Pour traduire en français l'exemple le calendrier de l'auteur de Ti*k*Z publié sur cet excellent site qu'est [texample.net](http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/calendar-circles/), il suffit :
* de déclarer la langue française (`\documentclass[french]{article}`, puis, à la toute fin du préambule, `\usepackage{babel}`)
* et d'utiliser l'extension `translator`, du même Till Tantau : `\usepackage[french]{translator}`.
Voici l'ECM correspondant :
:Title: A calendar of circles
:Tags: Foreach
:Author: Till Tantau
:Slug: calendar-circles
A calendar example from the PGF manual. Modifications are
- changes in font family and size commands
- shaded background circle
- shaded month circles
- font sizes and distances.
% A counter, since TikZ is not clever enough (yet) to handle
% arbitrary angle systems.
\begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape,
every day/.style={anchor=mid,font=\tiny}]
\node[circle,shading=radial,outer color=blue!30,inner color=white,
minimum width=15cm] {\textcolor{blue!80!black}{\Huge\the\year}};
\foreach \month/\monthcolor in
7/summer,8/summer,9/fall,10/fall,11/fall,12/winter} {
% Computer angle:
\advance\mycount by -1
\multiply\mycount by 30
\advance\mycount by -90
\shadedraw[shading=radial,outer color=\monthcolor!30,middle color=white,
inner color=white,draw=none] (\the\mycount:5.4cm) circle(1.4cm);
% The actual calendar
\calendar at (\the\mycount:5.4cm) [
dates=\the\year-\month-01 to \the\year-\month-last]
if (day of month=1) {\large\color{\monthcolor!50!black}\tikzmonthcode}
if (Sunday) [red]
if (all) {
% Again, compute angle
\advance\mycount by -\pgfcalendarcurrentday
\multiply\mycount by 11
\advance\mycount by 90