and Manatschal, G and Tugend, J and Kusznir, N and Sauter, Daniel},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Nature and origin of the J-magnetic anomaly offshore Iberia--Newfoundland: implications for plate reconstructions},
author={Nirrengarten, Michael and Manatschal, Gianreto and Tugend, Julie and Kusznir, Nick J and Sauter, Daniel},
journal={Terra Nova},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
title={Cretaceous slab break-off in the Pyrenees: Iberian plate kinematics in paleomagnetic and mantle reference frames},
author={Vissers, Reinoud LM and van Hinsbergen, Douwe JJ and van der Meer, Douwe G and Spakman, Wim},
journal={Gondwana Research},
abstract = {This paper provides a synthesis of current data and interpretations on the crustal structure of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian orogenic belt, and presents new tectonic models for representative transects. The Pyrenean orogeny lasted from Santonian ({\~{}}84 Ma) to early Miocene times ({\~{}}20 Ma), and consisted of a spatial and temporal succession of oceanic crust/exhumed mantle subduction, rift inversion and continental collision processes at the Iberia-Eurasia plate boundary. A good coverage by active-source (vertical-incidence and wide-angle reflection) and passive-source (receiver functions) seismic studies, coupled with surface data have led to a reasonable knowledge of the present-day crustal architecture of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian belt, although questions remain. Seismic imaging reveals a persistent structure, from the central Pyrenees to the central Cantabrian Mountains, consisting of a wedge of Eurasian lithosphere indented into the thicker Iberian plate, whose lower crust is detached and plunges northwards into the mantle. For the Pyrenees, a new scheme of relationships between the southern upper crustal thrust sheets and the Axial Zone is here proposed. For the Cantabrian belt, the depth reached by the N-dipping Iberian crust and the structure of the margin are also revised. The common occurrence of lherzolite bodies in the northern Pyrenees and the seismic velocity and potential field record of the Bay of Biscay indicate that the precursor of the Pyrenees was a hyperextended and strongly segmented rift system, where narrow domains of exhumed mantle separated the thinned Iberian and Eurasian continental margins since the Albian-Cenomanian. The exhumed mantle in the Pyrenean rift was largely covered by a Mesozoic sedimentary lid that had locally glided along detachments in Triassic evaporites. Continental margin collision in the Pyrenees was preceded by subduction of the exhumed mantle, accompanied by the pop-up thrust expulsion of the off-scraped sedimentary lid above. To the west, oceanic subduction of the Bay of Biscay under the North Iberian margin is supported by an upper plate thrust wedge, gravity and magnetic anomalies, and 3D inclined sub-crustal reflections. However, discrepancies remain for the location of continent-ocean transitions in the Bay of Biscay and for the extent of oceanic subduction. The plate-kinematic evolution during the Mesozoic, which involves issues as the timing and total amount of opening, as well as the role of strike-slip drift, is also under debate, discrepancies arising from first-order interpretations of the adjacent oceanic magnetic anomaly record.},
author = {Teixell, A. and Labaume, P. and Ayarza, P. and Espurt, N. and {de Saint Blanquat}, M. and Lagabrielle, Y.},
doi = {10.1016/j.tecto.2018.01.009},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/Desktop/Biblio en cour/Bib-Tectono{\_}Alex1/Teixell18{\_}Spain{\_}Pyr-Cantabrian-Belt{\_}Crust-Struct{\_}Evol{\_}Review{\_}Tectono.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00401951},
journal = {Tectonophysics},
keywords = {Collision,Crustal structure,Hyperextended margins,North Iberian margin,Pyrenees-Cantabrian Mountains,Subduction},
number = {January},
pages = {146--170},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Crustal structure and evolution of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian belt: A review and new interpretations from recent concepts and data}},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2018.01.009},
volume = {724-725},
year = {2018}
author = {Deregnaucourt, Didier},
title = {{Contribution {\`{a}} l'{\'{e}}tude g{\'{e}}ologique du Golfe de Gascogne}},
year = {1981}
author = {Deregnaucourt, Didier and Boillot, Gilbert},
journal = {Bulletin du Bureau de Recherches G{\'{e}}ologiques et Mini{\`{e}}res/1},
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title = {{Structure g{\'{e}}ologique du golfe de Gascogne}},
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title = {{Approches s{\'{e}}dimentologique et g{\'{e}}ophysique des accumulations turbiditiques: l'{\'{e}}ventail profond du Cap-Ferret (Golfe de Gascogne), la s{\'{e}}rie des gr{\`{e}}s d'Annot (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence)}},
year = {1983}
author = {Boillot, G and Dupeuble, P A and Lamboy, M and D'Ozouville, L and Sibuet, J C},
journal = {Histoire structurale du Golfe de Gascogne},
publisher = {Technip, Par{\{}$\backslash$'$\backslash$i{\}}s},
title = {{Structure et histoire g{\'{e}}ologique de la marge continentale au N de l'Espagne}},
volume = {6},
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author = {Montadert, L and Winnock, E},
publisher = {Technip},
title = {{L'Histoire structurale du Golf de Gascogne}},
year = {1971}
author = {Crouzel, C},
school = {Th{\`{e}}se, Universit{\'{e}} de Toulouse},
title = {{Le Miocene du Bassin d'Aquitaine}},
year = {1957}
author = {Thinon, Isabelle},
school = {Brest},
title = {{Structure profonde de la marge nord-Gascogne et du bassin armoricain}},
year = {1999}
author = {Cahuzac, B and Poignant, A},
journal = {G{\'{e}}ologie de la France},
pages = {35--55},
publisher = {BRGM et Soc. g{\'{e}}ol. Fr., {\'{e}}ds Orl{\'{e}}ans, 3},
title = {{Foraminif{\`{e}}res benthiques et microproblematica du Serravallien d'Aquitaine (Sud-Ouest de la France)}},
volume = {3},
year = {1996}
title={Les foraminif{\`e}res benthiques du Langhien du Bassin d'Aquitaine (SW de la France); donn{\'e}es pal{\'e}o{\'e}cologiques et biog{\'e}ographiques},
author={Cahuzac, Bruno and Poignant, Armelle},
author = {Ducasse, Odette and Cahuzac, Bruno},
journal = {Revue de micropal{\'{e}}ontologie},
number = {4},
pages = {247--260},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Evolution de la faune d'ostracodes dans un cadre pal{\'{e}}og{\'{e}}ographique et interpr{\'{e}}tation des pal{\'{e}}oenvironnements au Langhien en Aquitaine}},
volume = {39},
year = {1996}
author = {Ducasse, Odette and
, Bruno},
journal = {Revue de Micropal{\'{e}}ontologie},
number = {2},
pages = {141--166},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Les ostracodes indicateurs des pal{\'{e}}oenvironnements au Mioc{\`{e}}ne moyen (Serravallien) en Aquitaine (Sud-Ouest de la France)}},
volume = {40},
year = {1997}
title={R{\'e}vision lithostratigraphique et biostratigraphique de l'Oligoc{\`e}ne d'Aquitaine occidentale (France)},
author={Sztr{\'a}kos, K{\'a}roly and Steurbaut, Etienne},
title={Stratigraphie et pal{\'e}og{\'e}ographie de l'Oligoc{\`e}ne au Mioc{\`e}ne moyen en Aquitaine sud-occidentale},
author={Cahuzac, Bruno},
author = {Capdeville, J P and Turq, A},
year = {2003}
author = {Viallard, PIERRE},
journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'{e}}t{\'{e}} G{\'{e}}ologique de France},
number = {3},
pages = {551--559},
publisher = {Societe Geologique de France Paris, France},
title = {{Un modele de charriage epiglyptique; la nappe des Corbieres orientales (Aude, France)}},
volume = {3},
year = {1987}
author = {Feist-Castel, M and Ringeade, MICHEL},
journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'{e}}t{\'{e}} g{\'{e}}ologique de France},
number = {2},
pages = {341--354},
publisher = {Societe Geologique de France Paris, France},
title = {{Etude biostratigraphique et paleobotanique (Charophytes) des formations continentales d'Aquitaine, de l'Eocene superieur au Miocene inferieur}},
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address = {Stuttgart, Germany},
author = {Steurbaut, Etienne},
journal = {Palaeontographica Abteilung A},
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publisher = {Schweizerbart Science Publishers},
title = {{Les otolithes de T{\'{e}}l{\'{e}}ost{\'{e}}ens de l'Oligo-Mioc{\`{e}}ne d'Aquitaine (Sud-Ouest de la France)}},
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author = {Cahuzac, Bruno and Janssen, Arie W},
journal = {Scripta Geologica},
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title = {{Eocene to Miocene holoplanktonic Mollusca (Gastropoda) of the Aquitaine Basin, southwest France}},
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author={Platel, JP},
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title = {{Notice explicative. Carte g{\'{e}}ologique de la France (1/50 000). Feuille Cazaubon (926)}},
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title = {{Notice et carte g{\'{e}}ologique de la France, feuille Tartas, 1: 50 000}},
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author = {Muratet, Bruno},
title = {{G{\'{e}}odynamique du pal{\'{e}}og{\`{e}}ne continental en Quercy-Rouergue: analyse de la s{\'{e}}dimentation polycyclique des bassins d'Aspri{\`{e}}res (Aveyron, Maurs (Cantal) et Varen (Tarn et Garonne)}},
year = {1983}
author = {Palassou, Pierre-Bernard},
publisher = {Didot},
title = {{Essai sur la min{\'{e}}ralogie des monts Pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}es...}},
year = {1784}
author = {Crochet, Bernard},
school = {Toulouse 3},
title = {{Molasses syntectoniques du versant nord des Pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}es: la s{\'{e}}rie de Palassou}},
year = {1989}
author = {Dubreuilh, J},
journal = {These d'{\'{e}}tat. Universit{\'{e}} de Bordeaux, Bordeaux},
title = {{Contributiona l'{\'{e}}tude s{\'{e}}dimentologique du systeme fluviatile Dordogne-Garonne dans la r{\'{e}}gion bordelaise}},
year = {1976}
title={Carte g{\'e}ologique de la France (1/50 000), Feuille Lesparre-M{\`e}doc-Le Junca (753-754). Orl{\'e}ans: BRGM Notice explicative par J. Dubreuilh, J},
author={Dubreuilh, J and Marionnaud, JM},
title={Lithostratigraphie et biostratigraphie des formations pal{\'e}oc{\`e}nes et {\'e}oc{\`e}nes entre Bayonne et Pau (SW France)},
author={Sztr{\'a}kos, K{\'a}roly},
journal={Revue de micropal{\'e}ontologie},
abstract = {Geraads, D., Kaya, T., and Mayda, S. 2005. Late Miocene large mammals from Yulafli, Thrace region, Turkey, and their biogeographic implications. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 50 (3): 523–544. Collecting over the last twenty years in sand and gravel quarries near Yulafli in European Turkey has yielded a substantial fauna of large mammals. The most significant of these for biochronology are well−preserved remains of the ursid Indarctos arctoides, the suid Hippopotamodon antiquus, and several rhino genera. They point to a late Vallesian (MN 10−equivalent) age. Several other taxa, of longer chronological range, are in good agreement with this dating. The Proboscidea include, besides the Eastern Mediterranean Choerolophodon, the Deinotherium + Tetralophodon associa− tion, commonly found in Europe, and the rare “Mastodon” grandincisivus, here reported for the first time in the Vallesian. The age of Yulafli shows that the large size of some taxa, such as Deinotherium (size close to that of D. gigantissimum) and Dorcatherium, does not always track chronology. The Yulafli fauna is close in composition and ecology to other lo− calities in Turkish Thrace, and also shares several taxa unknown in Anatolia, especially Dorcatherium, with the North−Western European Province. It reflects a forested/humid landscape that extended in Vallesian times along the Aegean coast of Turkey, perhaps as far South as Crete, quite distinct from the open environments recorded at the same pe− riod in Greek Macedonia and Anatolia, and probably more like the central European one. Together with the establishment of a Tethys–Paratethys marine connection, this “Eastern Aegean Province” likely acted as an ecological barrier that hin− dered East−West migrations of open−country large mammals, such as bovids or long−limbed giraffes, and might have con− tributed to the differentiation of Ouranopithecus and Ankarapithecus.},
author = {Geraads, Denis and Kaya, Tanju and Mayda, Serdar},
file = {:D$\backslash$:/2-BIBLIOGRAPHIE/25-Pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}es/Lannemezan/Carte 1053 Argument verificaiton age/Geraads D. 05 Late Miocene large mammals.pdf:pdf},
journal = {Acta Palaeontologica Polonica},
keywords = {artiodactyla,miocene,per,proboscidea,vallesian},
number = {3},
pages = {523--544},
title = {{Late Miocene large mammals from Yulafli , Thrace region , Turkey , and their biogeographic implications Systematic palaeontology}},
url = {http://app.pan.pl/archive/published/app50/app50-523.pdf},
volume = {50},
year = {2005}
author = {Gard{\`{e}}re, Philippe},
doi = {10.1007/s00015-005-1160-y},
file = {:D$\backslash$:/2-BIBLIOGRAPHIE/5{\_}Tertiaire-BA/Garderes05/Gardere05{\_}BA{\_}SablesFauves{\_}Mioc{\_}Def{\_}Eclogae.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0001500511},
issn = {00129402},
journal = {Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae},
keywords = {Aquitaine (S W France),Diapirism,Middle Miocene,Paleogeography,Planktonic foraminifera,Sables Fauves,Sedimentary dynamics,Stratigraphy,Tectonics},
number = {2},
pages = {201--217},
title = {{La Formation des Sables Fauves: Dynamique s{\'{e}}dimentaire au Mioc{\`{e}}ne moyen et {\'{e}}volution morpho-structurale de l'Aquitaine (SW France) durant le N{\'{e}}og{\`{e}}ne}},
volume = {98},
year = {2005}
author = {Cahuzac, B and Poignant, A},
journal = {Revue de Pal{\'{e}}obiologie, volume sp{\'{e}}cial},
pages = {633--642},
title = {{Les foraminif{\`{e}}res benthiques de l'Oligoc{\`{e}}ne terminal du vallon de Poustagnac (Landes, Bassin d'Aquitaine, SO de la France). D{\'{e}}couverte de Cycloclypeus et de Pararotalia {\`{a}} loges {\'{e}}quatoriales suppl{\'{e}}mentaires}},
volume = {2},
year = {1988}
author = {Brunet, Michel},
publisher = {FeniXX},
title = {{Les grands mammif{\`{e}}res chefs de file de l'immigration oligoc{\`{e}}ne et le probl{\`{e}}me de la limite Eoc{\`{e}}ne-Oligoc{\`{e}}ne en Europe}},
year = {1978}
author = {Sibson, Robin},
journal = {Interpreting multivariate data},
publisher = {John Wiley {\&} Sons},
title = {{A brief description of natural neighbour interpolation}},
year = {1981}
author = {Zolna{\"{i}}, G},
journal = {Rev. G{\'{e}}ogr. Phys. G{\'{e}}ol. Dynam. Fr},
pages = {219--238},
title = {{Sur l'existence d'un r{\'{e}}seau de failles de d{\'{e}}crochement dans l'avant-pays nord des Pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}es occidentales}},
volume = {17},
year = {1975}
author = {Zolna{\"{i}}, G},
journal = {Histoire structural du golfe de Gascogne. Technip},
pages = {1--10},
title = {{Le front nord des Pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}es occidentales}},
year = {1971}
author = {Razin, Philippe},
title = {{Evolution tecto-s{\'{e}}dimentaire alpine des Pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}es Basques {\`{a}} l'Ouest de la transformante de Pamplona(province du Labourd)}},
year = {1989}
author = {G{\'{e}}ly, J P and Sztr{\`{a}}kos, K},
journal = {G{\'{e}}ologie de la France},
pages = {31--57},
title = {{L'{\'{e}}volution pal{\'{e}}og{\'{e}}ographique et g{\'{e}}odynamique du Bassin aquitain au Pal{\'{e}}og{\`{e}}ne: enregistrement et datation de la tectonique pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}enne}},
volume = {2},
year = {2000}
author = {Serrano, Olivier},
school = {Universit{\'{e}} Rennes 1},
title = {{Le Cr{\'{e}}tac{\'{e}} Sup{\'{e}}rieur-Pal{\'{e}}og{\`{e}}ne du Bassin Compressif Nord-Pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}en (Bassin de l'Adour). S{\'{e}}dimentologie, Stratigraphie, G{\'{e}}odynamique.}},
year = {2001}
author = {Kieken, M.},
doi = {10.2113/gssgfbull.s7-xv.1.40},
file = {:D$\backslash$:/2-BIBLIOGRAPHIE/5{\_}Tertiaire-BA/Kieken73{\_}BA{\_}Tert{\_}Evol{\_}BSGF.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0037-9409},
journal = {Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France},
number = {1},
pages = {40--50},
title = {{Evolution de l'Aquitaine au cours du Tertiaire}},
volume = {S7-XV},
year = {1973}
author = {{Mitchum Jr}, R M and Vail, P R and {Thompson III}, Samuel},
publisher = {AAPG Special Volumes},
title = {{Seismic stratigraphy and global changes of sea level: Part 2. The depositional sequence as a basic unit for stratigraphic analysis: Section 2. Application of seismic reflection configuration to stratigraphic interpretation}},
year = {1977}
author = {Vail, PRr and {Mitchum Jr}, R M and {Thompson III}, Sam},
publisher = {AAPG Special Volumes},
title = {{Seismic stratigraphy and global changes of sea level: Part 4. Global cycles of relative changes of sea level.: Section 2. Application of seismic reflection configuration to stratigraphic interpretation}},
year = {1977}
abstract = {ABSTRACT Shoreline and shelf-edge trajectories describe the migration through time of sedimentary systems, using geomorphological breaks-in-slope that are associated with key changes in depositional processes and products. Analysis of these trajectories provides a simple descriptive tool that complements and extends conventional sequence stratigraphic methods and models. Trajectory analysis offers four advantages over a sequence stratigraphic interpretation based on systems tracts: (1) each genetically related advance or retreat of a shoreline or shelf edge is viewed in the context of a continuously evolving depositional system, rather than as several discrete systems tracts; (2) subtle changes in depositional response (e.g. within systems tracts) can be identified and honoured; (3) trajectory analysis does not anticipate the succession of depositional events implied by systems-tract models; and (4) the descriptive emphasis of trajectory analysis does not involve any a priori assumptions about the type or nature of the mechanisms that drive sequence development. These four points allow the level of detail in a trajectory-based interpretation to be directly tailored to the available data, such that the interpretation may be qualitative or quantitative in two or three dimensions. Four classes of shoreline trajectory are recognized: ascending regressive, descending regressive, transgressive and stationary (i.e. nonmigratory). Ascending regressive and high-angle (accretionary) transgressive trajectories are associated with expanded facies belt thicknesses, the absence of laterally extensive erosional surfaces, and relatively high preservation of the shoreline depositional system. In contrast, descending regressive and low-angle (nonaccretionary) transgressive trajectories are associated with foreshortened and/or missing facies belts, the presence of laterally extensive erosional surfaces, and relatively low preservation of the shoreline depositional system. Stationary trajectories record shorelines positioned at a steeply sloping shelf edge, with accompanying bypass of sediment to the basin floor. Shelf-edge trajectories represent larger spatial and temporal scales than shoreline trajectories, and they can be subdivided into ascending, descending and stationary (i.e. nonmigratory) classes. Ascending trajectories are associated with a relatively large number and thickness of shoreline tongues (parasequences), the absence of laterally extensive erosional surfaces on the shelf, and relatively low sediment supply to the basin floor. Descending trajectories are associated with a few, thin shoreline tongues, the presence of laterally extensive erosional surfaces on the shelf, and high sediment supply to basin-floor fan systems. Stationary trajectories record near-total bypass of sediment across the shelf and mass transfer to the basin floor.},
author = {Helland-Hansen, W. and Hampson, G. J.},
doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2117.2009.00425.x},
isbn = {1365-2117},
issn = {0950091X},
journal = {Basin Research},
number = {5},
pages = {454--483},
title = {{Trajectory analysis: Concepts and applications}},
volume = {21},
year = {2009}
abstract = {Sequence stratigraphic models are: (1) discussed from a theoretical point of view, with emphasis on a systematical discussion of the breakdown of depositional cycles produced by changes in relative sea-level and sediment supply into systems tracts and, (2) questioned by discussing and schematically showing alternative scenarios to the established ones. The "shoreline trajectory", defined as the cross-sectional shoreline migration path along the depositional dip, is a useful building block for describing the internal architecture of the depositional cycles and their contained systems tracts. The shoreline trajectories can be grouped into discrete classes including accretionary and non-accretionary forced regression, normal regression, and accretionary and non-accretionary transgression. Depositional cycles formed as a response to successive rises and falls of relative sea-level should be divided into four, and not three systems tracts, which is the most common in the literature. Three key surfaces can encompass a complete cycle. These are the surfaces of maximum regression and transgression, and the subaerial unconformity formed during relative sea-level fall. The correlative conformity to the subaerial unconformity should correspond to the time of lowest relative sea-level. Variability of the lowstand wedge and highstand systems tracts can be treated together, since both are taking place during rising relative sea-level with sediment supply being larger than the accommodation being generated. The resultant progradation may or may not be interrupted by transgressive events. Three end-member scenarios for the transgressive systems tract can be envisaged: non-accretionary transgression; accretionary transgression; and backstepping by combined transgressions and normal regressions. Important controls on the variability of the forced regressive systems tract are the gradients of the shoreline trajectory and the fronting depositional foundation. Basin floor mass-gravity deposition may occur within all four systems tracts and will eventually take place both in a ramp and shelf-slope-basin setting if the receiving basin extends into deep waters and is oversupplied with sediments. {\textcopyright} 1994.},
author = {Helland-Hansen, William and Gjelberg, John G.},
doi = {10.1016/0037-0738(94)90053-1},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Helland-Hansen, Gjelberg - 1994 - Conceptual basis and variability in sequence stratigraphy a different perspective.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0037-0738},
issn = {00370738},
journal = {Sedimentary Geology},
number = {1-2},
pages = {31--52},
title = {{Conceptual basis and variability in sequence stratigraphy: a different perspective}},
volume = {92},
year = {1994}
author = {Helland-Hansen, William and Martinsen, Ole J},
issn = {1938-3681},
journal = {Journal of Sedimentary Research},
number = {4},
pages = {670--688},
publisher = {SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology},
title = {{Shoreline trajectories and sequences; description of variable depositional-dip scenarios}},
volume = {66},
year = {1996}
author = {{Mitchum Jr}, Rober M and Vail, Peter R and Sangree, John B},
publisher = {AAPG Special Volumes},
title = {{Seismic stratigraphy and global changes of sea level: Part 6. Stratigraphic interpretation of seismic reflection patterns in depositional sequences: Section 2. Application of seismic reflection configuration to stratigraphic interpretation}},
year = {1977}
author = {Hunt, Dave and Tucker, Maurice E},
issn = {0037-0738},
journal = {Sedimentary Geology},
number = {1-2},
pages = {1--9},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Stranded parasequences and the forced regressive wedge systems tract: deposition during base-level'fall}},
volume = {81},
year = {1992}
abstract = {The origin of third-order eustatic sequences is reviewed by comparing recent sequence stratigraphic data to the latest, best-constrained astronomical model. Middle Eocene to Holocene icehouse sequences correspond to {\~{}} 1.2 myr obliquity cycles. Constraints from oxygen isotope records highlight the link between "icehouse" sea-level lowerings, sequence boundaries, and {\~{}} 1.2 myr obliquity nodes. Mesozoic greenhouse sequences show some relation with the {\~{}} 2.4 myr eccentricity cycles, suggesting that orbital forcing contribute to sea-level change. We suggest that during the icehouse, large ice sheets associated with significant glacioeustatic changes ({\textgreater}{\textgreater}25. m up to 120. m changes) were mainly governed by obliquity forcing. During icehouse worlds, obliquity forcing was the stongest control on global sea-level and depositional sequences. Additionally, during the Middle Eocene, third-order sequences were glacioeustatically driven in tune with {\~{}} 1.2 myr obliquity cycle, suggesting that the presence of significant ice sheets is earlier than previously supposed (i.e., Early Eocene). In contrast, during greenhouse worlds (e.g., ephemeral, small to medium sized or no ice sheets; 0- {\~{}} 25. m glacioeustatic changes), the expression of obliquity in the sedimentary record is weak and intermittent. Instead, the eccentricity signature, which is the modulator of climatic precession, is documented. Moreover, we presume that greenhouse sequences on the myr scale are global and hence cannot be caused by regional tectonism (e.g., intraplate stress or mantle "hot blobs"). Instead, the eccentricity link implies a weaker glacioeustatic control because thermoeustasy is too small to explain the sea-level changes. Stratigraphically well-documented fourth-order sequences may be linked to the astronomically stable (strongest amplitude) 405-kyr eccentricity cycle and possibly to {\~{}} 160-200-kyr obliquity modulation cycles, fifth-order sequences to the short ({\~{}} 100-kyr) eccentricity cycles, and finally sixth-order sequences to the fundamental obliquity ({\~{}} 40 kyr) and climatic precession ({\~{}} 20 kyr) cycles. These astronomical cycles could be preserved in the sedimentary record, and have been demonstrated to control sea-level changes. Accordingly, by placing depositional sequence orders into a high-resolution temporal framework (i.e., orbital periodicities), standardization of eustatic sequence hierarchy may be possible. {\textcopyright} 2011 Elsevier B.V.},
author = {Boulila, Slah and Galbrun, Bruno and Miller, Kenneth G. and Pekar, Stephen F. and Browning, James V. and Laskar, Jacques and Wright, James D.},
doi = {10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.09.003},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Boulila et al. - 2011 - On the origin of Cenozoic and Mesozoic third-order eustatic sequences.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0012-8252},
issn = {00128252},
journal = {Earth-Science Reviews},
keywords = {Cenozoic,Eustatic sequence hierarchy,Mesozoic,Third-order eustatic sequences,{\~{}}1.2- and {\~{}}2.4-myr astronomical cycles},
number = {3-4},
pages = {94--112},
publisher = {Elsevier B.V.},
title = {{On the origin of Cenozoic and Mesozoic "third-order" eustatic sequences}},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.09.003},
volume = {109},
year = {2011}
abstract = {The origin of third-order depositional sequences remains debatable, and in many cases it is not clear whether they were controlled by tectonic activity and/or by eustatic sea-level changes. In Oxfordian and Berriasian–Valanginian carbonate-dominated sections of Switzerland, France, Germany and Spain, high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic analyses show that the sedimentary record reflects Milankovitch cyclicity. Orbitally induced insolation changes translated into sea-level fluctuations, which in turn controlled accommodation changes. Beds and bedsets formed in rhythm with the precession and 100-kyr eccentricity cycles, whereas the 400-kyr eccentricity cycle contributed to the creation of major depositional sequences. Biostratigraphical data allow the correlation of many of the 400-kyr sequence boundaries with third-order sequence boundaries recognized in European basins. This implies that climatically controlled sea-level changes contributed to the formation of third-order sequences. Furthermore, this cyclostratigraphical approach improves the relative dating of stratigraphic intervals.},
author = {Strasser, Andr{\'{e}} and Hillg{\"{a}}rtner, Heiko and Hug, Wolfgang and Pittet, Bernard},
doi = {10.1046/j.1365-3121.2000.00315.x},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Strasser et al. - 2000 - Third-order depositional sequences reflecting Milankovitch cyclicity.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {1365-3121},
issn = {09544879},
journal = {Terra Nova},
number = {6},
pages = {303--311},
title = {{Third-order depositional sequences reflecting Milankovitch cyclicity}},
volume = {12},
year = {2000}
abstract = {The study of 50 wells correlated according to the principles of High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy, shows that the Adour basin is filled during two main steps. (1) The Palaeocene is characterised by aggradational carbonate platforms, passing southward to turbiditic sedimentation. During this initiation stage, the carbonate production balances accommodation space creation. (2) The Ypresian-Priabonian is characterised by large progradational deltaic systems, migrating westward. During this stage, siliciclastic supply was higher than accommodation space creation. This basin is interpreted during Palaeocene to Middle Eocene as a compressional basin due to lithospheric buckling. The foreland history starts during the Upper Eocene to Oligocene. {\textcopyright} 2001 Acad{\'{e}}mie des sciences / {\'{E}}ditions scientifiques et m{\'{e}}dicales Elsevier SAS.},
author = {Serrano, Olivier and Guillocheau, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Leroy, Eric},
doi = {10.1016/S1251-8050(00)01487-7},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Serrano, Guillocheau, Leroy - 2001 - {\'{E}}volution du bassin compressif Nord-Pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}en au pal{\'{e}}og{\`{e}}ne (basin de l'Adour) Contraintes stratigrap.pdf:pdf},
issn = {12518050},
journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Academie de Sciences - Serie IIa: Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes},
keywords = {Aquitaine,Carbonate platform,Deltas,Foreland basin,France,Palaeogene,Sequence stratigraphy},
number = {1},
pages = {37--44},
title = {{{\'{E}}volution du bassin compressif Nord-Pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}en au pal{\'{e}}og{\`{e}}ne (basin de l'Adour): Contraintes stratigraphiques}},
volume = {332},
year = {2001}
abstract = {Until recently, sequence stratigraphic models have attributed systems tracts to periods of relative sea-level rise, highstand and lowstand. Recognition of a discrete phase of deposition during relative sea-level fall has been limited to a few studies, both in clastic and carbonate systems. Our work in siliciclastic ramp settings suggests that deposition during relative sea-level fall produces a distinctive falling stage systems tract (FSST), and that this is the logical counterpart to the transgressive systems tract. The FSST lies above and basinward of the highstand systems tract, and is overlain by the lowstand systems tract. The FSST is characterized by stratal offlap, although this is likely to be difficult or impossible to recognize because of subsequent subaerial or transgressive ravinement erosion. The most practical diagnostic criteria of the FSST is the presence of erosive-based shoreface sandbodies in nearshore areas. The erosion results from wave scouring during relative sea-level fall, and the stratigraphically lowest surface defines the base of the FSST. Further offshore, shoaling-upward successions may be abruptly capped by gutter casts filled with HCS sandstone, reflecting increased wave scour on the shelf during both FSST and LST time. The top of the FSST is defined by a subaerial surface of erosion which corresponds to the sequence boundary. This surface becomes a correlative submarine conformity seaward of the shoreline, where it forms the base of the lowstand systems tract. Differentiation of the FSST and LST may be difficult, but the LST is expected to contain gradationally-based shoreface successions because it was deposited when relative sea level was rising. Internally, the FSST may be an undifferentiated body of sediment or it may be punctuated by internal regressive surfaces of marine erosion and ravinement surfaces which record higher-frequency sea-level falls and rises superimposed on a lower-frequency sea-level fall. The corresponding higher-order sequences are the building blocks of lower-order sequences. The addition of a falling stage systems tract results in a significant reduction in the proportion of strata within a sequence that are assigned to the classical highstand and lowstand systems tracts.Many outcrop and subsurface cross-sections use an overlying ravinement, or maximum flooding surface as datum. Those surfaces might be flat, but they are not horizontal. Both dip seaward at slopes that generally are steeper than the fluvial system responsible for creating the sequence boundary. When a section is restored to such a datum, the falling stage systems tract will appear to record stratigraphic climb, whereas in fact it does not.},
author = {Plint, A. Guy and Nummedal, Dag},
doi = {10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.172.01.01},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Plint, Nummedal - 2000 - The falling stage systems tract recognition and importance in sequence stratigraphic analysis.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {1862390630},
issn = {0305-8719},
journal = {Geological Society, London, Special Publications},
number = {1},
pages = {1--17},
pmid = {33681},
title = {{The falling stage systems tract: recognition and importance in sequence stratigraphic analysis}},
url = {http://sp.lyellcollection.org/lookup/doi/10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.172.01.01},
volume = {172},
year = {2000}
abstract = {Depositional sequences are composed of genetically related sediments bounded by unconformities or their correlative conformities and are related to cycles of eustatic change. The bounding unconformities are inferred to be related to eustatic-fall inflection points. They are either type 1 or type 2 unconformities, depending on whether sea-level fall was rapid (i.e., rate of eustatic fall exceeded subsidence rate at the depositional shoreline break) or slow (i.e., rate of eustatic fall was less than subsidence rate at the depositional shoreline break). Each sequence is composed of a succession of systems tracts. Each systems tract is composed of a linkage of contemporaneous depositional systems. Four systems tracts are recognized: lowstand, transgressive, highstand, and shelf margin. The lowstand systems tract is divided into two parts: lowstand fan followed by lowstand wedge, where the basin margin is characterized by a discrete physiographic shelf edge, lower followed by upper wedge, where the basin margin is characterized by a ramp physiography. Two sequence types are recognized: a type 1 sequence composed of lowstand, transgressive-, and highstand systems tracts, and a type 2 sequence composed of shelf margin, transgressive-, and highstand systems tracts. Type 1 and type 2 unconformities are each characterized by a basinward shift of coastal onlap concomitant with a cessation of fluvial deposition. The style of subaerial erosion characterizing each unconformity is different. Type 1 unconformities are characterized by stream rejuvenation and incision, whereas type 2 unconformities typically are characterized by widespread erosion accompanying gradual denudation or degradation of the landscape. Stream rejuvenation and incision are not associated with this type of unconformity. On the slope and in the basin, type 1 unconformities typically are overlain by lowstand fan or lowstand wedge deposits, whereas type 2 unconformities are overlain by shelf margin systems tract deposits. Within incised valleys on the shelf, type 1 unconformities are overlain by either fluvial (lowstand wedge) or estuarine (transgressive) deposits. Type 2 unconformities typically are characterized by a change in parasequence stacking pattern from progradational to aggradational. Timing of fluvial deposition is also a function of eustatic change insofar as global sea level is the ultimate base level to which streams will adjust. The elevations of stream equilibrium profiles are affected by eustatic change, and, assuming constant sediment supply, streams will aggrade or degrade in response to eustatically induced shifts in these profiles. Fluvial deposition occurs at different times in type 1 and type 2 sequences and is characterized by different geometries within each type of sequence. In type 1 sequences, fluvial deposits occur as linear, incised-valley fill during the time of lowstand wedge and transgressive deposition. Fluvial deposits also may occur during highstand deposition as more widespread floodplain deposits within the late highstand systems tract. Fluvial deposits in type 2 sequences are usually limited to widespread floodplain deposits occurring within the late highstand systems tract.},
author = {Posamentier, H. W. and Vail, P. R.},
doi = {10.2110/pec.88.01.0125},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Posamentier, Vail - 1988 - Eustatic Controls on Clastic Deposition Ii—Sequence and Systems Tract Models.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0918985749},
issn = {0097-3270},
journal = {Sea-Level Changes},
number = {42},
pages = {125--154},
pmid = {10213},
title = {{Eustatic Controls on Clastic Deposition Ii—Sequence and Systems Tract Models}},
url = {http://sp.sepmonline.org/lookup/doi/10.2110/pec.88.01.0125},
year = {1988}
abstract = {In order to clarify the principles that govern the development of siliciclastic sequences and their bounding surfaces, a mathematical model of progradational basin filling was created for Atlantic-type continental margins. This paper discusses the model and its implications with respect to depositional facies, sandstone geometry, and seismic stratigraphic interpretation. Basin filling is modeled as the interaction of subsidence, change in sea level, and sediment influx. The simulations show that seismic-sequence boundaries are located, in time, near inflection points of eustatic sea-level fluctuation, where rates of fall or rise are maximized. Changes in the rate of accommodation development, both in time and space, are believed to play a dominant role in shaping the internal facies distribution, the geometry, and the nature of the bounding surfaces of depositional sequences. The pattern of coastal onlap and offshore condensed sections displayed by global-cycle charts are shown to develop in the context of smoothly fluctuating eustatic and relative sea level.},
author = {Jervey, M T},
doi = {10.2110/pec.88.01.0047},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Jervey - 1988 - Quantitative geological modeling of siliciclastic rock sequences and their seismic expression.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0918985749},
issn = {1060-071X},
journal = {Sea-Level Changes - An Integrated Approach},
number = {42},
pages = {47--69},
pmid = {21387},
title = {{Quantitative geological modeling of siliciclastic rock sequences and their seismic expression}},
volume = {42},
year = {1988}
abstract = {Sequence stratigraphy emphasizes facies relationships and stratal architecture within a chronological framework. Despite its wide use, sequence stratigraphy has yet to be included in any stratigraphic code or guide. This lack of standardization reflects the existence of competing approaches (or models) and confusing or even conflicting terminology. Standardization of sequence stratigraphy requires the definition of the fundamental model-independent concepts, units, bounding surfaces and workflow that outline the foundation of the method. A standardized scheme needs to be sufficiently broad to encompass all possible choices of approach, rather than being limited to a single approach or model. A sequence stratigraphic framework includes genetic units that result from the interplay of accommodation and sedimentation (i.e., forced regressive, lowstand and highstand normal regressive, and transgressive), which are bounded by 'sequence stratigraphic' surfaces. Each genetic unit is defined by specific stratal stacking patterns and bounding surfaces, and consists of a tract of correlatable depositional systems (i.e., a 'systems tract'). The mappability of systems tracts and sequence stratigraphic surfaces depends on depositional setting and the types of data available for analysis. It is this high degree of variability in the precise expression of sequence stratigraphic units and bounding surfaces that requires the adoption of a methodology that is sufficiently flexible that it can accommodate the range of likely expressions. The integration of outcrop, core, well-log and seismic data affords the optimal approach to the application of sequence stratigraphy. Missing insights from one set of data or another may limit the 'resolution' of the sequence stratigraphic interpretation. A standardized workflow of sequence stratigraphic analysis requires the identification of all genetic units and bounding surfaces that can be delineated objectively, at the selected scale of observation, within a stratigraphic section. Construction of this model-independent framework of genetic units and bounding surfaces ensures the success of the sequence stratigraphic method. Beyond this, the interpreter may make model-dependent choices with respect to which set of sequence stratigraphic surfaces should be elevated in importance and be selected as sequence boundaries. In practice, the succession often dictates which set of surfaces are best expressed and hold the greatest utility at defining sequence boundaries and quasi-chronostratigraphic units. The nomenclature of systems tracts and sequence stratigraphic surfaces is also model-dependent to some extent, but a standard set of terms is recommended to facilitate communication between all practitioners. ?? 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},
author = {Zhang, T. and Shen, T. H. and Greig, D. and Matthew, J. A.D. and Hopkinson, M.},
doi = {10.1088/0953-8984/15/38/016},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Zhang et al. - 2003 - A ballistic electron emission microscopy study of ferromagnetic thin films embedded in AuGaAs(100).pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0012-8252},
issn = {09538984},
journal = {Journal of Physics Condensed Matter},
number = {38},
pages = {6485--6492},
pmid = {263423800001},
title = {{A ballistic electron emission microscopy study of ferromagnetic thin films embedded in Au/GaAs(100)}},
volume = {15},
year = {2003}
abstract = {Sequence stratigraphy emphasizes facies relationships and stratal architecture within a chronological framework. Despite its wide use, sequence stratigraphy has yet to be included in any stratigraphic code or guide. This lack of standardization reflects the existence of competing approaches (or models) and confusing or even conflicting terminology. Standardization of sequence stratigraphy requires the definition of the fundamental model-independent concepts, units, bounding surfaces and workflow that outline the foundation of the method. A standardized scheme needs to be sufficiently broad to encompass all possible choices of approach, rather than being limited to a single approach or model. A sequence stratigraphic framework includes genetic units that result from the interplay of accommodation and sedimentation (i.e., forced regressive, lowstand and highstand normal regressive, and transgressive), which are bounded by 'sequence stratigraphic' surfaces. Each genetic unit is defined by specific stratal stacking patterns and bounding surfaces, and consists of a tract of correlatable depositional systems (i.e., a 'systems tract'). The mappability of systems tracts and sequence stratigraphic surfaces depends on depositional setting and the types of data available for analysis. It is this high degree of variability in the precise expression of sequence stratigraphic units and bounding surfaces that requires the adoption of a methodology that is sufficiently flexible that it can accommodate the range of likely expressions. The integration of outcrop, core, well-log and seismic data affords the optimal approach to the application of sequence stratigraphy. Missing insights from one set of data or another may limit the 'resolution' of the sequence stratigraphic interpretation. A standardized workflow of sequence stratigraphic analysis requires the identification of all genetic units and bounding surfaces that can be delineated objectively, at the selected scale of observation, within a stratigraphic section. Construction of this model-independent framework of genetic units and bounding surfaces ensures the success of the sequence stratigraphic method. Beyond this, the interpreter may make model-dependent choices with respect to which set of sequence stratigraphic surfaces should be elevated in importance and be selected as sequence boundaries. In practice, the succession often dictates which set of surfaces are best expressed and hold the greatest utility at defining sequence boundaries and quasi-chronostratigraphic units. The nomenclature of systems tracts and sequence stratigraphic surfaces is also model-dependent to some extent, but a standard set of terms is recommended to facilitate communication between all practitioners. {\textcopyright} 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
arxivId = {0264-8172/{\$}},
author = {Catuneanu, O. and Abreu, V. and Bhattacharya, J. P. and Blum, M. D. and Dalrymple, R. W. and Eriksson, P. G. and Fielding, C. R. and Fisher, W. L. and Galloway, W. E. and Gibling, M. R. and Giles, K. A. and Holbrook, J. M. and Jordan, R. and Kendall, C. G.St C. and Macurda, B. and Martinsen, O. J. and Miall, A. D. and Neal, J. E. and Nummedal, D. and Pomar, L. and Posamentier, H. W. and Pratt, B. R. and Sarg, J. F. and Shanley, K. W. and Steel, R. J. and Strasser, A. and Tucker, M. E. and Winker, C.},
doi = {10.1016/j.earscirev.2008.10.003},
eprint = {{\$}},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Catuneanu et al. - 2009 - Towards the standardization of sequence stratigraphy.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0012-8252},
issn = {00128252},
journal = {Earth-Science Reviews},
keywords = {accommodation,methodology,nomenclature,sediment supply,sequence stratigraphy,shoreline trajectory,stratal stacking patterns},
number = {1-2},
pages = {1--33},
pmid = {263423800001},
primaryClass = {0264-8172},
publisher = {Elsevier B.V.},
title = {{Towards the standardization of sequence stratigraphy}},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2008.10.003},
volume = {92},
year = {2009}
author = {Vail, Peter R and {Mitchum Jr}, R M and {Thompson III}, Sam},
publisher = {AAPG Special Volumes},
title = {{Seismic stratigraphy and global changes of sea level: Part 3. Relative changes of sea level from Coastal Onlap: section 2. Application of seismic reflection Configuration to Stratigrapic Interpretation}},
year = {1977}
abstract = {A generalized procedure for making region- al stratigraphic studies using seismic data involves analysis of seismic sequences and seismic facies, which are interpreted from terminations and configura- tions of seismic reflections generated by sedimentary strata. Generalized steps in the procedure include (1) recognition, correlation, and age determination of seis- mic sequences; (2) recognition, mapping, and inter- pretation of seismic facies; and (3) regional analysis of relative changes of sea level.},
author = {Sangree, J B and Widmier, J M},
doi = {10.1242/jcs.126722},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Sangree, Widmier - 1977 - Seismic Stratigraphy and Global Changes of Sea Level, Part 9 Seismic Interpretation of Clastic Depositional Fa.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0036-8075},
issn = {1477-9137},
journal = {AAPG Memoir 26},
pages = {165--184},
pmid = {24155330},
title = {{Seismic Stratigraphy and Global Changes of Sea Level, Part 9: Seismic Interpretation of Clastic Depositional Facies}},
year = {1977}
author = {Brunet, M F},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Brunet - 1994 - Subsidence in the {\{}Parentis{\}} {\{}Basin{\}} ({\{}Aquitaine{\}}, {\{}France{\}}) {\{}Implications{\}} of the {\{}Thermal{\}} {\{}Evolution{\}}.pdf:pdf},
journal = {Hydrocarbon {\{}Exploration{\}} and {\{}Underground{\}} {\{}Gas{\}} {\{}Storage{\}} in {\{}France{\}}.},
pages = {187----198.},
title = {{Subsidence in the {\{}Parentis{\}} {\{}Basin{\}} ({\{}Aquitaine{\}}, {\{}France{\}}): {\{}Implications{\}} of the {\{}Thermal{\}} {\{}Evolution{\}}.}},
volume = {4},
year = {1994}
abstract = {The Aquitaine Basin is located in the southwest of France, between the Gironde Arch in the north and the Pyrenean Mountain Chain in the south. It is a triangular-shaped domain, extending over 35 000 km2. From north to south, six main geological provinces can be identified: (1) the Medoc Platform located south of the Gironde Arch; (2) the Parentis sub-basin; (3) the Landes Saddle; (4) the North Aquitaine Platform; (5) the foreland of the Pyrenees (also known as the Adour, Arzacq and Comminges sub-basins); and (6) the Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt. Only the Parentis sub-basin, the foreland of the Pyrenean Chain and a minor part of the fold-and-thrust belt itself are proven hydrocarbon provinces. The Aquitaine Basin, in turn, is subdivided into four sub-basins - the Parentis, Adour-Arzacq, Tarbes and Comminges areas. The lozenge shape of these depocentres is related to the Hercynian tectonic framework of the Palaeozoic basement, reactivated during Early Cretaceous rifting. This rift phase aborted at the end of the Albian (prior to the development of an oceanic crust) in response to the beginning of the subduction of the Iberian plate under the European plate. During the Upper Cretaceous, continued subduction led to the creation of northwards-migrating flexural basins. In the Eocene, a paroxysmal phase of compression was responsible for the uplift of the Pyrenean Mountain Chain and for the thin-skinned deformation of the foreland basin. The resulting structuration is limited to the south by the internal core of the chain and to the north by the leading edge of the fold-and-thrust belt, where the Lacq and Meillon gas fields are located. Four main petroleum provinces have been exploited since the Second World War: (1) the oil-prone Parentis sub-basin and (2) salt ridges surrounding the Arzacq and Tarbes sub-basins; and (3) the gas-prone southern Arzacq sub-basin (including the external Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt and the proximal foreland sub-basin) and (4) Comminges sub-basin. Two major distinct vertically drained petroleum systems (PS) can be identified: the Upper Kimmeridgian-Barremian is the main PS, based on Type II shaly-carbonate source rocks; and the Lias PS based on Type II-III source rocks. The latter is restricted to the Comminges and Tarbes sub-basins. Reservoirs consist of fractured and diagenetically modified carbonates, and clastics. Shaly-marly deposits of regional extent associated with transgressive systems provide the main seals. Formation of petroleum traps results from a complex polyphase geodynamic evolution. They are developed mainly along Palaeozoic inherited palaeostructures. Oil and gas migration took place from Albian times up to the present, depending on the respective structural position and histories of the traps. These petroleum provinces of the Aquitaine Basin have been exploited since 1939 and a total of 11.5×1012 SCF of gas and 470×106 BBL oil recoverable reserves have been proven to date (the total amount is in the order of 2.5×109 BOE). },
author = {Biteau, Jean-Jacques and {Le Marrec}, Alain and {Le Vot}, Michel and Masset, Jean-Marie},
doi = {10.1144/1354-079305-674},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Biteau et al. - 2006 - The Aquitaine Basin.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {1354-0793},
issn = {1354-0793},
journal = {Petroleum Geoscience},
keywords = {arzacq,barremian,comminges,kimmeridgian,mano dolomite,parentis,tarbes},
number = {3},
pages = {247--273},
pmid = {20287},
title = {{The Aquitaine Basin}},
url = {http://pg.lyellcollection.org/cgi/doi/10.1144/1354-079305-674},
volume = {12},
year = {2006}
abstract = {La lithostratigraphie et la biostratigraphie de la s{\'{e}}rie pal{\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}ne et {\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}ne de 44 sondages p{\'{e}}troliers situ{\'{e}}s dans la partie nord du bassin d'Aquitaine ont {\'{e}}t{\'{e}} revues en se basant sur les d{\'{e}}terminations des nannofossiles calcaires, des foraminif{\`{e}}res planctoniques et petits benthiques et des grands foraminif{\`{e}}res. Les unit{\'{e}}s lithostratigraphiques ont {\'{e}}t{\'{e}} identifi{\'{e}}es, avec une r{\'{e}}vision de celles d{\'{e}}crites du d{\'{e}}partement de la Gironde. L'organisation des s{\'{e}}diments a {\'{e}}t{\'{e}} pr{\'{e}}cis{\'{e}}e : passages lat{\'{e}}raux des marnes bathyales aux formations n{\'{e}}ritiques puis continentales. Deux nouvelles formations sont propos{\'{e}}es {\`{a}} partir des coupes de la plate-forme nordaquitaine : la « Formation de Maubuisson », carbonat{\'{e}}e, de l'Ypr{\'{e}}sien moyen et la « Formation de la Jalle », de m{\^{e}}me lithofaci{\`{e}}s, appartenant {\`{a}} l'Ypr{\'{e}}sien sup{\'{e}}rieur et au Lut{\'{e}}tien inf{\'{e}}rieur. Le nom « Formation du Bordelais » est propos{\'{e}} pour remplacer les anciens Sables inf{\'{e}}rieurs (Ypr{\'{e}}sien moyen), terme non conforme aux r{\`{e}}gles de la nomenclature stratigraphique. La « Formation de Saint- Palais-sur-Mer », bartonienne, remplace le Calcaire de Blaye, mal d{\'{e}}fini par les anciens auteurs. La s{\'{e}}dimentation du C{\'{e}}nozo{\"{i}}que commence par la Formation d'Arcet (Danien-Than{\'{e}}tien inf{\'{e}}rieur) dans la zone de transition entre le bassin de l'Adour et celui de Contis. Elle d{\'{e}}bute par la Formation de Pont-Labau appartenant au Than{\'{e}}tien sommital (NP 9a, P 4) plus au nord. Les formations de l'Ypr{\'{e}}sien et du Lut{\'{e}}tien inf{\'{e}}rieur sont bien repr{\'{e}}sent{\'{e}}es dans tous les secteurs, mais avec des lacunes d'{\'{e}}rosion entre les s{\'{e}}quences. Les d{\'{e}}p{\^{o}}ts du Lut{\'{e}}tien moyen - Bartonien inf{\'{e}}rieur ne sont pr{\'{e}}sents que dans le domaine {\`{a}} s{\'{e}}dimentation bathyale, entre les bassins de Contis et de Parentis et dans la zone de transition vers la plate-forme nord-aquitaine (environs d'Arcachon). La s{\'{e}}dimentation reprend au Bartonien sup{\'{e}}rieur sur l'ensemble des secteurs {\'{e}}tudi{\'{e}}s, mais avec des lacunes de moindre importance que pendant les p{\'{e}}riodes ant{\'{e}}rieures. En annexe 1, les esp{\`{e}}ces d'alv{\'{e}}olines trouv{\'{e}}es dans les sondages {\'{e}}tudi{\'{e}}s sont figur{\'{e}}es et leur signification pal{\'{e}}obiog{\'{e}}ographique est sommairement discut{\'{e}}e : pendant l'{\'{E}}oc{\`{e}}ne inf{\'{e}}rieur, la faune a un caract{\`{e}}re tethys{\'{e}}en (« m{\'{e}}diterran{\'{e}}en »), tandis que pendant l'{\'{E}}oc{\`{e}}ne moyen, elle est apparent{\'{e}}e {\`{a}} celle du bassin parisien-belge. Le tableau 6 montre la r{\'{e}}partition stratigraphique des petits foramif{\`{e}}res {\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}nes du Bassin d'Aquitaine.},
author = {Sztr{\'{a}}kos, K{\'{a}}roly and Blondeau, Alphonse and Hottinger, Lucas},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Sztr{\'{a}}kos, Blondeau, Hottinger - 2010 - Lithostratigraphie et biostratigraphie des formations marines pal{\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}nes et {\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}nes nord-aquitain.pdf:pdf},
issn = {16385977},
journal = {Geologie de la France},
keywords = {Aquitaine basin,Biostratigraphy,Eocene,Foraminiferida,Lithostratigraphy,Paleocene},
number = {2},
pages = {3--52},
title = {{Lithostratigraphie et biostratigraphie des formations marines pal{\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}nes et {\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}nes nord-aquitaines (bassins de contis et parentis, seuil et plate-forme nord-aquitains). foraminif{\`{e}}res {\'{e}}oc{\`{e}}nes du bassin d'aquitaine}},
year = {2010}
author = {G{\'{e}}ly, Jean-Pierre and Sztr{\`{a}}kos, K{\`{a}}roly},
doi = {10.1016/S1251-8050(01)01564-6},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/G{\'{e}}ly, Sztr{\`{a}}kos - 2001 - La tectonique pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}enne {\`{a}} l'Oligoc{\`{e}}ne une phase majeure de d{\'{e}}formation en compression m{\'{e}}connue du Bassin aquit.pdf:pdf},
issn = {12518050},
journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{\'{e}}mie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science},
number = {8},
pages = {507--512},
title = {{La tectonique pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}enne {\`{a}} l'Oligoc{\`{e}}ne : une phase majeure de d{\'{e}}formation en compression m{\'{e}}connue du Bassin aquitain (France)}},
volume = {332},
year = {2001}
author = {Bourrouilh, Robert and Richert, Jean-paul and Zolna{\"{i}}, Greg},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Bourrouilh, Richert, Zolna{\"{i}} - 1995 - The North Pyrenean Aquitaine Basin , France Evolution and Hydrocarbons 1.pdf:pdf},
journal = {AAPG},
number = {6},
pages = {831--853},
title = {{The North Pyrenean Aquitaine Basin , France : Evolution and Hydrocarbons 1}},
volume = {6},
year = {1995}
author = {Bourrouilh, Robert},
doi = {10.1016/B978-0-444-56357-6.00021-4},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Bourrouilh - 2012 - The Aquitaine Basin and the Pyrenees geodynamical evolution and hydrocarbons.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {9780444563576},
pages = {803--866},
title = {{The Aquitaine Basin and the Pyrenees : geodynamical evolution and hydrocarbons}},
year = {2012}
abstract = {The eastern Aquitaine basin and North Pyrenean Zone show many characteristics of retro-wedge models. However, they differ significantly in that slow subsidence and low deformation continued throughout orogenesis so that growth and steady-state phases cannot be distinguished. We show that the eastern Pyrenees record two clear phases of convergence and probably never attained steady state. Analysis of the Aquitaine retro-foreland basin along the Ari{\`{e}}ge ECORS deep seismic line, eastern French Pyrenees, integrates a new litho- and chronostratigraphy, subsidence analysis, low-temperature thermochronology data, new interpretations of seismic lines and a balanced cross-section. Within an overall regression, two shallowing-up cycles (Latest Santonian–Danian, Thanetian–Oligocene) record slow tectonic subsidence of the eastern Aquitaine basin separated by a quiet period. Continuing thick-skinned shortening was low to moderate. The early marine basin, generated by loading of the weak, extended margin, was supplied axially from an unknown eastern edifice while the young Pyrenean orogeny to the south remained submerged. During the quiet period of ultra-slow subsidence, no basin migration and negligible sediment supply, continental conditions characterized the eastern orogen. The second marine transgression was quickly followed by continental conditions. The basin was supplied by the now emerging Pyrenean orogen and continued to subside until Miocene time.},
author = {Ford, Mary and Hemmer, Louis and Vacherat, Arnaud and Gallagher, Kerry and Christophoul, Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric},
doi = {10.1144/jgs2015-129},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Ford et al. - 2016 - Retro-wedge foreland basin evolution along the ECORS line, eastern Pyrenees, France.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0016-7649},
journal = {Journal of the Geological Society},
number = {3},
pages = {419--437},
title = {{Retro-wedge foreland basin evolution along the ECORS line, eastern Pyrenees, France}},
url = {http://jgs.lyellcollection.org/lookup/doi/10.1144/jgs2015-129},
volume = {173},
year = {2016}
author = {Steurbaut, Etienne and Sztr{\'{a}}kos, K{\'{a}}roly},
doi = {10.1016/j.marmicro.2007.08.004},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Steurbaut, Sztr{\'{a}}kos - 2008 - Danian Selandian boundary criteria and North Sea Basin – Tethys correlations based on calcareous nannofoss.pdf:pdf},
keywords = {- see front matter,0377-8398,13,2007 elsevier b,32 2 627 41,all rights reserved,be,calcareous nannofossils,corresponding author,danian,e,e-mail addresses,etienne,fax,foraminifera,fr,france,hotmail,k,naturalsciences,north sea basin,selandian boundary,steurbaut,sztrakos,sztr{\'{a}}kos,tethys correlations,v},
pages = {1--29},
title = {{Danian / Selandian boundary criteria and North Sea Basin – Tethys correlations based on calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal trends in SW France}},
volume = {67},
year = {2008}
author = {Zeitschrift, Etienne Article and Geologicae, Eclogae and Band, Helvetiae and Link, Persistenter and Dienst, Ein and Eth, Eth-bibliothek},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Zeitschrift et al. - 2014 - The stratigraphic position of the Lower Oligocene Yrieu Sands ( Southwestern France ), based on calcareous n.pdf:pdf},
title = {{The stratigraphic position of the Lower Oligocene Yrieu Sands ( Southwestern France ), based on calcareous nannofossils and a new Helicosphaera species The stratigraphie position of the Lower Oligocene Yrieu Sands ( Southwestern France ), based on calcare}},
year = {2014}
abstract = {English abstract (r{\'{e}}sum{\'{e}} anglais) The Oligocene stratigraphy of western Aquitaine is reviewed through detailed literature screening and re-examination of 93 boreholes, 60 of which have been dated on the basis of foraminifera or calcareous nannofossils. The revision of these boreholes allowed reconstructing the sedimentary evolution of Western Aquitaine in relation to its tectonic history. The small benthic foraminifera enabled estimating the variations in water depth along the sections, ranging from epibathyal to brackish water settings. Around 60{\%} of the Priabonian foraminifera went extinct during this stage and at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. During the Oligocene, species appeared and disappeared progressively in the Aquitaine Basin, allowing some of them to be used as stratigraphic markers. The foraminifera of the Aquitaine Basin show close affinities with those of the Central Paratethys, indicating that during this period both regions were interconnected through the Strait of Gibraltar and the Betic zone. Seven formations have been retained in the marine Oligocene of the Adour Basin, of which one is newly introduced (the Capcosle Formation of Rupelian-Aquitanian age) and two are redefined (the Biarritz Formation of early Rupelian age and the Escorneb{\'{e}}ou Formation of late Chattian age). Three are distinguished in the continental domain (the Juran{\c{c}}on and Campagne Formations and finally the Agenais Formation). The Oligocene of the North Aquitanian shelf includes two marine (the Bel-Air Formation and the “Calcaire {\`{a}} Ast{\'{e}}ries” Formation with the Crassostrea longirostris Member at the base) and three continental formations (in ascending order the Fronsadais, the Castillon and the Agenais Formations). Three major sedimentary areas are differentiated in the Aquitaine region during the Oligocene. The first area, between Labenne and Arcachon, is characterized by thick (up to 1700 m) bathyal clayey deposits. The second area, forming a circular arc around the first, represents the shelf zone with a much larger variety in sedimentation, including bioclastic limestone, clay and shelly sand, reaching up to 400 to 500 m in thickness. The third area includes the continental sediments from the east and south of the basin. The Pyrenean tectonic events influenced the sedimentation, as shown, firstly, by the middle Rupelian transgression, which was vaster in the north than in the south, and by the reverse phenomenon during the late Rupelian, and, secondly, by the early and late Chattian transgressions, which were conditioned by local subsidence and reactivation of ancient structures. French abstract (r{\'{e}}sum{\'{e}} fran{\c{c}}ais) La stratigraphie de l'Oligoc{\`{e}}ne d'Aquitaine occidentale est revue en synth{\'{e}}tisant les donn{\'{e}}es bibliographiques et en r{\'{e}}examinant 93 sondages, dont 60 sont dat{\'{e}}s {\`{a}} l'aide de foraminif{\`{e}}res ou nannofossiles calcaires. La r{\'{e}}vision de ces sondages a permis de reconstituer l'{\'{e}}volution s{\'{e}}dimentaire de l'Aquitaine occidentale en relation avec les {\'{e}}v{\`{e}}nements tectoniques correspondants. Les petits foraminif{\`{e}}res benthiques ont permis d'estimer les variations de la tranche d'eau dans les coupes, qui s'{\'{e}}tendent du domaine {\'{e}}pibathyal jusqu'au domaine saum{\^{a}}tre. Environ 60 {\%} des foraminif{\`{e}}res pr{\'{e}}sents au Priabonien disparaissent au cours de cet {\'{e}}tage et {\`{a}} la limite {\'{E}}oc{\`{e}}ne/Oligoc{\`{e}}ne. L'apparition et la disparition des esp{\`{e}}ces est progressive dans l'Oligoc{\`{e}}ne, ce qui permet d'en utiliser certaines comme marqueurs pour la stratigraphie du Bassin d'Aquitaine. Les foraminif{\`{e}}res du Bassin d'Aquitaine montrent de nombreuses affinit{\'{e}}s avec ceux de la Parat{\'{e}}thys centrale, indiquant que ces deux r{\'{e}}gions {\'{e}}taient interconnect{\'{e}}es {\`{a}} cette {\'{e}}poque par le d{\'{e}}troit de Gibraltar et la zone b{\'{e}}tique. Sept formations sont retenues dans l'Oligoc{\`{e}}ne marin du Bassin de l'Adour, dont une nouvellement introduite (Formation de Capcosle d'{\^{a}}ge Rup{\'{e}}lien-Aquitanien) et deux red{\'{e}}finies (Formation de Biarritz d'{\^{a}}ge Rup{\'{e}}lien inf{\'{e}}rieur et Formation d'Escorneb{\'{e}}ou d'{\^{a}}ge Chattien sup{\'{e}}rieur) ; trois sont distingu{\'{e}}es dans le domaine continental (les Formations de Juran{\c{c}}on et de Campagne puis celle de l'Agenais). L'Oligoc{\`{e}}ne de la plate-forme nord-aquitaine comprend deux formations marines (la Formation de Bel-Air et la Formation du Calcaire {\`{a}} Ast{\'{e}}ries avec le Membre {\`{a}} Crassostrea longirostris {\`{a}} la base) et trois formations continentales (du bas vers le haut : les Formations du Fronsadais, de Castillon et de l'Agenais). Trois grandes aires s{\'{e}}dimentaires se diff{\'{e}}rencient au cours de l'Oligoc{\`{e}}ne dans la r{\'{e}}gion aquitaine. La premi{\`{e}}re, entre Labenne et Arcachon, se caract{\'{e}}rise par les d{\'{e}}p{\^{o}}ts {\`{a}} dominance argileuse, bathyaux, {\'{e}}pais (jusqu'{\`{a}} 1700 m). La deuxi{\`{e}}me aire forme un arc de cercle autour de la premi{\`{e}}re et repr{\'{e}}sente la plate-forme avec des s{\'{e}}diments plus vari{\'{e}}s : calcaires bioclastiques, argiles et sables coquilliers de 400-500 m d'{\'{e}}paisseur. La troisi{\`{e}}me comprend les s{\'{e}}diments continentaux {\`{a}} l'est et au sud du bassin. Les {\'{e}}v{\'{e}}nements tectoniques pyr{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}ens influencent la s{\'{e}}dimentation, comme le montrent, en premier lieu, la transgression du Rup{\'{e}}lien moyen, qui est plus importante au nord qu'au sud, tandis que le ph{\'{e}}nom{\`{e}}ne inverse s'observe au Rup{\'{e}}lien sup{\'{e}}rieur, et, deuxi{\`{e}}mement, les transgressions du Chattien inf{\'{e}}rieur et sup{\'{e}}rieur, qui sont conditionn{\'{e}}es par la subsidence locale et la r{\'{e}}activation d'anciennes structures.},
author = {Sztr{\'{a}}kos, K{\'{a}}roly and Steurbaut, Etienne},
doi = {10.5252/g2017n4a6},
file = {:D$\backslash$:/2-BIBLIOGRAPHIE/5{\_}Tertiaire-BA/Sztrakos/Sztrakos17/SztrakosSteurbaut17-Final.pdf:pdf},
issn = {12809659},
journal = {Geodiversitas},
keywords = {Aquitaine,Biostratigraphy,Foraminifera,Lithostratigraphy,Oligocene},
number = {4},
pages = {741--781},
title = {{R{\'{e}}vision lithostratigraphique et biostratigraphique de l'oligoc{\`{e}}ne d'aquitaine occidentale (France)}},
volume = {39},
year = {2017}
author = {Vail, P. R and Audermard, S. A. and Bowman, P. N and Eisner, G},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Vail et al. - 1991 - The stratigraphy signatures of tectonics, eustasy and sedimentology.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {3540527842},
journal = {Cycles and Events in Sedimentology},
number = {Table 1},
pages = {617 -- 659},
title = {{The stratigraphy signatures of tectonics, eustasy and sedimentology.}},
year = {1991}
abstract = {A hierarchy of interpreted eustatic cyclicity in siliciclastic sedimentary rocks has a pattern of superposed cycles with frequencies in the ranges of 9-10 m.y., 1-2 m.y., 0.1-0.2 m.y., and 0.01-0.02 m.y. (second- through fifth-order cyclicity, respectively). Stratigraphic units displaying this cyclicity include composite sequences, sequences, and parasequences. On the Exxon global cycle chart, fundamental third-order cycles (1-2 m.y. average duration) stack into related groups (second-order cycles: 9-10 m.y. duration). A much larger pattern (about 200 m.y.) is interpreted as tectonically controlled eustasy probably related to sea-floor spreading rates. One and probably two higher orders of cyclicity (fourth-order: 0.1-0.2 m.y.; and fifth-order: 0.01-0.02 m.y.) are now observed in work with well logs, cores, and outcrops in areas of very rapid deposition. These frequencies are in the range of Milankovitch cycles, and may represent part of the Milankovitch hierarchy which has been widely interpreted for cyclical units in carbonate rocks. High-frequency (fourth-order) sequences, which form at a 0.1-0.2 m.y. cyclicity, have all the stratal attributes of conventional sequences, including constituent parasequences and systems tracts, and play a dominant role controling reservoir, source, and sealing rock distribution. A consistent hierarchy of stratigraphy is observed. Parasequences (probable fifth-order cyclicity) stack into sets to form systems tracts in fourth-order sequences. Groups (sets) of fourth-order sequences are deposited between major third-order boundaries within third-order composite sequences. Sequences in these sets stack in prograding and backstepping patterns to form third-order lowstand, transgressive, and highstand sequence sets. Third-order sequence boundaries are marked by greater basinward shifts in facies, by larger more widespread incised valleys, and by more extensive onlap than are fourth-order sequence boundaries. Third-order condensed sections commonly are widespread, faunally rich, and widely correlated biozone and mapping markers. Fourth-order sequence analysis helps to understand reservoir, source, and seal distribution at the play and prospect scale. An example from the Gulf of Mexico is discussed. {\textcopyright} 1991.},
author = {Mitchum, Robert M. and {Van Wagoner}, John C.},
doi = {10.1016/0037-0738(91)90139-5},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Mitchum, Van Wagoner - 1991 - High-frequency sequences and their stacking patterns sequence-stratigraphic evidence of high-frequency eus.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0037-0738},
issn = {00370738},
journal = {Sedimentary Geology},
number = {2-4},
pages = {1--2},
pmid = {19043444},
title = {{High-frequency sequences and their stacking patterns: sequence-stratigraphic evidence of high-frequency eustatic cycles}},
volume = {70},
year = {1991}
author = {Steurbaut, Etienne and Sztrakos, Khroly},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/alexo/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Steurbaut, Sztrakos - 2002 - STRATIGRAPHIE, NANNOFOSSILES CALCAIRES ET FORAMINIFERES DE LA COUPE DU RUISSEAU DE LESPONTES SAINT-LON-LES-.pdf:pdf},
pages = {313--327},
volume = {45},
year = {2002}
title={Les cartes g{\'e}ologiques a 1/50 000 de Caz{\`e}res et de Saverdun: Carte g{\'e}ologique d{\'e}taill{\'e}e de la France. Caz{\`e}res, par A. Cavaill{\'e}},
author={Taillefer, Fran{\c{c}}ois},
journal={Revue g{\'e}ographique des Pyr{\'e}n{\'e}es et du Sud-Ouest. Sud-Ouest Europ{\'e}en},
publisher={Instituts de g{\'e}ographie des Facult{\'e}s des lettres de Toulouse et de Bordeaux}
title={Biostratigraphie de l'Oligo-Mioc{\`e}ne du Bassin d'Aquitaine fond{\'e}e sur les nannofossiles calcaires. Implications pal{\'e}og{\'e}ographiques},
author={Cahuzac, B and Janin, MC and Steurbaut, E},
journal={Geologie de la France-Geology of France},
publisher={Editions Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres}
title={Carte g{\'e}ologique de la France 1/50 000},
author={Dubreuilh, J and Karnay, G},
journal={Sheet of Arthez-de-B{\'e}arn (1004). Bureau de Recherche G{\'e}ologique et Minieres, Orl{\'e}ans, France},
title={Notice et carte g{\'e}ologique de la France, feuille Orthez, 1: 50 000},
author={Henry, J and Zolna{\"\i}, G and Le Pochat, G and Mondeilh, C},
journal={Serv. g{\'e}ol. nat},
title={Essai de biozonation de l’Oligo-Mioc{\`e}ne dans les bassins europ{\'e}ens {\`a} l’aide des grands foraminif{\`e}res n{\'e}ritiques},
author={Cahuzac, Bruno and Poignant, Armelle and others},
journal={Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} g{\'e}ologique de France},
title={Eocene to Miocene holoplanktonic Mollusca (Gastropoda) of the Aquitaine Basin, southwest France},
author={Cahuzac, Bruno and Janssen, Arie W},
journal={Scripta Geologica},
publisher={NCB Naturals}
title={Les foraminif{\`e}res benthiques de l’Oligoc{\`e}ne terminal du vallon de Poustagnac (Landes, Bassin d’Aquitaine, SO de la France). D{\'e}couverte de Cycloclypeus et de Pararotalia {\`a} loges {\'e}quatoriales suppl{\'e}mentaires},
author={Cahuzac, B and Poignant, A},
journal={Revue de Pal{\'e}obiologie, volume sp{\'e}cial},
title={Etude p{\'e}trographique des formations meubles de la Gascogne, du Pays Basque et de leur littoral},
author={Duplaix, Solange},
publisher={Soci{\'e}t{\'e} g{\'e}ologique de France}
title={Les facies des sables fauves (Vindobonien superieur) dans le bassin d'Aquitaine},
author={Bergounioux, Frederic Marie and Crouzel, Fernand},
journal={Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} G{\'e}ologique de France},
publisher={Societe Geologique de France Paris, France}
title={Description géologique et paléontologique des
communes de Saint-Estèphe et de Vertheuil},
author={Benoist, E},
journal={Actes de la Société
linnéenne de Bordeaux},
title={Les d{\'e}p{\^o}ts n{\'e}og{\`e}nes de la r{\'e}gion de Salles et Mios(Nord du Bassin d'Aquitaine, France). R{\'e}vision du {\guillemotleft}Sallomacien{\guillemotright}, {\'e}tude de la macrofaune et consid{\'e}rations pal{\'e}o{\'e}cologiques et pal{\'e}og{\'e}ographiques},
author={Folliot, Michel},
title={Description g{\'e}ologique des terrains tertiaires du M{\'e}doc et essai sur la structure tectonique du d{\'e}partement de la Gironde},
author={Fabre, Andr{\'e}},
school={E. Drouillard}
title={Statistique g{\'e}ologique et agronomique du d{\'e}partement des Landes, ex{\'e}cut{\'e}e et publi{\'e}e sous les auspices du Conseil g{\'e}n{\'e}ral. Troisi{\`e}me partie. Terrains tertiaire et d'alluvion de la partie occidentale du d{\'e}partement et additions, par V. Raulin,...},
author={Raulin, Victor},
publisher={L. Laurent fils}
title={Esquisse g{\'e}ologique des terrains tertiaires du Sud-Ouest de la France (suite)},
author={Benoist, EA},
journal={Journal d'Histoire naturelle de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest},
title={Note sur la constitution g{\'e}ologique du vallon de Moras, pr{\`e}s La Br{\`e}de},
author={Benoist, EA},
journal={Actes de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Linn{\'e}enne de Bordeaux},