J'ai récupéré le code source d'une macro définie dans le package tkz-tools écrit par Stéphane Pasquet afin de créer ma propre macro.

Lors de la compilation via PDFlatex je reçois le message d'erreur suivant Undefined control sequence \define.

Ouvrir dans l'éditeur Overleaf


\draw (-0.3,0.6) -- (0,0) -- (0.3,0.6);
\draw[fill=black] (-0.1,0.2) -- (0.1,0.2) -- (0,0) -- cycle;%Pointe du crayon
\draw[fill=gray] (0.3,0.6) arc(90:180:0.1) arc(0:180:0.1) arc(0:180:0.1) arc(0:90:0.1) -- (-0.3,6) -- (0.3,6) -- cycle;%Corps du crayon
\draw (-0.2,6) -- (-0.2,0.55) (0,6) -- (0,0.55) (0.2,6) -- (0.2,0.55);%Traits verticaux


%-----------> \tkzPen <-------------------
\define@cmdkey[PAS]{tkzPen}{angle}{}     % première ligne référencée par l'erreur signalée
\define@cmdkey [PAS] {tkzPen} {color}{}
\define@cmdkey [PAS] {tkzPen} {xscale}{}
\define@cmdkey [PAS] {tkzPen} {yscale}{}
\presetkeys    [PAS] {tkzPen} {color = red, angle = 30, xscale=1, yscale=1}{}
\begin{scope}[shift={(#2)},rotate=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@angle, xscale=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@xscale, yscale=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@yscale]
\fill[wood] (0,5) circle[x radius=5mm, y radius=2mm];
\fill[wood] (-0.5,1) to[bend right=30] (-0.25,1.2) arc (180:360:0.25cm) to[bend right=30] (0.5,1) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@color] (116.565:2mm) -- (63.435:2mm) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@color] (-0.5,5) -- (-0.5,1) to[bend right=30] (-0.25,1.2) arc (180:360:0.25cm) to[bend right=30] (0.5,1) -- (0.5,5) arc (0:-180:0.5cm and 0.2cm);
\fill[fill=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@color] (116.565:2mm) -- (63.435:2mm) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
\fill[\cmdPAS@tkzPen@color] (0,5) circle[x radius=1.5mm, y radius=0.5mm];
\draw (-0.5,5) -- (-0.5,1) -- (0,0) -- (0.5,1) -- (0.5,5) arc (0:-360:0.5cm and 0.2cm);
\draw (-0.25,4.82) -- (-0.25,1.2) arc(180:360:0.25cm and 0.25cm) -- (0.25,4.82);
\draw (-0.25,1.2) to[bend left=30] (-0.5,1);
\draw (0.25,1.2) to[bend right=30] (0.5,1);



Posée 09 Sep '19, 10:05

pdesmons's gravatar image

Taux d'acceptation : 40%

Modifiée 10 Sep '19, 00:38

Pathe's gravatar image

Pathe ♦♦

  • @ est un symbole spécial, il doit être entouré de \makeatletter ... \makeatother

  • \tkzPen[...] doit être entouré de \begin{tikzpicture}...\end{tikzpicture}

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%-----------> \tkzPen <-------------------
\define@cmdkey [PAS] {tkzPen} {angle}{}    
\define@cmdkey [PAS] {tkzPen} {color}{}
\define@cmdkey [PAS] {tkzPen} {xscale}{}
\define@cmdkey [PAS] {tkzPen} {yscale}{}
\presetkeys    [PAS] {tkzPen} {color = red, angle = 30, xscale=1, yscale=1}{}
    \begin{scope}[shift={(#2)},rotate=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@angle, xscale=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@xscale, yscale=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@yscale]
        \fill[wood] (0,5) circle[x radius=5mm, y radius=2mm];
        \fill[wood] (-0.5,1) to[bend right=30] (-0.25,1.2) arc (180:360:0.25cm) to[bend right=30] (0.5,1) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
        \fill[fill=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@color] (116.565:2mm) -- (63.435:2mm) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
        \fill[fill=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@color] (-0.5,5) -- (-0.5,1) to[bend right=30] (-0.25,1.2) arc (180:360:0.25cm) to[bend right=30] (0.5,1) -- (0.5,5) arc (0:-180:0.5cm and 0.2cm);
        \fill[fill=\cmdPAS@tkzPen@color] (116.565:2mm) -- (63.435:2mm) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
        \fill[\cmdPAS@tkzPen@color] (0,5) circle[x radius=1.5mm, y radius=0.5mm];
        \draw (-0.5,5) -- (-0.5,1) -- (0,0) -- (0.5,1) -- (0.5,5) arc (0:-360:0.5cm and 0.2cm);
        \draw (-0.25,4.82) -- (-0.25,1.2) arc(180:360:0.25cm and 0.25cm) -- (0.25,4.82);
        \draw (-0.25,1.2) to[bend left=30] (-0.5,1);
        \draw (0.25,1.2) to[bend right=30] (0.5,1);

    \draw (-0.3,0.6) -- (0,0) -- (0.3,0.6);
    \draw[fill=black] (-0.1,0.2) -- (0.1,0.2) -- (0,0) -- cycle;%Pointe du crayon
    \draw[fill=gray] (0.3,0.6) arc(90:180:0.1) arc(0:180:0.1) arc(0:180:0.1) arc(0:90:0.1) -- (-0.3,6) -- (0.3,6) -- cycle;%Corps du crayon
    \draw (-0.2,6) -- (-0.2,0.55) (0,6) -- (0,0.55) (0.2,6) -- (0.2,0.55);%Traits verticaux




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Publiée 09 Sep '19, 11:24

samcarter's gravatar image

Taux d'acceptation : 57%

Modifiée 09 Sep '19, 13:37

C'est exactement ça !!!

(12 Sep '19, 18:41) pdesmons pdesmons's gravatar image
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